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Electric Zoo is coming to Shanghai! | 纽约“电子动物园”空降上海,开园派对倒计时!

看见音乐  · 公众号  · 音乐  · 2016-09-27 10:42


Originally from New York

One of the world’s top Electronic Music Festivals

Making its China debut in Shanghai




Electric Zoo, New York’s premier electronic music festival, “an unmissable attraction on the electronic-dance-music circuit” as described by TimeOut Magazine, is coming to China. 

——被《Time Out》誉为“绝对不能错过的电子音乐盛宴”,Electric Zoo 电子动物园,11 月 12 日,倒计时空降上海世博公园。褪下人类的社交外衣,释放你的本能,天生动物,何不狂欢! 

Electric Zoo 纽约站完美落幕

This September, Tiesto, Hardwell, The Chainsmokers, Bassnectar, Porter Robinson, Steve Aoki and many other super DJs came to join Electric Zoo: Wild Island in New York. The line-up and scale was unprecedentedly big and strong. Following its massive success, Electric Zoo and Billboard both released the big news today: Electric Zoo: Countdown Shanghai, the first Electric Zoo production in China, will take place on November 12, 2016 at Expo Park. Get ready to “be animal, be wild”!

今年 9 月,以“Wild Island”为主题的 Electric Zoo 在纽约完美落幕。Tiesto, Hardwell, The Chainsmokers, Bassnectar, Porter Robinson, Steve Aoki……阵容和规模空前强大,更有潮男潮女把现场营造成一个巨型的动物狂欢之国。余热尚未褪去,其官方媒体及 Billboard 即同步发布重磅消息:Electric Zoo 电子动物园即将于 11 月 12 日,首次登陆中国!

Electric Zoo is officially headed east.


Electric Zoo was first held in 2009 in New York. The original reason for its setup was to provide an opportunity for New Yorkers to release themselves to their hearts’ content. Stage design with animal themes, a world-class DJ line-up, animal installation with different themes every year, and the full plunge into the music of fans have gradually made Electric Zoo in September a really huge annual festival.

2009 年第一次在纽约举办的 Electric Zoo,创立之初只为给纽约客创造一个在阳光下尽情释放的机会。动物主题的舞台设计,全球一线的 DJ 阵容,每年不同主题的动物装置,以及每一位现场乐迷的全情投入,让 Electric Zoo 逐渐成为每年 9 月纽约最大的盛事。

Electric Zoo was listed “World’s Top Ten EDM Festivals” together with Tomorrowland of Belgium, Electric Daisy Carnival of Las Vegas, Ultra Music Festival of Miami, and Sensation of Amsterdam, Netherlands. 

多年来 Electric Zoo 屡次进入专业媒体评选的视野,与比利时博姆 Tomorrowland,荷兰 Sensation,美国拉斯维加斯 EDC 等并列为“全球十大电子音乐节”。

超过 90 个国家,逾 700,000 人从不同国度飞赴纽约

From 2009 until now, over 700,000 people from more than 90 countries in the world have attended the festival in New York. This year, Electric Zoo: Wild Island broke the record of largest live audience with 83,000 people; meanwhile, it attracted the well-known actress Taryn Manning, who acted in 8 Centimeter and CSI, and Olympic gold medalist Monica Aksamit to present at the music show.

从 2009 年创立至今,全世界范围内超过 90 个国家,逾 700,000 人从不同国度来到纽约朝圣。刚刚结束的 Electric Zoo Wild Island 更是创下现场观众 83,000 人的高峰,并吸引到参演《8厘米》《CSI》的知名女演员 Taryn Manning 以及奥运金牌得主 Monica Aksamit 到场。

“Electric Zoo Festival was epic last night”


世界巨星 DJ、制作人 Tiesto 今年纽约 Electric Zoo 演出现场

How will the epic Electric Zoo come to China?

在纽约引发 Tiesto “史诗般”震撼的 Electric Zoo 是否会原汁原味地在中国呈现呢?

Electric Zoo: Countdown Shanghai will bring some highlights from New York’s Electric Zoo: Wild Island, including the giant octopus stage, animal-themed costume performers, and much more to fully restore the Electric Zoo scene in New York.

Electric Zoo 上海首站以 “Countdown” 倒计时为主题,为庆祝 Electric Zoo 电子动物园首次正式开园,现场除了有从纽约空运来到上海的标志性章鱼舞台,还有各种围绕“动物”主题的环境氛围设计,以激发中国观众的狂欢潜力。


An international production team will fully participate in it; the creative team and performance group from New York, Boston, and The Netherlands bring more trendy and creative interaction. Animals such as octopuses, zebras, pandas, lions, peacocks, and the like will make the appearance extraordinary so that they will constitute the “kingdom of the electronic animal”. The audience will be divided into a wide range of social tribes, such as whales, tigers, koalas or even chameleons. It seems like a character classification of simple animals, but it will bring to life an incredible social experience.

将确保 100% 还原纽约“新、奇、趣”的特点,Electric Zoo 国际化的制作团队将全程参与。来自纽约、波士顿及荷兰的设计师团队和表演团体为现场带来更多新潮的创意互动。章鱼、斑马、熊猫、狮子、孔雀…这些动物将跳脱寻常的模样,以新奇的方式组成“电子动物王国”。人类则以动物属性划分成不同社交部落:你是鲸鱼、老虎、考拉或者变色龙?看起来简单动物人格特质分类,也许就会在现场引发一场微妙的社交实验。

精心以动物造型前往 Electric Zoo 的各路达人

The stages and line-up are the bases of a music festival, but do they represent the whole of it? It is Electric Zoo’s deep focus on the live experience and the pursuit of impeccable detailing that makes it transcend the concept of a music festival and turns it into an interesting lifestyle.

 “舞台 + 阵容”是一个音乐节的基础,但是否就是全部呢?正是 Electric Zoo 对现场体验的注重程度,和对细节的完美追求,让它超越了“音乐节”的概念,成为一种有趣的生活方式,而远远不止是一个音乐节那么简单。

“Do the coolest thing, and bring the coolest music experience to Asia”

—Kanjian Music



Why did Shanghai become the best choice after expanding to Mexico and Tokyo in 2014?

Electric Zoo 从 2014 起,从纽约相继拓展至墨西哥及东京,上海为何会成为它下一站的最佳选择?

“The world’s great cities are where people come together, get creative, innovate, and inspire. Electric Zoo was created in one of those cities -- New York -- and we can’t wait to bring it to another one – Shanghai,” said Jeff Wright, Creative Director of Electric Zoo.

Electric Zoo 创意总监 Jeff Wright 说,所有伟大的城市都有一个共同的特性,它给予人灵感,激发人去创新,让人给城市带来更多的创意。上海,兼具了所有的特质。

看见音乐将作为 Electric Zoo 中国独家版权及主办方,与全球知名娱乐集团 SFX Entertainment 联手合作

Based in Shanghai, KANJIAN is a leading music service company in Asia, managing the music copyrights of over 1.4 million songs worldwide. “As an emerging music ecological company, this cooperation with SFX is our first, and KANJIAN is going to introducing more of the world’s top IPs into China”, said Shenjia, CEO of Kanjian.

Electric Zoo 的中国主办方看见音乐,根植于上海,覆盖大量的海外业务,目前代理了超过 140 万海外曲库。对于此次 IP 引入,看见音乐 CEO 沈佳表示,“Electric Zoo 只是一个开始,作为一家全新的音乐生态链公司,看见音乐将深入和 Electric Zoo 所属的全球最大娱乐集团 SFX 合作,陆续为亚洲乐迷带来更酷更贴近国际水准的音乐体验”。

“We couldn’t have picked a more exciting market – Shanghai, or a better partner – Kanjian,” said Adam Richman, Senior Vice-President of Made Event-New York and Director of Electric Zoo at SFX Entertainment, Inc. “Electric Zoo Countdown is the perfect introduction of our brand to China and will be the stepping stone to bigger editions of Electric Zoo throughout Asia.”

Adam Richman,Electric Zoo 品牌负责人,兴奋地表示刚刚结束的 Electric Zoo 纽约站,给了他们足够的信心去开拓下一个国际市场。他期待在合作伙伴——看见音乐的大力支持下,Electric Zoo 不但能够成功进入中国,还将在亚洲发展成更大规模。

Be Animal, Be Wild


Tick-Tock! Electric Zoo: Countdown Shanghai is coming! It’s a kingdom filled with electronic vibes and an unbeatable atmosphere. Get your tickets now and get ready to “be animal, be wild”!

Electric Zoo 的讯号正在发出:



11 月 12 日,上海世博公园,Electric Zoo Countdown Shanghai 电子动物园开园派对,早鸟票即日开放,倒数计时,Be Animal, Be Wild!


活动 / Event : Electric Zoo Countdown Shanghai 电子动物园

时间 / Date : 11 月 12 日 Nov.12

地点 / Venue : 世博公园 Expo Park

票价 / Price : 早鸟 299 预售 399

About Electric Zoo

Established in 2009 by Made Event, the internationally renowned Electric Zoo Festival is one of New York City’s largest music festivals and features the top names in electronic music, bringing a wide variety of acts from around the world and across the spectrum of electronic music’s various sub-genres. The first international edition of Electric Zoo took place in Mexico City in May 2014. This year’s 8th annual New York edition was held in September at Randall’s Island Park.

关于 Electric Zoo

Electric Zoo,纽约顶尖国际电子音乐活动,多次被 Billboard、《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》报道,并被《Time Out》誉为“绝对不能错过的电子音乐盛宴”。每年 9 月,各路纽约派对达人都化作“心中野兽”,精心以动物造型前往,Electric Zoo 已经成为纽约每年夏天最大的一场盛事!

About Kanjian

Kanjian, a leading music service company in Asia, specializes in international music distribution and artist promotion. Kanjian’s vision is to help global independent artists to be seen in the Chinese market and Chinese artists to be seen worldwide. With a full suite of services, Kanjian has already represented over 80,000 artists and 1,400,000 tracks. Also, with its own website (http://www.kanjian.com/), iOS & Android apps, and indie mag, Kanjian provides artists with promotional opportunities to bring added impressions and exposure.


看见音乐作为一家根植中国、面向世界的新音乐生态公司,在短短几年时间里,建立了国际音乐人社区、媒体和发行服务,迄今已为全球数百家唱片公司、数万位音乐人提供服务,管理着全球超过 140 万首音乐版权。今年正式开展演出业务,试图更完整构建一条从上游版权到 IP 孵化的新音乐产业链条。

About SFX Entertainment, Inc. 

SFX Entertainment, Inc. is the largest global producer of live events and digital entertainment content focused on electronic music culture (EMC) and other world-class festivals. SFX’s mission is to provide electronic music fans with the best possible live experiences, music discovery, and media and digital connectivity. SFX was born out of the technology revolution and produces and promotes a growing portfolio of live events that includes leading brands such as Tomorrowland, TomorrowWorld, Mysteryland, Sensation, Electric Zoo, Disco Donnie Presents, Life in Color, Rock in Rio, Nature One, Mayday, Decibel, Q-Dance, Awakenings, and React Presents, as well as the innovative ticketing service Paylogic. SFX also owns and operates Beatport, the trusted global home of electronic music, where fans, DJs, and creators connect, discover, and participate in the evolution of dance music culture.


SFX Entertainment,全球最大的电子音乐集团,在大型派对及音乐节市场中有举足轻重的地位。公司跨足大部分音乐相关的娱乐产业,持有包括 Tomorrowland、Sensation、Mysterland、Rock in Rio 等诸多全球知名音乐节品牌。对于现在全球范围内的 EDM 热潮,更被称为“EDM 幕后主导者”。

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