The fight over remote working will heat up in 2024
The fight over remote working will heat up in 2024
And reality will set in for landlords
WHEN COVID-19 forced office workers to toil from their spare rooms and kitchen tables, it triggered the biggest shift in professional life for decades. And, as with any big shift, the consequences are still working their way through corporate hierarchies and the financial system. In 2024 reality will start to set in, for workers, bosses and landlords.
在应该在哪里完成工作这个棘手的问题上,管理者和员工的看法并不很一致。学者研究团队WFH Research的一项调查显示,美国、英国和加拿大至少受过中学教育的全职工作者平均每周在家工作一天半。平均而言,他们希望把这一时长增加一倍。雇主们却有不同的想法。从华尔街巨头高盛到视频通话巨子Zoom,各行各业的公司都在要求它们不情不愿的员工更频繁地出现在办公室里。
Managers and their employees do not quite see eye to eye on the vexed question of where work should be done. According to a survey by WFH Research, a group of academics, full-time workers with at least a secondary education in America, Britain and Canada work, on average, a day and a half a week from home. And, on average, they want to double their time doing so. Employers, however, have different ideas. Everyone from Goldman Sachs, a Wall Street giant, to Zoom, of video-calling fame, is asking its reluctant workers to show up to the office more often.
在应该在哪里完成工作这个棘手的问题上,管理者和员工的看法并不很一致。学者研究团队WFH Research的一项调查显示,美国、英国和加拿大至少受过中学教育的全职工作者平均每周在家工作一天半。平均而言,他们希望把这一时长增加一倍。雇主们却有不同的想法。从华尔街巨头高盛到视频通话巨子Zoom,各行各业的公司都在要求它们不情不愿的员工更频繁地出现在办公室里
No one is expecting, or even looking for, a return to five days a week. The most likely outcome is that bosses and workers meet in the middle, with a little less work done remotely than employees would prefer. But a lot depends on whether rising interest rates eventually weaken the economy. If unemployment starts rising and workers are no longer in short supply, bosses will drive a harder bargain.……