专栏名称: 名师联室内设计智库
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  名师联室内设计智库

【CCD最新力新作】1200㎡以竹为设计元素售楼中心,穿梭时光的流转 !

名师联室内设计智库  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-29 09:30


领秀金沙位于四川省成都市青羊区外金沙板块,千年蜀都有著浓厚的文化底蕴及极具特色的人文色彩,是本次设计灵感的主要来源。 Lingxiu Jinsha is located in the outer Jinsha area of Qingyang District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. The millennium old capital of Shu has a strong cultural heritage and distinctive humanistic color, which is the main source of inspiration for this design.

以竹为设计元素,「蜀南竹海,四季皆宜,嫩竹泻翠,林荫蔽日」描绘出成都惬意的自然生态之美经过一片惬意的诗意树林,一片繁花似锦。 Using bamboo as a design element, the bamboo sea in southern Sichuan is suitable for all seasons, with tender bamboo flowing green and shade blocking the sun, depicting the comfortable natural ecological beauty of Chengdu. After passing through a pleasant poetic forest, it is like a blooming flower.

现代的手法诠释竹与花的韵律之美,逐步实现了「自然之美,草野之趣」的设计理念。粗犷奔放的竹节与细腻柔曲的花朵形成了完美的视觉张力,犹如一曲动人的自然交响。 Modern techniques interpret the rhythmic beauty of bamboo and flowers, gradually realizing the design concept of "the beauty of nature and the fun of the grass and wilderness". The rough and unrestrained bamboo joints and delicate and soft flowers form a perfect visual tension, like a moving natural symphony.


The entire space gives people a feeling of returning to simplicity, as if walking into an elegant courtyard secluded from the world. This place satisfies people's longing for nature and injects a fresh and refined atmosphere.


The elegant glass lighting fixtures are inspired by the beautiful petal shape of the wood hibiscus, and the lively larks surround the layered flowers. The gentle breeze is like a lively spring song.


汲取城市朝阳的艺术色彩焕发生机,将古老的语言与未来主义的表达方式融合,营造出一处格调卓然的文艺空间。 Drawing on the artistic colors of the rising sun of the city, revitalizing it, integrating ancient language with futuristic expressions, and creating a distinctive literary and artistic space.

以金沙文化为出发点,金丝刺绣的艺术屏风,配合光影高低、荡漾起伏,让艺术品拥有极具通透灵动的视觉感受。 Starting from the Jinsha culture, the art screen embroidered with gold thread, combined with the ups and downs of light and shadow, creates a highly transparent and dynamic visual experience for the artwork.

休闲椅独特之处不仅在于黑色皮革装饰搭配短腿个圆盘形平台,为设计融入俏皮、优雅的细节,坐起来懒惰舒适。 The uniqueness of leisure chairs lies not only in the black leather decoration paired with short legs and circular platforms, incorporating playful and elegant details into the design, making sitting lazy and comfortable.


雅致的灯光、流畅的线条、隽永的韵味,无不体现出蜀风雅韵的独特魅力。 The elegant lighting, smooth lines, and timeless charm all reflect the unique charm of Sichuan style and elegance.


这里犹如一处文化沙龙,静谧而内敛,质地纹理各异的装饰品,以及古朴流畅的建筑线条,无不融合了成都独有的文化气韵。 This place is like a cultural salon, quiet and introverted, with decorations of different textures and textures, as well as ancient and smooth architectural lines, all blending the unique cultural charm of Chengdu.
