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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-11 10:20


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)从一份声明中获悉,中国敬业集团已经完成收购英国长材企业 British Steel 的交易,并制定了相关的投资计划,其中包括在 British Steel 的产品组合中增加螺纹钢生产。

In a statement monitored by Kallanish confirming the closing of its deal to acquire UK longs’ specialist BritishSteel, China’s Jingye Steel has outlined its plans for investment in its newoffshoot. Amongst other developments. It intends to introduce rebar productionto British Steel’s portfolio.

敬业表示,其已经承诺投资 12 亿英镑 (15.5 亿美元 ) ,“……使公司业务更具竞争力和可持续性。”这家中国钢铁企业表示,计划在 5 年内使 British Steel 的利润率恢复到行业可比水平。

Jingye says that it has pledged to invest£1.2 billion ($1.55 billion) “… to place the business on a more competitive andsustainable footing.” It plans to return British Steel to industry-comparablemargins within five years, the Chinese steelmaker adds.

敬业提出针对这家总部位于斯肯索普的钢铁企业的五大计划。其中最值得关注的两个项目是在提赛德钢厂建设一座电弧炉,以及建设一条新的螺纹钢生产线。前者将在英格兰东北部重新启动炼钢业务,而后者将给英国唯一的螺纹钢生产商、总部位于卡迪尔的 Celsa 带来一些竞争。

It lists five major initiatives which it isplanning for the Scunthorpe-headquartered steelmaker. The two most interestingones are the development of an electric arc furnace in Teesside and thebuilding of a new rebar line. The former would bring melting back to north-eastEngland while the latter development would provide some competition for theUK’s only rebar producer, Cardiff-based Celsa.

敬业还计划建设一座 250 兆瓦的新电厂,服务斯肯索普钢厂。预计新厂的效率将比它所取代的原有设施高出三分之一左右。这家中国钢铁企业还计划投资轧机,生产优质钢材产品,以优化产品组合。敬业证实,现有的钢轨 ( 中型型材 ) 轧机也将进行升级。

Jingye also plans to construct a new250-megawatt power plant to serve the Scunthorpe site. The new plant isexpected to be around a third more efficient than that it replaces. The Chinesesteelmaker also foresees investment in the rolling mills to produce high-qualitysteel products to optimise the product portfolio. It will also enhance thecurrent rail (medium sections) mill, Jingye confirms.

“自去年 11 月我们首次公布收购意向以来,这一路并不轻松,但我在斯肯索普的时间越长,就越相信这些钢厂及其员工未来将取得成功,正是这些员工让它们闻名世界。通过共同努力,我们可以建立新的伙伴关系,这将标志着英国炼钢史上一个新的辉煌篇章的开始,” 敬业集团总经理李慧明表示。

“It has not been an easy journey since wefirst announced our intentions in November but the longer I have spent inScunthorpe, the more I have come to believe in the successful future of thesesteelworks and the employees that have made them famous throughout the world.Together, we can forge a new partnership that will mark the beginning of a newillustrious chapter in the history of British steelmaking,” says Jingye ceo LiHuiming.



Asia Steel Markets 2020(已延期)

22 Apr 2020, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Europe Steel Markets 2020

The 5th Annual Kallanish Europe Steel Markets 2020 event will be held in Milan, Italy on the 4-5 June.
