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【经济学人】终极孕育袋 | 2017.04.27 | 总第895期

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-06-16 06:07




The ultimate grow-bag


How to build an artificial womb


To save children born prematurely, a man-made uterus would help


Apr 27th 2017

THESE days, in rich countries, premature birth is the main cause of infant mortality. A baby born at 23 weeks—just over half way through a normal pregnancy—has a fighting chance of survival. But underdeveloped lungs struggle to cope with breathing air. External pumps used to circulate blood impose potentially fatal stresses on tiny hearts. Those that do pull through are often left with lifelong problems that range from brain damage to blindness. In a paper just published in Nature Communications, a team of doctors at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, led by Alan Flake, describe an artificial womb that, they hope, could improve things dramatically, boosting the survival rate of the most premature babies while reducing the chance of lasting disabilities.

现如今,在一些发达国家,早产是造成婴儿死亡的主要原因。一个23周出生的婴儿(仅仅过了正常妊娠期的一半)虽然有一线生机存活,但发育不完全的肺仍然很难正常呼吸。用于帮助血液循环的外部泵会对这脆弱的小心脏上施加上潜在致命的压力。那些熬过这一关的婴儿往往也会落下一些像大脑损伤、失明等终生问题。刚刚发表在Nature Communications杂志上的一篇文章称,在费城儿童医院,由Alan Flake领队的一个医生团队发明了一种人造子宫,他们希望这个人造子宫能够改善现状,提高早产儿的存活率,同时降低终生残疾的可能性。

  • Uterus:n.子宫;

  • fighting chance:一线生机

  • pull through:恢复健康,精神状况转好,情绪转好; 渡;

  • premature:adj.过早的; 提前的; 早产的; 草率的;n.早产儿;

The device, which looks a bit like a high - tech jiffy bag , is designed to mimic a real womb as closely as possible (see picture above, of a fetus after 28 days in the artificial womb). The fetus —a lamb in the team’s trials—is surrounded in a substitute for the amniotic fluid that keeps the animal’s lungs filled with liquid in a real uterus. Once the fetus is placed inside the bag it is sealed, to prevent germs entering. The cannulas which carry blood away to be recharged with oxygen and nutrients are inserted into the animal’s umbilical cord , and the tubing in the oxygen-exchange system is short, which lets the researchers dispense with pumps entirely.(读者试译) Instead, they rely on the animal’s own heart to push blood around the system.

这一装置看起来像一个高科技泡沫保护信封,它是尽可能的模仿子宫来设计的(见上图,胎儿在人工子宫28天后)。胎儿(实验中用的是一只羊羔)被羊水的替代品包围,在真正的子宫中,羊水能使动物的肺部充满液体。胎儿被放入袋子后,袋子就会被密封,以防止细菌的进入。( 期待您的翻译,明天会有针对这句话的长难句解析哟~) 相反,他们利用动物自己的心脏使血液流通到周围的系统。

  • high-tech:n.高科技;

  • jiffy bag:n.泡沫保护信封

  • fetus:n.胎,胎儿;

  • cannulas:套管,插管;

  • umbilical cord:脐带

  • dispense:vt.分配,分给; 实施,施行; 免除,豁免; 配(药);vi.特许,豁免;

The results are impressive. The artificial womb kept premature lambs alive for four weeks, which is longer than any previous attempt. (The researchers say they could have carried on for longer still, had their trial protocols not forbidden it.) The lambs developed normally, growing wool and moving around as they would in a natural womb. When Dr Flake’s team subsequently dissected them, they found no evidence of the strokes that sometimes afflict premature babies in conventional incubators.


  • Dissected:adj.切开的,分割的,(叶子)多裂的;v.解剖(动物等)( dissect的过去式和过去分词 ); 仔细分析或研究;

  • Strokes:中风

The aim is to produce a system that could help human babies born at 23 weeks, which is currently the lower limit of viability (between a third and half of such babies survive, and even that requires heroic efforts). It will be a while, though, before the technology arrives in hospitals. For one thing, the parallels between sheep and people are not perfect. Human fetuses at a similar stage of gestation are only about a third of the size of lambs, so the equipment will have to be shrunk commensurately . And any procedure applied to such delicate patients will require a lot of proving before regulators give the go-ahead. Treating mothers at risk of premature birth with steroids , for instance, helps prepare their babies’ lungs for breathing air, and is now routine. But it took more than 20 years of tests and research before that discovery was deemed robust enough to make its way into hospitals.


  • Viability:n.生存能力,发育能力; 生活力;

  • Gestation:n.怀孕; 怀孕期; (思想、主意等的)构思、酝酿; 孕育(过程);

  • Commensurately:相应的

  • Steroids:n.类固醇( steroid的名词复数 );

翻译 ▍ 上善若水,Sopia.yao

审核 ▍ 云图

图文编辑 ▍澜意

责任编辑 ▍毛毛

Try to translate

The cannulas which carry blood away to be recharged with oxygen and nutrients are inserted into the animal’s umbilical cord, and the tubing in the oxygen-exchange system is short, which lets the researchers dispense with pumps entirely.

Put Chinese below


