每年的4月25日是“世界DNA日”(DNA Day)。
1953年,詹姆斯·沃森(James Watson),弗朗西斯·克里克(Francis Crick),莫里斯·威尔金斯(MauriceWilkins),罗莎琳德·富兰克林(RosalindFranklin)及其同事在《自然》期刊上发表了关于DNA双螺旋结构的论文。2003年,“人类基因组计划”已经接近完成了。
为了纪念发现DNA双螺旋结构的几位伟人以及“人类基因组计划”, 美国国家人类基因组研究所(NHGRI)自2003年4月25日之后宣布以后每年的4月25日为“世界DNA日”。
在此纪念日,我们撷选了14篇于2017-2018年发表在Neuroscience Bulletin关于神经遗传学的研究论文和综述(扫描二维码阅读或下载),共同传承前辈们探索未知的科学精神和勇气,在自己的科研道路上砥砺前行!
1. Bu B, Zhang L. A New Link Between Insulin Signaling and Fragile X Syndrome. Neurosci Bull 2017, 33: 118-120.
2. Lu S, Zhou J. Finding the 'Guilty' Gene Variant of Sporadic Parkinson's Disease Via CRISPR/Cas9. Neurosci Bull 2017, 33: 115-117.
3. Ma H, Li X, Lin A, Yuan Z, Zhou J, Yang X, et al. Associations Between PPP1R1B Gene Polymorphisms and Anxiety Levels inthe Chinese Population. Neurosci Bull 2017, 33: 107-110.
4. Wei F, Yan LM, Su T, He N, Lin ZJ, Wang J, et al. Ion Channel Genes and Epilepsy: Functional Alteration, Pathogenic Potential, and Mechanism of Epilepsy. Neurosci Bull 2017, 33(4): 455-477.
5. Luan ZL, Cui XH, Xu H, Lu HY, Li YY, Lu TL, et al. Association of MSI2 Gene Polymorphism with Age-at-Onset of Schizophrenia in a Chinese Population. Neurosci Bull 2017, 33: 731-733.
6. Lou F, Li M, Ren Y, Luo XG, Liu N, LiX. CLOCK rs1801260 Polymorphism is Associated with Susceptibility to Parkinson's Disease in a Chinese Population. Neurosci Bull 2017, 33:734-736.
7. Yuan L, Song Z, Deng X, Yang Z, Yang Y, Guo Y, et al. Genetic Analysis of FBXO2, FBXO6, FBXO12, and FBXO41 Variants in Han Chinese Patients with Sporadic Parkinson's Disease. Neurosci Bull 2017, 33: 510-514.
8. Latremoliere A, Costigan M. Combining Human and Rodent Genetics to Identify New Analgesics. Neurosci Bull 2018, 34: 143-155.
9. Xu XX, Liu XR, Fan CY, Lai JX, Shi YW, Yang W, et al. Functional Investigation of a GRIN2A Variant Associated with Rolandic Epilepsy. Neurosci Bull 2018, 34: 237-246.
10. Zhang Y, Yan H, Liao J, Yu H, Jiang S, Liu Q, et al. ZNF804A Variation May Affect Hippocampal-Prefrontal Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Schizophrenic and Healthy Individuals. Neurosci Bull 2018, 34:507-516.
11. Wang M, Guo S, Yao W, Wang J, Tao J, Zhou Y, et al. Identification of Abnormal 51 CTA/CTG Expansion as Probably the Shortest Pathogenic Allele for Spinocerebellar Ataxia-8 in China. Neurosci Bull 2018, 34: 859-862.
12. Tang W, Chen Y, Fang X, Wang Y, Fan W, Zhang C. SIRT1 rs3758391 and Major Depressive Disorder: New Data and Meta-Analysis. Neurosci Bull 2018, 34:863-866.
13. Yu X, Hu L, Liu X, Zhan G, Mei M, Wang H, et al. A Novel MYCN Variant Associated with Intellectual Disability Regulates Neuronal Development.Neurosci Bull 2018, 34: 854-858.
14. Xu M, Ji Y, Zhang T, Jiang X, Fan Y, Geng J, et al. Clinical Application of Chromosome Microarray Analysis in Han Chinese Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Neurosci Bull 2018, 34: 981-991.