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科研论文 | 朱沆教授发表一A重要核心期刊论文(一)

中山大学管理学院  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-05 16:24




教师姓名: 吕迪伟 博士后   朱沆 教授

论文题目: How does inconsistent negative performance feedback affect the R&D investments of firms?A study of publicly listed firms

刊物名称: Journal of Business Research

期刊卷期数: 2019年102卷

所有作者: David Diwei Lv, Weihong Chen, Hang Zhu, Hailin Lan

学校类别: 一A重要核心期刊论文


We analyze the innovation incentives of firms in a model in which a firm's R&D investment is endogenous to performance comparisons due to performance feedback from historical and social comparisons. Performance feedback reveals relevant information to managers, improves their real decisions, and enhances their innovation efforts. This feedback effect has an asymmetric effect on R&D investing behavior: inconsistent (consistent) performance feedback decreases (increases) the R&D intensity of the firm. Such inconsistency gives rise to an endogenous limit to problemistic searches, whereby managers will refrain from initiating problemistic searches and increase R&D investment based on inconsistent negative performance feedback. Thus, inconsistent feedback is incorporated more slowly into R&D investments than consistent feedback, potentially leading to low R&D investment. Moreover, family control strengthens this asymmetry. Compared with non-family firms, the negative impact of inconsistent negative feedback on R&D investment is stronger in family firms.


朱沆,中山大学教授,博士生导师,目前担任《管理学季刊》编辑部主任。2008年在中山大学管理学院取得博士学位,主要从事创业与家族企业的研究,先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目3项,与合作者的研究发表在《管理世界》《管理科学学报》《南开管理评论》、Strategic Management Journal, Management and Organization Review等重要学术期刊上,出版学术著作《从人治到法治:粤商家族企业的治理》。受聘担任中国民营经济研究会家族企业委员会顾问,曾受邀为《中欧商业评论》《家族企业》《清华管理评论》等商业杂志撰稿,撰写的教学案例曾入选加拿大IVEY商学院案例库。
