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Honestly,do boys prefer girls with or without makeup?

Quora精选  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-08-18 17:24


Do boys prefer girls with or without makeup?

Art versus Science

Boys are not attracted to make up. Boys are attracted to good-looking women.

- It's science.

How women achieve an appearance of being “good-looking” can be achieved through make up.

- That's art.

In the male’s subconscious beauty usually indicates good genes for potential offsprings. This may sound like too much advanced thinking but these thoughts are embedded in the subconscious. This is science. Males in general (but not all) would want a healthy (indicated by symmetrical shaped face aka “beautiful”) offspring. 【aka:又名】

Let’s go to if males prefer women with make up or not.

Most males would say they prefer the natural look.

In my eyes this is an attractive woman.(Photo below). And I’ve asked four male workmates if they would date this woman (romantically) and long term.

Or this lady right here

Both are attractive women but four of them chose the one with no make up.

Several times I have heard my male friends from different circles make fun of women who wear too much make up. They equate it to overcompensation. Thus they tend to think something is lacking in other aspects of that female’s life because of this elaborate facade of a make up.

This is a photo of a woman (in a bunch of photos) my friends say she is wearing too much make up and they would prefer to see if she wasn’t wearing any.

I know this and I understand this perfectly well. Though I am not a fan of full face make up for myself, I do enjoy watching make up gurus put on layers and layers of make up on youtube for hours on end. I appreciate the art and process.


But this is something most males do not understand.

You’re lucky of you find a guy that does! Men are clueless. They do not even know if she has make up on or not.

This is the type of make up males do not mind (and most can’t even tell).

Nobody is perfect. If a little bit (or too much make up) is needed to boost a woman’s confidence then let her be. As a conclusion, it’s all about preference. Some males want eye-catching women who put on the art of make up. Some prefer a more effortless vibe from their girl and go for the natural look. Different folks, different strokes. You just have to find your match in other aspects in life, like really connect. Then anything else that comes along (wih or without make up) wouldn’t really be a deal breaker.

@Johnny Hua

All boys (or men) are different. It depends on culture, how much they care about society’s standards, and how much attention they put in to even notice.

Personally, I don’t care, and there’s 99% chance I won’t even notice it. Guys are clueless when it comes to women’s cosmetics.

For example, a friend of mine snapped me a photo of herself asking, “does it look good?”. I ended up questioning why she was wearing black in the middle of summer. Turns out she was actually asking about her eye liner(she doesn’t wear makeup), not her outfit.

As for me, the only thing I can really notice is the eye liner for your wing. Anything else from that, and I won’t notice. I don’t know the difference between mascara(睫毛膏)and concealer(遮瑕霜), and nor I do care or want to know. If I do notice it, I’ll simply compliment you.
