不久之后,俄罗斯大胆激进的朋克乐队和表演艺术小组「暴动小猫 Pussy Riot」在社交媒体发文,表示对该事件负责。
从「暴动小猫」的声明中,我们不难发现这桩乍看跟“闹剧”无异的闯入活动,显然是经过精心安排的。她们为这场示威式的表演取名叫做《警察闯入比赛》(Policeman enters the Game),灵感来自俄罗斯已故诗人和观念艺术家普里戈夫(Dmitri Prigov)。
普里戈夫在作品中对天国警察 heavenly policeman 和俗世警察 earthly policeman 的描写,给了「暴动小猫」许多力量。她们坦言,在警察随时都可以搜查公民居所的俄罗斯,恶势力的蔓延已经发展到了令人难以置信的地步。
Pussy Riot | 暴动小猫
Today is 11 years since the death of the great Russian poet, Dmitri Prigov. Prigov created an image of a policeman, a carrier of the heavenly nationhood, in the russian culture.
The heavenly policeman, according to Prigov, talks on the two-way with the God Himself. The earthly policeman gets ready to disperse rallies. The heavenly policeman gently touches a flower in a field and enjoys Russian football team victories, while the earthly policeman feels indifferent to Oleg Sentsov’s hunger strike. The heavenly policeman rises as an example of the nationhood, the earthly policeman hurts everyone.
The heavenly policeman protects baby’s sleep, the earthly policeman persecutes political prisoners, imprisons people for “reposts” and “likes”.
The heavenly policeman is the organizer of this World Cup’s beautiful carnival, the earthy policeman is afraid of the celebration. The heavenly policeman carefully watches for obeying the game rules, the earthly policeman enters the game not caring about the rules.
The FIFA World Cup has reminded us of the possibilities of the heavenly policeman in the Great Russia of the future, but the earthly policeman, entering the ruleless game breaks our world apart.
When the earthly policeman enters the game, we demand to:
1. Let all political prisoners free.
2. Not imprison for “likes”.
3. Stop illegal arrests on rallies.
4. Allow political competition in the country.
5. Not fabricate criminal accusations and not keep people in jails for no reason.
6. Turn the earthly policeman into the heavenly policeman.