A report released recently shows that 61 percent of college students were certain that they would get married, with only 7 percent rejecting the possibility completely. Their ideal age for marriage averaged 27.8.
The ideal number of children was 1.85, and over 80 percent of college students put the ideal number of children at two.
The report surveyed nearly 9,800 students pursuing an undergraduate, graduate or doctoral degree between November and December last year. The average age of respondents was 20.3.
Marriages and birthrates have been on the decline in China for years. Official data shows that around 7.64 million marriages were registered in 2021, the lowest figure in more than three decades. The number of newborns last year also fell to 10.62 million, compared with 12 million in 2020.
Generation Z :
broadly defined as people born between 1995 and 2010.
Li Ting, a professor from the Renmin University of China's Population Development Studies Center and one of the researchers involved in the survey, said, "The younger generation's yearning for marriage is still evident."
"The fundamental value of marriage and family has changed in the eyes of college students. For the rest of society and policymakers, it is time to break away from old social stigmas and adapt to new trends among the young," Li said.
Instead of seeing marriage primarily as a source of financial security, they expect marriage to provide emotional and spiritual satisfaction, according the report.
In terms of childbearing, most respondents resonated strongly with the perception that raising a child is important and meaningful, and that a baby can be a source of happiness. Fewer cared about their child’s role in taking care of them later in life.
"They (college students) engage in a romantic relationships to find a partner to grow old with and work toward important goals. They want to get married to have someone to talk to and as an emotional buttress at home. They want to have a baby as a supplement to their growth and help nurture their marital relationship," Li said.
"The saying — raise children to support yourself in your old age — sounds absurd to me," said a sophomore student in a university in Beijing. "If I need some assurance about how I'll be looked after when I’m old, it's better I buy more insurance."
"It is pointless to try to force young people to get married and have children. The rest of society needs to be patient and try to understand their position," she added.
Yuan Xin, deputy president of the China Population Association and a professor at Nankai University, said that in recent years, the participation of women in the work force has become a norm in China, but that women still shoulder the bulk of responsibility in the private domain, namely, household chores and taking care of children.
No doubt they are under a lot of pressure,"
he said.
As China rolls out a series of supportive measures to encourage births and facilitate the implementation of its three-child policy, experts said that it is essential for new policies to incorporate the concerns of both genders.
来源:严肃的人口学八卦微信公众号 民政局 国家统计局