Market uncertainties arising from the Covid-19 virus outbreakcontinue to weigh on demand for long products in Southeast Asia,
notes. The region is, however, seeing lower Chinese export prices as Chinesemills switch their focus to export sales.
In Singapore, a cargo for Chinese 10-40mm diameter rebar forend-March shipment closed at $445/tonne cfr Singapore, theoretical-weightbasis. A Singapore trader rationalises that certain Chinese suppliers areturning to export markets for the time being amid curtailed domestic demand dueto the virus.
Turkish rebar was offered last week at $440/t cfr Singaporetheoretical weight. Today’s Turkish price level is unclear, however, followingthe recent uptick in Turkish scrap.
In Hong Kong, 30,000t of 10-40mm diameter rebar from China forend-March shipment concluded recently at $448-450/t cfr actual weight. Thiswould net back to around $445/t cfr Singapore theoretical-weight basis. OnThursday, a Hong Kong trader reported hearing a lower-priced offer from Chinaat $440/t cfr actual-weight basis.
周四,Kallanish的BS4449 500B 10-40mm直径螺纹钢每周估价降至445美元/吨cfr新加坡理重,较上周下降7.5美元。
On Thursday, Kallanish reduced its weekly BS4449 500B 10-40mmdiameter rebar price to $445/t cfr Singapore theoretical weight, $7.5 loweron-week.
Mesh-grade 6.5mm diameter non-alloy wire rod from a certain mill inHubei is offered at $465/t cfr Manila, trading sources said on Thursday. Lastweek, several orders for end-March shipment concluded at $465-470/t cfr Manila,a Chinese trader reports. The Chinese mill has recently returned to theregional export market because domestic demand in China is slow, he says. Ithad focused on the strong Chinese domestic market for nearly a year.
A Manila trader hears some traders were seeking bids for non-alloyadded wire rod from Tangshan at $460/t cfr. “Many customers are still reluctantas they are bearish,” he says.
Other offers are higher. Two large Chinese mills are offeringalloy-added wire rod at $480/t cfr Manila. Malaysian wire rod is currentlyoffered at $480/t cfr Manila and $485/t cfr South Korea.
Kallanish的SAE 1008 6.5mm网用盘条估价降至460-465美元/吨cfr东南亚,较上周下降5美元。
Kallanish lowered its SAE 1008 6.5mm diameter mesh-grade wire rodassessment to $460-465/t cfr Southeast Asia, down $5 on-week
London Networking Evening 2020
Feb. 6, 2020, London, United Kingdom
Asia Steel Markets 2020
22 Apr 2020, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam