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【EMBA体验课】为创新型企业精准定制营销战略 11月12日@北京——报名!

MBA俱乐部  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-10-30 18:12



美国马里兰大学全球领导力EMBA 课程将于 2017年11月12日 开放半日,诚邀您体验。您将体验世界顶级教授带来的模拟案例分析;与现任EMBA高管学员一起午餐交流;EMBA校友也将分享他们毕业后职场攀升的经验。

The Smith Business School offers you the opportunity to lead fearlessly! Join the Smith Business School's EMBA for a day on November 12,  2017 and participate in a class simulation where you will learn more about our unique EMBA program and executive coaching tailored to every student, and network with our high caliber EMBA students and alumni to hear different perspectives and stories of their career transformation.



  • 世界一流教授

  • 一对一高管培训

  • 遍及全球的强大校友网络

  • 著名美国大学学习经历及工商管理硕士学位

  • 在中国极具竞争力的学费,仅为美国校区的2/3

Ranked No. 10 in the U.S. by Financial Times 2017, the University of Maryland's Global Leadership EMBA Program in Beijing hand-selects the best Smith School professors to teach a curriculum designed to ensure business leaders master the most crucial skills to succeed in the Chinese market that is fast-paced, data-driven and complex.

Our distinctive points include:

  • World-Class Faculty

  • Executive Coaching

  • Original US MBA Degree

  • Strong Alumni Community

  • Competitive Tuition in China

  • Cohesive US Business School Learning Experience


EMBA Class Simulation on Market Entry Strategy

报名体验史密斯商学院EMBA FOR A DAY!

Come and join the Smith EMBA FOR A DAY!

【日期】 :2017年11月12日

【时间】 :11:00至15:00

【地点】 :对外经济贸易大学(北京)

【Date】 : November 12, 2017

【Time】 : 11:00 am to 3 pm

【Venue】 : University of International  Business and Economics (Beijing)


Topic——Market Entry Strategy for Business' Innovation

创新是企业成长的核心动力。 在不断变革的中国商业市场中,为创新型产品或服务制定精准营销战略则是企业立足长远发展的关键。美国马里兰大学史密斯商学院JudyFrels教授将通过创新型企业进入市场的实际案例为您讲解市场投放的策略及其具体实施。此次EMBA模拟课堂将提升企业领导者对市场的前瞻性及专业营销人员必备的营销洞察力。

Innovation is the key to business growth or even its survival.  Developing the right marketing strategy for your innovative products or services is critical to business success in this constantly changing business environment.  Professor Judy Frels will share her remarkable marketing knowledge on market entry strategy and illustrate how to implement it through a case simulation.  This EMBA class simulation will make marketing insights accessible to business leaders and marketing professionals.

