专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Hoa Phat公布1月/2月初船期热轧卷价格

Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-18 10:10


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,越南 Hoa Phat 集团近日公布了 1 /2 月初船期的热轧卷价格。

Vietnam's Hoa Phat Group recently announced its hot rolled coil prices for January/early February shipments, Kallanish notes.

该公司的价格如下: 12.700 越南盾 / 公斤(约 545 美元 / 吨) cfr 海防港, 12.750 越南盾 / 公斤( 547 美元 / 吨) cfr 越南中部, 12.800 越南盾 / 公斤( 550 美元 / 吨) cfr 胡志明港。一位公司人士称,这些价格适用于 2 12 日农历新年前装运的货物。消息人士补充说,周一公布的价格适用于 2mm 及以上厚度的 SS400 SAE 1006 热轧卷。

The mill’sprices are as follows: VND 12.700/kg (around $545/tonne) cfr Haiphong, VND12.750/kg ($547/t) cfr central Vietnam and VND 12.800/kg ($550/t) cfr HoChi Minh port. They apply to shipments before the Lunar New Year which commences on 12 February, a company source says. The prices, which werere leased on Monday, are the same for both SS400 and SAE 1006 HRC grades of 2mmand up thickness, the source adds.

对客户的销售数量尚未决定。“ 1 月和 2 月我们只能向市场提供 7-8 万吨热轧卷。对客户的分配将取决于他们的产能,” Kallanish 获悉。胡志明市的一位贸易商指出,这是这家越南新生产商第三个月提供报价。其首轮出货为 11 月,达到 14 万吨。

The salesquantity for customers has not yet been decided. "We can only provide70,000-80,000 tonnes to the market for January and February. The allocation forcustomers will depend on their capacity," Kallanish is told. This isthe third month of offers from the new Vietnamese producer, a trader in HoChi Minh city notes. Its first round of shipments was for November and reached140,000 tonnes.

上周四,之前唯一的越南生产商台塑河静钢铁公司将基础精整冷轧料 1 月船期价格较上月上调 25 美元 / 吨。目前该公司的价格为 560 美元 / cif 越南南部和 555 美元 / cfr 越南北部。

LastThursday, the previous sole Vietnamese producer, Formosa Ha Tinh,raised prices for January shipments for base re-rolling skin-passHRC by $25/t from the previous month. They are now at $560/t cifsouthern Vietnam and $555/t cfr northern Vietnam.


