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TFT小组  · 公众号  · 留学  · 2017-06-09 21:40





Which is the best way for students to succeed in study in university?

1. tutors in university who provide individual instruction for helping students to deal with the difficulties of schoolwork.

2. support and encouragement from family or friends who are attending university.

3. High quality education of excellent teacher in high school.


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Firstly, tutors offer personalized instruction, catering to students' specific needs. Handpicked by university, they are the ones with current and up-to-date knowledge, who can offer spot-on advice accordingly. As a matter of fact, I myself have personally experienced the magic of tutoring last semester. I almost decided to drop economics because I had no idea how to write up a good business report. I could neither turn to my family nor my friends because none of them had written anything like that. Luckily I got help in the studentswriting center where a senior tutor majoring in Economics gave me detailed instruction and helped me progress from a potential failing student to an A- one.

1| 简洁




Version Before

Individual instruction can pinpoint the students’ problems and can assist students with solving them directly instead of just talking about the common problem that all students may have.

Version After

Tutor van pinpoint a student’s specific problems directly. Unlike friends and family members who are new to college experience, tutors are already well familiar with common problems that all students may have and thus offer spot-on advice for students to tackle their problems.

在“整容对比”的例句中,可以看到Version before的观点句太过冗长,试图在第一句填入的东西过多,将信息提前泄露。一半以上的信息(例如,帮助他人解决问题)都可以放在后文解说。解释说明,展开例证的信息要放在论证部分展开,别想在第一句一下吃成胖子。更扎心的是,刘同学总是在句子长时频频犯语法错误。而语法错误的密集出现会让作文分数大大降低。

Moreover, tutors can better relate to students, inspiring them to work harder. Most tutors are university students or graduates who have been through a lot over the past few years: exams, assignments, essays, tutoring, deadlines, pressure and many late nights. More importantly, they have been through all of this and have come out successfully. They have achieved excellent scores and learned how to find a productive balance between work, study and relaxation. In this sense, they can relate to virtually everything a student is going through and serve as the living proof that one can persist and pull through university successful, something that high school experience may not necessarily provide.

2| 精准


词get、attain都可以表示获取,但动get使用范围 > attain使用范围。我们能说get knowledge/ fever但绝不能说attain fever。用词的精准,在文学修养上存在鄙视链。将合适的词用在精准的地方,达到一语双关、令人回味的效果,才是写作所能达到最好的效果

3| 活用

高级段位修炼,包含的就不仅仅是对指定菜品的考察,还有对原料的熟悉程度。当词汇开始延展,简单词汇开始活用,写作将会变得更地道。不用一直查生词,恰当才是传达信息的不二法门;不一定是罕见的词汇,表达精准才是碾压语义歧义的招数。例如这段的Relate to表述的是一种助教对学生的感同生受;Spot-on advice,表示一阵见血的意见。relate这个初中词汇,是否能将它用的精准灵活;想表示一针见血的情况下又能写出什么词?细微之处尽显积累的扎实功底。

As for friend support and high school education, they do benefit students to some extent but don’t really qualify as the best path to university success. Even though students can be cheered up by the pep talk given by family and friends, these people don’t necessarily and mostly don’t have the expert knowledge of tutors. Their hands are tied when it comes to discipline-specific academic problems, the main barrier to success students face. With respect to high school education, although there is no denying that excellent teachers do pave the way for university entrance, their knowledge and expertise are limited to the realm of high school, which may not be readily applicable to that of higher education. Plus, neither of the two can exert the role model effect as tutors, which renders both choices less attractive.

4| 积累

作为一种语言输入端充盈才有输出,首先是字典推荐dictionary.com,在里面查词搭配会一起列出,功力日涨。还有各种product release,commencement speech,business speech,inauguration speech,还有Ted,都可以作为积累素材的来源。尤其是Ted,时而高达7500 美元的门票,面向美帝高知青年。语言在演讲中更为精准得体,笑料紧凑。作为写作的积累也并不超纲。还有我们将在每期写作小组使用的Medium很是推荐作为预料积累的学习网站,可以通过话题准确定位,学习Native speaker怎么讲述这个话题,特别适合命题写作的语言积累。组内的crowdsourcing面板将同学作业汇总,转换成自己的积累,集众人之力。一个人的积累是*1,大家一起积累则是*100的效果。







