专栏名称: 51选刊
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  51选刊

Call for paper (IF 11.2):截止2024年2月29日

51选刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-10-11 22:30





Whole system approach for sustainable energy system

Traditionally, electricity, gas, heating, and transportation systems were operated independently to fulfil energy needs. With advancements in technologies, such as hybrid heating systems, hydrogen production through advanced electrolysis, the interactions between these systems are increasing with new interfaces. Concurrently, many countries are making efforts to achieve net-zero targets for addressing climate change challenges. It is imperative to embrace alternative energy sources to power homes, transportation, and businesses reliably while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

A whole-system perspective encompassing electricity, gas, heating, and transportation is crucial for a sustainable energy transition. It is essential to develop a comprehensive understanding of the entire energy system, taking into account various dimensions, including technological, economic, social, and environmental factors. By adopting a holistic approach, more sustainable energy systems can be created, catering to the present and future energy needs.

This special issue aims to develop whole-system approaches for sustainable energy systems. The guest editorial team invites original research papers focusing on, but not limited to, the following aspects of energy systems:

  • Novel concepts and ideas related to whole-system approaches

  • Integrated assessment and modeling of energy systems

  • Energy system resilience and adaptation to climate change

  • Innovative policy incentives and market mechanisms for energy system interaction

  • Technical, economic, and environmental whole-system approach and analysis

  • Cyber-physical-social modeling and analysis

  • Integration of renewable energy sources and energy storage technologies

  • Design and planning of multi-energy systems

  • Novel operation and control strategies for coupled electricity, gas, heating, and transportation systems

  • Case studies demonstrating the implementation of whole-system approaches

Guest editors:

Dr. Lirong Liu

Senior Lecturer

University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

Areas of Expertise: Climate Change Mitigation, Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Whole System Approach

Professor Ming Xu


Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Areas of Expertise: Environmental Systems Engineering, Environmental Data Science, Industrial Ecology

Professor Macarena Larrain


Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile

Areas of Expertise: Life cycle assessment, Community Participation, Green Product

Dr. Deborah De Lange

Associate Professor

Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada

Areas of Expertise: Sustainable development, climate change mitigation, clean technology, the circular economy

Dr. Tiantian Feng

Associate Professor

China University of Geosciences Beijing

Areas of Expertise: Low carbon energy policy, Carbon trading, Electricity market

Dr. Wei Gan

Research associate

Cardiff University

Areas of Expertise: Energy system planning, peer-to-peer energy trading, electric vehicles integration

Manuscript submission information:

Manuscript should be submitted via journal online submission system at: https://www2.cloud.editorialmanager.com/apen/default2.aspx by selecting the Article Type of " VSI: Whole system approach ". A detailed submission guideline is available as “ https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/applied-energy/publish/guide-for-authors ”.

Important Dates:

Submission Open Date: 15 Oct 2023

Final Manuscript Submission Deadline: 29 Feb 2024


Whole system approach

Sustainable energy transition

Multi-dimensional analysis

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