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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  AEii国际应用能源

【Applied Energy】还原氧化石墨烯包覆的氧化锰对氨离子电池的物理化学效应

AEii国际应用能源  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-11-27 12:16



Investigating the physical-chemical effects of reduced graphene oxide-covered manganese oxide on ammonium-ion batteries



(1) 还原氧化石墨烯覆盖在MnO x 表面提高了MnO x 基铵离子电池的性能

(2) 还原氧化石墨烯作为阻隔层可抑制Mn 2+ 和NO x - 离子向电解液中扩散

(3) 研究了还原氧化石墨烯对电解液中NH 4 + 离子的电化学行为的影响

Research gap



水系铵离子电池逐渐受到人们的关注。电沉积氧化锰(MnO x )电极在储存NH 4 + 方面表现出优异的电化学性能。然而,由于MnO x 的导电性差和自溶性,限制了其作为铵离子电池电极材料的广泛应用。在本研究工作中,通过电化学覆盖法,将还原氧化石墨烯(rGO)包覆在MnO x 表面,以改善MnO x 作为铵离子电池正极的性能。rGO作为导电层(快速的电子运输)、阻隔层(抑制Mn 2+ 和NO x - 扩散)以及其电容特性(吸附Mn 2+ 和NO x - )使rGO 60 /MnO x 表现出优异的倍率性能(5 A g -1 ,109 mAh g -1 )和循环稳定性能(循环1000圈,比容量保持率为92.6%)。此外,本文还研究了NH 4 + 在还原氧化石墨烯层上的氧化还原过程,以考察电解质的稳定性。实验结果表明NH 4 + 在还原氧化石墨烯层上的氧化还原具有高可逆性和低活性。这一研究结果表明还原氧化石墨烯适合作为改善MnO x 性能的功能化组分。本研究为铵离子电池电极的设计提供了一种新的思路。

Abstr act

Aqueous ammonium-ion batteries have attracted more attentions. Electrodeposited manganese oxide (MnO x ) electrodes stand out electrochemical behaviors for storing NH 4 + . However, the unsatisfied conductivity and dissolution of MnO x impede electrochemical properties of MnO x for applying in ammonium-ion batteries. In this work, electrochemical coverage of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) layers on MnO x was carried out to improve the properties of MnO x as a positive electrode of ammonium-ion batteries. The improvements are attributed to three functions of rGO additives to engage as conductive layers (fast electron transportation), blocking layers (inhibition of Mn 2+ diffusion) and capacitive behaviors (adsorption of Mn 2+ and NO x - ), which makes sure the excellent rate capability (109 mAh g -1 at 5 A g -1 ) and cycling stability (92.6% after 1000 cycles) of rGO 60 /MnO x . In addition, we also studied the redox of NH 4 + on rGO layers to investigate the stability of electrolyte, and the redox of NH 4 + on rGO layers is highly reversible and low active, which implies that the rGO is suitable to be a functionalized component for improving the properties of MnO x to apply in ammonium-ion batteries. This work provides a new thought to design electrodes with comprehensive strategies for ammonium-ion batteries.


Electrochemical coverage

Reduced graphene oxide

Aqueous ammonium-ion batteries

MnO x

