专栏名称: elvita威的生活便签
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  elvita威的生活便签

7.17-31《身体的情绪 / If Body Could Tell》| Hot Pink首场摄影展

elvita威的生活便签  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-07-14 15:50


《身体的情绪 / If Body Could Tell》摄影展






■ 策展人引言部分:


I think this exhibition only open for the two types of people who read the body.


When seeing the body, you read the word with power, which contains endless emotions. you are the person who understand us,or the other.Maybe you understand this word, but youhave open your heart, and you are willing to be open towards us, then please follow me to feel the body.


But you do mind.


What do you care or concern?

我想说,身体有其戏剧性,有其社会性,有其符号性… …

I would like to say that the body has its dramatic, social, and symbolic characteristic...

她在打开双手,她蜷缩后背,她或许在表达一种戏剧情绪。她和衣服在一起,和饰物在一起,和玩偶在一起,她或许在诠释一种社会议题。她的颜色,她口红的颜色,花的颜色;她的后背,她的后背线条,她的后背线条上的花瓣,她或许是一种能指… ….

When she open her hands, she crouchesher back, and maybe is expressing a dramatic mood. Maybe she interprets a social issue along with her clothes, ornaments, and dolls. Her color, the color of her lip,the color of the flowers near her ears; her back, the line of her back, the petals on her back line, maybe she is a signifier ....


Come and follow us into the body emotions.

—— 策展人翟月

Curator / ZHAI YUE


Under various "ism"tides, does the female subjectivityreally exist?


Our bodies converge with various ideas, cultures and a series of power discourses. When we return to nature, do the body subject of females and the desire expression need to be faced or not?


From the famale perspective. The project intends to record their bodies’ exploration, express and explore the complexity and constructivism behind their bodies.

—— 摄影师吕蕊

Photographer / LYU RUI



Under various "ism"tides, does the female subjectivityreally exist?


Postmodern feminism provides three thinking paths on how to understand and grasp the female subjectivity: the experienced subject, thinking subject and speaking subject. The subject of experience is a life experience, a living experience and a life feeling based on the female subject consciousness;the thinking subject is the independent thinking and judgment of the women towards themselves and the world on the basis of experience; the speaking subject is that women use language to express themselves and explain feelings and experiences of the world.


However, our bodies converge with various ideas, cultures and a series of power discourses. When we return to nature, do the body subject of females and the desire expression need to be faced or not?

去年,95后自由摄影师吕蕊创作摄影计划“Hot Pink”。Hot Pink曾出现在1978年旧金山同志游行的八色彩虹旗上,代表性权。该摄影计划以“自慰”为切入点,拍摄采访不同国家、地区、背景、职业、年龄、性取向、但身份认同是女性的个体,意图通过黑白人体摄影和第一人称口述的形式,从女性摄影的视角出发,记录她们对身体的探索,言说并探究女性身体主体背后的复杂性与建构性。

Last year, a Chinese free photographer Lyu Rui who was born after 1995 withinone year’s creation and the photography is called the "Hot Pink".Hot Pink appeared on the Rainbow flag (which was originally comprised of eight stripes) of LGBT parade in San Francisco in 1978, and it stands for the sex right.The project takes the "masturbation" as the starting point, shooting and interviewing in different countries, about regions,backgrounds, occupations, and ages, sexual orientations, whilethe identity is the female subject. Through the black and white body photography and the first person oral form, from the famale perspective. The project intends to record their bodies’ exploration, express and explore the complexity and constructivism behind their bodies , .

去年一年间,Hot Pink摄影计划收到来自中国、美国、泰国等地在内的40余篇投稿,摄影师吕蕊前往北京、上海、杭州、台北、曼谷多地进行拍摄采访,并与Vice中国合作专栏“they”,联合讲述ta们的故事。

During last year, Hot Pink project has received more than 40 contributionsfrom China, the United States, Thailand and other places.Photographer LYU RUI went to Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Taipei, and Bangkok and others to have shootingsand interviews, and cooperated a column "They" with Vice China, sharing stories about theirs.

As a venuesponsor, as a cooperativeinstitution of UN Women's Office, the Crossroads Centercooperates and promotes China International Female Film Festival, International Female Rights Art Exhibition and He for She Campaign. The photography exhibition thisyear is the first solo exhibition of Hot Pink project. This exhibition selected 25 of these photographic stories, including homosexuality, transgender, drag king, BDSM culture, depression, sex education, sexual experience, sexual stigma and other social gender-related contents.


