专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-23 10:08


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,在地区和国际废钢价格大幅上涨的情况下,菲律宾方坯进口市场在上周飙升。新的方坯进口报价似乎有限。

ThePhilippine billet import market shot up during the last week amid the sharpuptick in regional and international scrap prices, Kallanish notes.Fresh offers for billet imports appear to be limited.

11 18 日,一批 2 月船期的 2.3 万吨俄罗斯 125mm 方坯货物以 480 美元 / cfr 马尼拉成交。“这个价格不错,”一位马尼拉贸易商说。他补充说,其他报价高出 10 美元 / 吨左右。 11 5/6 日左右,同一家俄罗斯钢厂的成交价为 452 美元 / cfr

A23,000-tonne cargo of Russian 125mm billet for February shipment was booked at$480/tonne cfr Manila on 18 November. "It is a good buy," says aManila trader. He adds that other offers arearound $10/t higher. A booking from the same Russianmill took place at $452/t cfr around 5/6 November.

日本电弧炉方坯 1 月船期报价为 488 美元 / cfr 马尼拉,黑海方坯 2 月船期报价为 489 美元 / cfr ,越南感应炉方坯报价为 490-497 美元 / cfr 马尼拉。

An offer forJapanese EAF billet for January shipment is currently priced at $488/t cfrManila, as well as Black Sea billet for February shipment at $489/t cfr.Induction furnace billet from Vietnam is tagged at $490-497/t cfr Manila.

周五, Kallanish 评估的 5sp/ps Q275 120/125/130mm 方坯价格升至 480-485 美元 / cfr 马尼拉,较前一周上涨 20 美元 / 吨。

On Friday,Kallanish raised its 5sp/ps or Q275 120/125/130mm square billetassessment to $480-485/t cfr Manila, up $20/t on-week.

一些贸易人士指出,最近几周,中国对方坯的进口购买兴趣似乎有所减弱。对水淬螺纹钢的严厉打击似乎抑制了对 3sp 4sp 基本级方坯的进口购买兴趣。一位地区贸易商称,当局正在唐山等地区采取行动。他说,这导致人们对“……交易稀少”的高锰方坯产生更多兴趣。中国买家有意购买 20MnSi 级方坯或加钒方坯。

In China,import buying interest for billet seems to have slackened in recent weeks, sometrading sources note. A clampdown on water-quenched rebar appears to havedampened import buying interest for the 3sp or 4sp basic gradebillet. Authorities are taking action in areas such as Tangshan, a regionaltrader says. This has led to more interest for high-manganese content billet of"…which deals are scarce," he says. Chinese buyers areinterested in 20MnSi grade billet or vanadium-added billet.

一位中国贸易商指出,由于中国政府禁止水淬 q235 (相当于 3sp 级)钢材,购买兴趣已经转移到锰含量最低 1.1% 的方坯。另一位地区贸易商称,进口(基本级)方坯仍可用于制作盘条或其他非螺纹钢应用。水淬工艺用于提高钢材的抗拉强度。

A Chinesetrader notes that buying interest has shifted to minimum 1.1% Mn billet because the water-cooling of q235 (equivalent to 3sp grade) is forbidden by the Chinese government. Imported (basic grade) billet maystill be used for making wire rod or for other non-rebar applications, another regional trader says. The water-quenching process is used to increase thetensile strength of steel.

