专栏名称: 定量群学
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定量群学  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-08-15 23:07






2015年出版的美国著名学者帕特南最新著作《我们的孩子:危机中的美国梦》(Our Kids:The American Dream in Crisis激起了社会各界的热烈讨论,其以107位年轻人及其家庭的成长史,并结合全美社会经济统计数据,向我们展示了一幅美国社会在过去半个世纪以来日渐扩大的“阶级鸿沟”。



罗伯特·帕特南  著



From 明星亲子节目《爸爸去哪儿》第一季

本月文摘主题“家庭教养与代际互动”,关注该领域的近10年来的研究进展。特别值得指出的是,从本月起,文摘将遴选范围扩展至国外期刊,包括American Sociological Review、American Journal of Sociology、Social Science Research、British Journal of Sociology、European Sociological Review、Journal of Marriage & Family等,以丰富文摘内容。本期主题共遴选国内定量研究6篇、国外文献17篇,按照文章发表时间,分上下两次推送。



1. 杨菊华、李路路(2009),代际互动与家庭凝聚力—东亚国家和地区比较研究,《社会学研究》第3


2. 伊庆春(2014),台湾地区家庭代间关系的持续与改变——资源与规范的交互作用,《社会学研究》第3


3. 洪岩璧、赵延东(2014),从资本到惯习:中国城市家庭教育模式的阶层分化,《社会学研究》第4



1. Hawkins Daniel N., Amato Paul R., King Valarie. 2007. "Nonresident Father Involvement and Adolescent Well-Being: Father Effects or Child Effects?"[J]. American Sociological Review(6): 990-1010.

Is active fathering by nonresident fathers a cause or a consequence of adolescent wellbeing? Past studies of nonresident father involvement assume a father effects model in which active parenting by fathers improves adolescent adjustment. A child effects model, in which fathers respond to levels of well-being among their adolescent offspring by becoming more or less involved parents, could also account for the positive association between active fathering and adolescent adjustment. We use nationally representative data from the 1995 and 1996 waves of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) to estimate the cross-lagged associations between nonresident father involvement and the externalizing problems, internalizing problems, and academic achievement of 3,394 adolescents. Contrary to assumptions from a socialization perspective and findings from past research on nonresident fathers, our results do not support a father effects model. Our data are more consistent with a child effects model in which levels of adolescent well-being cause, rather than result from, levels of nonresident father involvement.

2. Kiernan K. E., Huerta M. C. 2008. "Economic Deprivation, Maternal Depression, Parenting and Children's Cognitive and Emotional Development in Early Childhood."[J]. British Journal of Sociology(4): 783806.

This study uses data from the UK Millennium Cohort Study to examine the extent to which economic circumstances in infancy and mother's mental well-being are associated with children's cognitive development and behaviour problems at age 3 years, and what part parenting behaviours and attitudes play in mediating these factors. The analyses derived from Structural Equation Modelling show that economic deprivation and maternal depression separately and collectively diminish the cognitive and emotional well-being of children, and part of this diminution emanates from less nurturing and engaged parenting by those with less economic and emotional resources.

3. Martin Karin A. 2009. "Normalizing Heterosexuality: Mothers' Assumptions, Talk, and Strategies with Young Children"[J]. American Sociological Review(2): 190-207.

In recent years, social scientists have identified not just heterosexism and homophobia as social problems, but also heteronormativity-the mundane, everyday ways that heterosexuality is privileged and taken for granted as normal and natural. There is little empirical research, however, on how heterosexuality is reproduced and then normalized for individuals. Using survey data from more than 600 mothers of young children, ages 3 to 6 years old, this article examines how mothers normalize heterosexuality for young children. The data suggest that most mothers, who are parenting in a gendered and heteronormative context to begin with, assume that their children are heterosexual, describe romantic and adult relationships to children as only heterosexual, and make gays and lesbians invisible to their children. Those who consider that their children could some day be gay tend to adopt one of three strategies in response: Most pursue a passive strategy of “crossing their fingers” and hoping otherwise. A very few try to prepare their children for the possibility of being gay. A larger group, primarily mothers from conservative Protestant religions, work to prevent homosexuality. I conclude by discussing the implications of these findings for understanding sexual identity development and the construction of heteronormativity.

4. Turney Kristin. 2011. "Labored Love: Examining the Link Between Maternal Depression and Parenting Behaviors"[J]. Social Science Research(1): 399-415.

Theoretical perspectives suggest a strong link between maternal mental health and parenting, which may facilitate the intergenerational transmission of disadvantage from depressed mothers to their children. In this paper, I extend prior research by using data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (N = 3659). Pooled OLS and random-effects regression models document a strong link between maternal depression and the following parenting behaviors: neglect, psychological aggression, physical assault, and engagement. Fixed-effects models, however, show little evidence that changes in maternal depression are linked to changes in parenting behaviors, suggesting some negative consequences of depression are driven by variation across individuals or unobserved time-invariant characteristics. Further, the consequences of depression for parenting behaviors do not vary by mother’s marital status, suggesting that marriage may not be protective with respect to the parenting behaviors of depressed mothers.

5. Bonke Jens, Esping-Andersen Gøsta. 2011. "Family Investments in Children--Productivities, Preferences, and Parental Child Care"[J]. European Sociological Review(1): 43-55.

We study the interplay of preferences and market productivities on parenting, and show the preferences, when identified, provide a better explanation of caring decisions than has, so far, been demonstrated in the literature. We qualify the standard finding the parental education in a key determinant of care by showing important interaction effects with marital homogamy. We find that homogamy has opposite effects on child care and couple specialization for high and low educated parents. Identification has been made possible by a unique couple-based time diary study for Denmark.

6. Axinn William G., Youngdemarco Linda, Ro Meeso Caponi. 2011. "Gender Double Standards in Parenting Attitudes"[J]. Social Science Research(2): 417-432.

This paper investigates the double standard in attitudes toward courtship and family formation behaviors of sons and daughters. We argue there are strong theoretical reasons to expect that the magnitude of this double standard varies across substantive domains, as well as among parents and non-parents. We also argue key methodological limitations of previous studies likely produce an under-estimate of the gender double standard. We provide empirical estimates of the gender double standard that overcome these limitations, including a random-assignment experiment explicitly designed to control the effects of social desirability. These estimates demonstrate variability in the double standard across domains and reveal key factors contributing to the magnitude of the double standards in parenting attitudes held by individuals.

7. Chan Tak Wing, Koo Anita. 2011. "Parenting Style and Youth Outcomes in the UK"[J]. European Sociological Review(3): 385-399.

We apply latent class analysis to data on parent-teenager interaction that was collected in the Youth Panel of the British Household Panel Survey. The three parenting styles that we identify - authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive - correspond quite closely to those proposed by child development psychologists. Multivariate analysis shows that parenting style in contemporary UK is structured primarily by family structure and not by social class. There are consistent and strong associations between parenting style and a wide range of youth outcomes, including subjective well-being and self-esteem, health and risky behaviour, and school results and enrolment.

8. Goodman W. B., Crouter A. C., Lanza S. T., Cox M. J., Vernon-Feagans L. 2011. "Paternal Work Stress and Latent Profiles of Father-Infant Parenting Quality"[J]. Journal of Marriage & Family(3): 588.

The current study used latent profile analysis (LPA) to examine the implications of fathers' experiences of work stress for paternal behaviors with infants across multiple dimensions of parenting in a sample of fathers living in nonmetropolitan communities (N = 492). LPA revealed five classes of fathers based on levels of social-affective behaviors and linguistic stimulation measured during two father-infant interactions. Multinomial logistic regression analyses suggested that a less-supportive work environment was associated with fathers' membership in multiple lower-quality parenting classes. Greater work pressure and a nonstandard work schedule also predicted fathers' membership in the latent parenting classes, although these associations differed depending on the number of hours fathers spent in the workplace.

9. Greenman Emily, Bodovski Katerina, Reed Katherine. 2011. "Neighborhood Characteristics, Parental Practices and ChildrenS Math Achievement in Elementary School"[J]. Social Science Research(5): 1434.

This paper investigates the relationships among neighborhood characteristics, education-related parental practices, and children’s academic achievement during a critical but under-studied stage of children’s educational trajectories – the elementary school years. Using a large, nationally representative database of American elementary school students – the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study – Kindergarten Cohort (ECLS-K) – and contextual data from the 2000 US Census, we examine parental practices and neighborhood characteristics at the beginning of children’s school careers (grades K-1) and their associations with math achievement through the end of the 5th grade. Findings: Net of family-level characteristics, higher levels of early education-oriented parental practices were associated with higher mathematics achievement at the end of 5th grade, while neighborhood disadvantage was associated with lower 5th grade math achievement. Families residing in high poverty, high unemployment, low-education neighborhoods employed fewer education-oriented practices with their kindergarten-first grade children, but the positive effect of such parental practices on children’s mathematics achievement was stronger for children who live in disadvantaged neighborhoods.


《定量群学文摘》第四期(下) ▏老年人的身心健康和社会参与

《定量群学文摘》第四期(上) ▏家庭养老VS社会养老

《定量群学文摘》第三期(下) ▏大数据与社会学

《定量群学文摘》第三期(上) ▏大数据与社会学

《定量群学文摘》第二期(下) ▏二孩政策与生育意愿

《定量群学文摘》第二期(上) ▏二孩政策与生育意愿

《定量群学文摘》第一期(下) ▏教育扩张与机会不平等

新刊 |《定量群学文摘》第一期:教育扩张与机会不平等

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