专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-18 09:03


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,在更有利的汇率和更灵活的国际供应商报价的推动下,过去两周南欧卷材进口价格已经下降。

South European coil import prices havemoved downwards during the last two weeks, helped by a more favourable exchangerate and more flexible offers from international suppliers, Kallanish notes.

贸易商指出,自上周以来,由于欧元兑美元汇率回升,意大利和西班牙的热轧卷进口价格已降至 450-470 欧元 / cfr 。本周汇率仍相对有利,并且欧洲针对新冠肺炎疫情采取了更多措施,使土耳其等一些主要供应商在报价方面变得更加灵活。

Traders note that since last week HRC inItaly and Spain has become available at €450-470/t cfr thanks to the recoveryof the euro against the dollar. The exchange rate remains relatively favourablethis week and the increased measures in Europe for the coronavirus outbreak aremaking some key suppliers such as those from Turkey a little more flexibleon offers.


“Last week I personally sold quite a lot.Buyers wanted to secure volumes as soon as possible. This week the market isvery silent and I expect it to continue into the next,” an Italian tradercomments.

“我告诉买家,未来他们 20-30% 的需求可能需要通过进口来满足,因为许多欧洲生产商将放慢生产,而一旦新冠肺炎疫情部分得到解决,可能就很难找到供应,” 另一位贸易商表示。“在不久的将来,买家将更加关注现有供应量,包括那些已经发货的数量,因此对交货时间有明确的指示。”

“I am telling buyers to secure maybe 20-30%of their future needs via import as many European producers will slow outputand whenever the coronavirus situation is partially resolved it might becomedifficult to find volumes,” another trader notes. “In the near future buyerswill be looking with more attention at the available volumes, including thosealready being shipped and therefore with a firm indication on delivery times.”

本周,欧洲板材供应受到直接影响的第一个迹象来自意大利, ArcelorMittal 正在大幅降低 Ilva 的产量(另见报道)。西班牙和法国等国可能会采取进一步措施,证实在新冠肺炎疫情得到解决后供应可能紧张。一位贸易商补充称:“在中国,一些产品仍无法获得,这表明(……市场)活动的重启可能会慢于需求的复苏。”

This week the first indications of a directimpact on flat product supplies in Europe is coming from Italy, where ArcelorMittal is slowing down Ilva’s outputsignificantly ( see related article ). Further measures could be taken incountries such as Spain and France, confirming that availability could be tightafter the coronavirus emergency is resolved. “In China some qualities remainunavailable demonstrating that the restart in […market] activity could beslower than the recovery in demand,” a trader adds.



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