专栏名称: 考研英语时事阅读
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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2016-11-17 05:22


音频大小:0.92M(每周四) 音频选自BBC



The hair is greyer, the waistlines larger than when they first faced off in September 1984.
But like two heavyweight boxers coming out of retirement, the mere prospect of Kasparov versus Karpov has chess fans enthralled.
Exactly a quarter of a century ago the 21-year-old Gary Kasparov fought the reigning world champion, Anatoli Karpov, to a standstill in an epic series which, after five months and 48 games, was called off - without a clear winner.
The organisers said the contest had put the health of both players at risk. But in a rematch the following year, the young pretender triumphed, heralding a new era in world chess.
Now aged 46, Gary Kasparov has prepared for this rematch by training with one of today's teenage prodigies, while the 58-year-old Mr Karpov has ‘sparred’ with a computer and grandmasters, from a base on the Spanish coast.
The two giants of Soviet-era chess will turn back the clock in a series of 12 games played, this time, under strict time limits. The host city, Valencia, claims to be the birthplace of the modern game. 



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