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TFT小组  · 公众号  · 留学  · 2017-04-11 22:22


为什么 我这么菜鸡?

为什么 我努力了还是不行?

为什么 我都快拼了老命了还是不出成果?

我的 决策,过程和结果

到底是 哪一部分 出了问题?


错过了 TFT的超豪华语料包


如果遇到有关 “怀疑人生” 的题目,

有哪些 语料 可以参考呢



在思考 Why most people will never be successful 时,


1. horribly unhappy and radically imbalanced life

例句: “Success” isn’t just having lots of money. Many people with lots of money have horribly unhappy and radically imbalanced lives.

2. low-frequency people for long periods of time


例句: To be successful, you can t continue being with low-frequency people for long periods of time.

3. crappy 糟糕的,差劲的
例句: You can’t continue eating crappy food, regardless of your spouse’s or colleague’s food choices.

4. cut-back 削减
例句: You need to cut-back on spending all of your money and time on crap and entertainment.

5. fumble 吞吞吐吐
例句: but paused the interview after he fumbled an answer about the Tories’ voting record on gay equality.

6. omission 疏漏
例句: The omission comes as Cameron hopes to convince voters that the conservatives have changed on issues of civil equality.

7. weed out 剔除 ( 无用的人和物 )
例句: Everything else has slowly been weeded out.

8. on issues of …… 的问题上
例句: The omission comes as Cameron hopes to convince voters that the conservatives have changed on issues of civil equality.

9. core essentials 核心要素
例句: When your days are filled with only those core essentials that mean the world to you — and you’re succeeding in those few areas — you absolutely will dominate in “all” areas of your life.

10. mean the world to you

例句: When your days are filled with only those core essentials that mean the world to you — and you’re succeeding in those few areas — you absolutely will dominate in “all” areas of your life.

11. live intentionally and congruently 有目的的,一致的生活
例句: You are living intentionally and congruently.

12. momentum 动力,势头
例句: You have momentum and balance.

13. revert back to 回到
例句: It’s so easy to revert back to small and mediocre thinking.

14. on a daily basis 每天 =everyday
例句: However, as you come closer to living on a daily basis with your values and ideals, amazing things start to happen.

15. evolve and progress 发展和进步
例句: Hence, most people won’t be successful. Most people won’t evolve and progress.

16. the point of no return 只能进不能退的地步
例句: Once you pass that point of no return, nothing will stop you.

17.conservative parties 保守派

例句: I think we’ve probably gone a bit further and faster than some conservative parties in other countries and there won’t be any turning back.



即便 Effort Doesn’t Count,


1. have everything to do with 关系密切
例句: When it comes to work, health, and life in general, I regularly see two fundamental issues that have everything to do with effort.

2. state of mind ( 某一特定时刻的 ) 情绪,心态

Your state of mind is your mood or mental state at a particular time.
例句: Many people either don’t want to put in the work required to achieve their desired outcome while many of those that at least move past that entitled state of mind excuse a lack of results because at least they “tried”.

3. a sizable percentage of 相当比例的
例句: a sizable percentage of the population just doesn’t put in serious enough work to mark any real effort.

5. do a good enough job 把一件工作做好
例句: No one wants to tell kids they didn’t win or do a good enough job, so rather than have that hard conversation parent to child or teacher/coach to student, as a society, it’s easier to just tell everyone that they are winners in their own way.

6. inflicting on 使某人遭受
例句: The damage this is inflicting on people is very real.

7. the merits of …… 的优点
例句: Why? It’s harder to take a job that requires one to prove oneself and rise up based on the merits of your effort and outcomes.
In the final analysis, the merits of the exam system outweigh its demerits. (注意:此处的翻译不能直译,要将词意与语句结合考试的好处要多于它的坏处。)

8. made it acceptable 使其可接受的
