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古玩元素网  · 公众号  · 手工艺  · 2017-03-15 18:00



纽约邦瀚斯2017纽约亚洲艺术周春季拍卖会 大师之像: 藏传佛教法系造像108尊 最终总成交额高达成交额 : 6,760,125 USD!折合人民币大约在4700万 近乎5000万元!

Lot 3201 西藏 十八世纪 铜鎏金尊者像三尊

估价:30,000-50,000 USD

尺寸:最大者高16.7 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.76-7, 80-1 & 92-3, nos.1, 3 & 9. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.146-7, nos.91-3.

成交价: 62,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3202 西藏 十六世纪 铜鎏金罗怙罗像

估价:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高13.9 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.86-7, no.6. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.148, no.94.

成交价: 75,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3203 西藏 十八世纪 铜鎏金戒博迦像

估价:30,000-50,000 USD

尺寸:高15.8 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.90-1, no.8. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.149, no.96. Provenance: Christie's, Amsterdam, 21 November 1990, lot 261

成交价: 25,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3204 西藏 十六/十七世纪 铜鎏金迦里迦像

估价:60,000-80,000 USD

尺寸:高21 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.84-5, no.5. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.148, no.95.

成交价: 106,250 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3205 西藏 十八世纪 铜鎏金迦里迦像

估价:6,000-8,000 USD

尺寸:高10.3 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.82-3, no.4. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.149, no.97.

成交价: 4,750 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3206 西藏 十八世纪 铜鎏金阿氏多像

估价:6,000-8,000 USD

尺寸:高11.3 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.78-9, no.2. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.155, no.102.

成交价: 5,625 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3209 不丹 十八世纪 铜鎏金莲花生大士像

估价:40,000-60,000 USD

尺寸:高21.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.108-9, no.11. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.154, no.101.

成交价: 40,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3210 西藏 十五世纪 铜鎏金莲花生大士像

估价:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高20.2 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.110-1, no.12. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.153, no.100.

成交价: 27,500 USD (含买家佣金)

成交价: 137,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3212 西藏 十四世纪 铜错银班智达像

估价:7,000-10,000 USD

尺寸:高15.4 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.112-3, no.14. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.159, no.106.

成交价: 17,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3213 西藏 十三/十四世纪 班智达铜像

估价:1,000-1,500 USD

尺寸:高7.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, p.112, no.13. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.159, no.105.

成交价: 7,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3214 西藏 约十二世纪 喇嘛铜像

估价:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高11.3 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.112-3, no.15.

成交价: 47,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3215 西藏 约十五世纪 铜鎏金大成就者恰利耶巴像

估价:20,000-30,000 USD

尺寸:高13 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.336-7, no.97. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.208, no.177. Published: Christie's, New York, 17 September 1997, lot 135

成交价: 17,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3216 西藏 约十五世纪 铜鎏金大成就者索喀利卡像

估价:7,000-10,000 USD

尺寸:高12.3 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.338-9, no.98. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.209, no.179.

成交价: 15,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3217 西藏 十八世纪 铜鎏金帝洛巴与那洛巴像两尊

估价:6,000-8,000 USD

尺寸:高12.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.138-41, no.17 & 18. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, pp.160-2, no.107 & 108.

成交价: 20,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3218 西藏 十八世纪 铜鎏金马尔巴确吉洛卓像

估价:100,000-150,000 USD

尺寸:高15.1 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.142-3, no.19. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.163, no.109.

成交价: 247,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3219 西藏 十八世纪 铜鎏金密勒日巴像

估价:50,000-80,000 USD

尺寸:高18.2 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.144-5, no.20. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.164, no.110.

成交价: 115,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3220 西藏 十八世纪 错银错红铜密勒日巴铜像

估价:40,000-60,000 USD

尺寸:高15.7 cm

成交价: 40,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3221 西藏 十八世纪 铜鎏金密勒日巴像

估价:40,000-60,000 USD

尺寸:高16 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.148-9, no.23. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.166, no.113.

成交价: 37,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3222 西藏 十六世纪 密勒日巴铜像

估价:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高12 cm

成交价: 15,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3223 西藏 约十四世纪 扎辰衮噶巴桑铜像

估价:5,000-7,000 USD

尺寸:高12.2 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.200-1, no.50. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.186, no.139. Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, 17 June 1993, lot 268

成交价: 20,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3226 西藏 十八世纪 铜鎏金冈波巴像

估价:10,000-15,000 USD

尺寸:高14.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.158-9, no.27. Huang Chunhe, Xizang Dansatisi Lishi Yanjiu, Beijing, 2016, p.45. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.168, no.115.

成交价: 8,750 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3227 西藏 十三世纪 鎏金错银错红铜喇嘛向铜像

估价:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高8 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.176-7, no.36. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.170, no.118.

成交价: 35,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3228 西藏 十六世纪 铜鎏金二世噶玛巴噶玛巴西像

估价:80,000-120,000 USD

尺寸:高18.5 cm

成交价: 137,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3229 西藏 十四/十五世纪 二世噶玛巴噶玛巴西铜像

估价:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高13.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.162-3, no.29. David P. Jackson, Patron and Painter: Situ Panchen and the Revival of the Encampment Style, New York, 2009, p.52, fig.3.24 (misattributed to the Nyingjei Lam Collection). Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.174, no.122. Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, 23 March 1995, lot 184

成交价: 18,750 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3230 西藏 十五/十六世纪 喇嘛铜像

估价:20,000-30,000 USD

尺寸:高17.2 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.172-3, no.33. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.184, no.134. Provenance: Sotheby's, London, 10 July 1973, lot 101

成交价: 21,250 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3231 西藏 十四世纪 错银错红铜一世贡噶喇嘛札巴贝铜像

估价:20,000-30,000 USD

尺寸:高15.1 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.188-9, no.44. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.185, no.137.

成交价: 87,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3232 西藏 十二十三世纪 帕木竹巴铜像

估价:2,000-3,000 USD

尺寸:高5.7 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.178-9, no.37. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.169, no.117.

成交价: 8,125 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3233 西藏 约十三世纪 噶举喇嘛铜像

估价:5,000-7,000 USD

尺寸:高9.2 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.186-7, no.42. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.185, no.136.

成交价: 12,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3234 西藏 十三/十四世纪 错银错红铜噶举喇嘛铜像

估价:10,000-15,000 USD

尺寸:高11 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, p.187, no.43. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.186, no.138.

成交价: 13,750 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3235 西藏 十四世纪 错红铜噶举喇嘛铜像

估价:5,000-7,000 USD

尺寸:高11.7 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.178-9, no.38. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.189, no.143. Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, 24 September, 1997, lot 298

成交价: 37,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3236 西藏 十三世纪 铜鎏金吉天颂恭仁钦贝像

估价:250,000-350,000 USD

尺寸:高23.3 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.192-3, no.46. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.223, no.200.

成交价: 463,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3237 西藏 约十四世纪 铜鎏金竹巴或直贡噶举喇嘛像

估价:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高16.7 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.195-6, no.47. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.172, no.120.

成交价: 16,250 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3238 西藏 十五世纪 铜错银拉尊曲杰像

估价:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高14 cm

成交价: 47,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3239 西藏 约十六世纪 噶举喇嘛铜像

估价:4,000-6,000 USD

尺寸:高16.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, p.200, no.51. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.188, no.142. Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, 24 September 1997, lot 289

成交价: 35,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3240 西藏 十三/十四世纪 错红铜噶举喇嘛铜像

估价:4,000-6,000 USD

尺寸:高12 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.182-3, no.40. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.187, no.140. Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, 4 June 1994, lot 238

成交价: 6,875 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3241 西藏 十四世纪 大噶尔铜像

估价:5,000-7,000 USD

尺寸:高12 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.174-5, no.34. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.184, no.135.

成交价: 7,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3242 西藏 十三世纪 错银错红铜噶举喇嘛铜像

估价:30,000-50,000 USD

尺寸:高17.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.180-1, no.39. Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.171, no.119. Provenance: Spink & Son Ltd, Tibetan Art at Spink, London, 1992, no.25 Sotheby's, New York, 16/17 September 1998, lot 


成交价: 56,250 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3243 西藏 十五/十六世纪 铜鎏金五世噶玛巴德新谢巴像

估价:150,000-200,000 USD

尺寸:高18 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.166-9, no.31. David P. Jackson, Patron and Painter: Situ Panchen and the Revival of the Encampment Style, New York, 2009, p.68, fig.3.56 (misattributed to the Nyingjei Lam Collection). Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.177, no.125.

成交价: 343,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3244 藏中 十六世纪 铜错银藏纽赫鲁加像

估价:100,000-150,000 USD

尺寸:高20 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.154-5, no.25. Matthew Akester, Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo's Guide to Central Tibet, Chicago, 2016, p. 423. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.179, no.127. Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, 20 March 1997, lot 112

成交价: 319,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3245 西藏 十六世纪 铜鎏金藏纽赫鲁加像

估价:20,000-30,000 USD

尺寸:高16.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.156-7, no.26. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.180, no.128. Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, 23 March 1995, lot 196

成交价: 56,250 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3246 西藏 十六世纪 铜鎏金杰登旺朱像

估价:30,000-50,000 USD

尺寸:高23.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.190-1, no.45. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.180, no.129.

成交价: 30,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3247 西藏 十六/十七世纪 铜鎏金二世巴俄祖拉陈瓦像

估价:10,000-15,000 USD

尺寸:高9.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.174-5, no.35. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.181, no.131.

成交价: 11,250 USD (含买家佣金)

成交价: 391,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3250 西藏 十四/十五世纪 错银错红铜噶举喇嘛铜像

估价:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高16.8 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.184-5, no.41. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.188, no.141.

成交价: 47,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3251 西藏 十六世纪 铜错银毘鲁巴像

估价:5,000-8,000 USD

尺寸:高8.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.220-1, no.52. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.192, no.145. Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, 20 March 1997, lot 202

成交价: 25,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3252 藏中 十六世纪 铜鎏金甘赫像

估价:20,000-30,000 USD

尺寸:高20 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.222-3, no.53. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.192, no.146.

成交价: 25,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3253 西藏 约十五世纪 铜鎏金古萨里像

估价:30,000-50,000 USD

尺寸:高25.6 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.334-5, no.96. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.203, no.167. Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, 4 June 1994, lot 239 Sotheby's, New York, 24 September 1997, lot 255

成交价: 35,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3254 西藏 十五世纪 铜鎏金刚塔帕达像

估价:120,000-160,000 USD

尺寸:高25.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.224-7, no.54. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.193, no.147.

成交价: 271,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3255 西藏 十六世纪 铜鎏金卓弥洛擦瓦释迦益西像

估价:40,000-60,000 USD

尺寸:高19 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.228-9, no.55. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.193, no.148.

成交价: 75,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3256 西藏 十五/十六世纪 铜错银仙通秋巴像

估价:30,000-50,000 USD

尺寸:高20.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.236-7, no.59. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.196, no.154.

成交价: 40,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3257 西藏 十六世纪 仙通秋巴铜像

估价:20,000-30,000 USD

尺寸:高18 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.234-5, no.58. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.197, no.155.

成交价: 87,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3258 西藏 十五/十六世纪 铜错银萨钦贡噶宁波像

估价:30,000-50,000 USD

尺寸:高21 cm

成交价: 25,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3259 西藏 十六世纪晚期至十七世纪 萨钦贡噶宁波铜像

估价:50,000-80,000 USD

尺寸:高17.7 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.240-1, no.61. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.195, no.151.

成交价: 50,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3260 西藏 十五/十六世纪 铜错银索南泽莫像

估价:20,000-30,000 USD

尺寸:高16.8 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.244-5, no.63. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.196, no.153.

成交价: 62,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3262 西藏 约十五世纪 萨迦道果传承上师一组六尊

估价:200,000-300,000 USD

尺寸:最大者高13.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.230-3, 242-3, 250-1, & 254-7, nos.56-7, 62, 66 & 68-9. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, pp.190-1, 194-5, 200 & 202-3, nos.144, 150, 152, 162 & 165-6.

成交价: 727,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3263 西藏 十五世纪早期 秋吉八思巴洛卓嘉赞铜像

估价:30,000-50,000 USD

尺寸:高15.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.245-6, no.64. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.198, no.157. Provenance: Christie's, New York, 17 September 1997, lot 116

成交价: 47,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3264 西藏 十五/十六世纪 错银错红铜贡噶嘉波铜像

估价:20,000-30,000 USD

尺寸:高17.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.248-9, no.65. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.202, no.164.

成交价: 22,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3266 西藏 约十七世纪 铜鎏金哦钦贡噶桑波像

估价:2,000-3,000 USD

尺寸:高6.1 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, p.258, no.70. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.200, no.161.

成交价: 3,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3268 西藏 约1468年 铜鎏金伐那惹那像

估价:120,000-160,000 USD

尺寸:高22.7 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.340-1, no.99. David P. Jackson, Mirror of the Buddha, New York, 2011, pp.96-7, figs.3.21A&B. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.208, no.176. Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, 16/17 September 1998, lot 133

成交价: 295,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3269 西藏 十五/十六世纪 铜错银帕登贡布像

估价:30,000-50,000 USD

尺寸:高19.5 cm

成交价: 35,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3270 西藏 十五/十六世纪 恭初云丹铜像

估价:40,000-60,000 USD

尺寸:高19.2 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.274-5, no.78. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.207, no.174. Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, 27 March 1991, lot 113

成交价: 43,750 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3271 西藏 十五/十六世纪 错银错红铜阿旺札巴铜像

估价:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高12.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.264-5, no.73. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.206, no.173. Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, 2 June 1992, lot 225

成交价: 37,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3272 西藏 十六世纪 萨迦喇嘛铜像

估价:5,000-7,000 USD

尺寸:高18 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.276-7, no.79. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.178, no.126.

成交价: 6,875 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3273 藏中 十五世纪 铜错银桑吉毗像

估价:100,000-150,000 USD

尺寸:高22.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.260-3, no.72. Matthew Akester, Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo's Guide to Central Tibet, Chicago, 2016, p. 527 Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.197, no.155.

成交价: 319,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3275 西藏 十六世纪 铜错银罗俄索南伦珠像

估价:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高11.3 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.268-9, no.75. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.206, no.172.

成交价: 31,250 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3277 西藏 十六世纪 铜错银罗俄索南伦珠像

估价:10,000-15,000 USD

尺寸:高15 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.272-3, no.77. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.207, no.175.

成交价: 8,750 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3278 西藏 十五/十六世纪 喇嘛铜像

估价:6,000-8,000 USD

尺寸:高10.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.310-1, no.85. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.213, no.183.

成交价: 5,625 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3280 西藏 十五世纪 萨迦喇嘛铜像

估价:20,000-30,000 USD

尺寸:高12.7 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, p.276, no.80. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.209, no.178. Provenance: Christie's, Amsterdam, 19 November 1997, lot 71

成交价: 106,250 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3282 西藏 约十五世纪 喇嘛铜像

估价:4,000-6,000 USD

尺寸:高11 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.346-7, no.102. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.220, no.195.

成交价: 7,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3283 西藏 十四/十五世纪 僧格嘉森铜

估价:5,000-7,000 USD

尺寸:高8.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, p.346, no.101. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.214, no.184.

成交价: 31,250 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3284 西藏 十四/十五世纪 僧格嘉森铜像

估价:20,000-30,000 USD


尺寸:高15.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.342-5, no.100. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.214, no.185.

成交价: 131,250 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3285 西藏 十五/十六世纪 铜错银喇嘛像

估价:40,000-60,000 USD

尺寸:高21 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.312-3, no.86. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.213, no.182. Provenance: Christie's, Amsterdam, 23 October 1991, lot 130

成交价: 37,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3286 西藏 约十七世纪 铜鎏金喇嘛像

估价:20,000-30,000 USD

尺寸:高16.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.350-1, no.105. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.221, no.196.

成交价: 18,750 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3287 西藏 十六世纪晚期至十七世纪 铜鎏金喇嘛像

估价:30,000-50,000 USD

尺寸:高18 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.354-5, no.108. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.204, no.168.

成交价: 25,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3288 清朝 十七世纪 铜鎏金格鲁喇嘛像

估价:60,000-80,000 USD

尺寸:高26.5 cm

成交价: 60,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3289 西藏 十六世纪晚期至十七世纪 铜鎏金罗登谢洛像

估价:100,000-150,000 USD

尺寸:高23.8 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.304-7, no.83. Matthew Akester, Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo's Guide to Central Tibet, Chicago, 2016, p.228. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.212, no.181. Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, 24 September 1997, lot 89

成交价: 93,750 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3290 西藏 十六世纪晚期至十七世纪 铜鎏金二世达赖喇嘛根敦嘉措像

估价:100,000-150,000 USD

尺寸:高20 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.308-9, no.84. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.215, no.186. Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, 26 March 1998, lot 144.

成交价: 199,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3291 清朝 十八世纪 铜鎏金七世达赖喇嘛格桑嘉措像

估价:3,000-5,000 USD

尺寸:高10 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.314-5, no.87. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.220, no.194.

成交价: 3,125 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3292 西藏 十八世纪 铜鎏金格鲁喇嘛像

估价:10,000-15,000 USD

尺寸:高8 cm

Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.216, no.187. Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, 24 September, 1997, lot 299

成交价: 10,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3293 西藏 十七世纪 铜鎏金一世班禅喇嘛罗桑却吉坚赞像

估价:200,000-300,000 USD

尺寸:高27.5 cm

成交价: 199,500 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3294 西藏 十七世纪 铜鎏金一世班禅喇嘛罗桑却吉坚赞像

估价:50,000-70,000 USD

尺寸:高22.2 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.320-3, no.90. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.219, no.193.

成交价: 56,250 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3295 西藏 十七世纪 铜鎏金二世班禅喇嘛罗桑意希像

估价:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高9.7 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.324-5, no.91. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.217, no.189. Provenance: Christie's, New York, 3 October 1990, lot 167

成交价: 35,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3297 乾隆时期 铜鎏金三世章嘉呼图克图若必多吉像

估价:5,000-7,000 USD

尺寸:高9.7 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.326-7, no.93. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.218, no.191.

成交价: 5,250 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3298 西藏 约十九世纪 铜鎏金喇嘛像

估价:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高15.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.330-1, no.95. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.216, no.188.

成交价: 15,000 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3299 西藏 十五/十六世纪 铜鎏金喇嘛像

估价:8,000-12,000 USD

尺寸:高15.5 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.348-9, no.103. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.159, no.199.

成交价: 9,375 USD (含买家佣金)

Lot 3300 乾隆时期 铜鎏金三世章嘉呼图克图若必多吉像

估价:150,000-200,000 USD

尺寸:高33 cm

Published: Portraits of the Masters, pp.328-9, no.94. Published & Exhibited: Monasterios y Lamas del Tibet, p.217, no.190. Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, 30 November 1994, lot 79

成交价: 137,500 USD (含买家佣金)








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