来自美国大学阿克伦大学化学、生物分子和腐蚀工程系的郑洁教授团队,开发了一个多尺度模拟平台,将“随机行走反应性聚合”(RWRP)与分子动力学(MD)模拟相结合,从模拟自由基聚合的单体中计算构建物理化学上连接的PVA/PHEAA DN水凝胶,并研究了在不同含水量和温度下受限于PVA/PHEAA水凝胶中的水结构、动态和相互作用,旨在揭示原子水平上的防冻机制。集体的模拟结果表明,PVA/PHEAA水凝胶的防冻性质源于固有的强水结合网络和交联剂,以及紧密交联和相互渗透的双网络结构,这两者均增强了聚合物与水之间的相互作用,从而竞争性地抑制了冰的成核和生长。
随机行走反应性聚合”(RWRP)程序最初由张铭振博士开发,相应的文章发表于npj Computational Materials volume 7, 39 (2021)。RWRP能够模拟自由基聚合过程,从单体构建出任何交联的双网络水凝胶。本文第一作者是刘永澜,目前在国立癌症研究院(National Caner Institute)工作。RWRP 算法阿克伦大学的郑洁教授为通讯作者。
a. 在存在水的情况下进行 MD 模拟构建 EGINA 交联的 PVA/PHEAA 双网络水凝胶的逐步计算过程,包括单网络 PVA、双网络 PVA/PHEAA、EGINA 交联 PVA/PHEAA 和溶剂化的 PVA/PHEAA 水凝胶的顺序生成。每个独立系统的模拟盒被构造成一个立方体形状,每条边长测量为 56 或 78 Å。
b. VA 和 PVA、HEAA 和 PHEAA 以及 EGINA 交联剂的分子结构。
c. EGINA 交联的 PHEAA 的结构表示(左)和模拟模型中 EGINA 交联的 PHEAA 的构象(右)。在 (c) 中,PHEAA 的两条链(链 1 和链 2)被 EGINA 交联,每条链都被交联的位置分为两个段(链 1 的段 1 和段 2,链 2 的段 3 和段 4).
npj Computational Materials
Development of a radical polymerization algorithm for molecular dynamics simulations of antifreezing hydrogels with double-network structures
Yonglan Liu, Dong Zhang, Yijing Tang, Xiong Gong & Jie Zheng
The development and understanding of antifreezing hydrogels are crucial both in principle and practice for the design and delivery of new materials. The current antifreezing mechanisms in hydrogels are almost exclusively derived from their incorporation of antifreezing additives, rather than from the inherent properties of the polymers themselves. Moreover, developing a computational model for the independent yet interconnected double-network (DN) structures in hydrogels has proven to be an exceptionally difficult task. Here, we develop a multiscale simulation platform, integrating ‘random walk reactive polymerization’ (RWRP) with molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, to computationally construct a physically-chemically linked PVA/PHEAA DN hydrogels from monomers that mimic a radical polymerization and to investigate water structures, dynamics, and interactions confined in PVA/PHEAA hydrogels with various water contents and temperatures, aiming to uncover antifreezing mechanism at atomic levels. Collective simulation results indicate that the antifreezing property of PVA/PHEAA hydrogels arises from a combination of intrinsic, strong water-binding networks and crosslinkers and tightly crosslinked and interpenetrating double-network structures, both of which enhance polymer-water interactions for competitively inhibiting ice nucleation and growth. These computational findings provide atomic-level insights into the interplay between polymers and water molecules in hydrogels, which may determine their resistance to freezing.