写长句是一个很重要的技巧,但长句并不简单等同于加个 which 或 that ,而在于根据逻辑联系将各个句子成分有机衔接与组合。下面的这个长句就是一个好的学习范例:
Over the past two months, as the weekly candlelit protests along Sejongno, Seoul’s main boulevard, swelled from a few thousand participants to 2m, the calls bouncing off the high-rises for Park Geun-hye to step down are said to have become audible even in the Blue House, the president’s official residence and office, a short distance to the north, where Ms Park had cloistered herself away.
上面这个长句的信息量非常大。新闻写作里面有“5W+1H”原则:What, Where, When, Who, Why, How,上面这个句子除了没有点明抗议的原因(因为读者对此都比较熟悉),其他几个点都有涉及:
What: the calls for Park Geun-hye to step down are said to have become audible even in the Blue House
Where: Sejongno, the Blue House
When: Over the past two months
Who: protesters, Ms Park
How: weekly protests swelled from a few thousand participants to 2m
Over the past two months, the weekly candlelit protests swelled from a few thousand participants to 2m along Sejongno, which is Seoul’s main boulevard. The calls bouncing off the high-rises for Park Geun-hye to step down are said to have become audible even in the Blue House, which is the president’s official residence and office, and which is a short distance to the north, where Ms Park had cloistered herself away.
加上几个 which 之后读起来感觉就没那么清爽。在写长句的时候要学会简化定语从句,多使用同位语从句来替代。
2.jump through hoops
下面的段落来自于经济学人圣诞双周刊文章:The hypocrites' club
At present some of the world’s least appealing places have the toughest visa requirements and expect economic migrants to
jump through the tiniest hoops
. You would think their streets were paved with gold.
文章背景是当今世界的移民浪潮很大一部分发生在穷国和穷国之间,但部分贫穷国家却设置了门槛最高的移民政策,作者将这种做法形象地称为 jump through the tiniest hoops: 经济移民们需要像马戏团的动物一样跳过火圈,经历重重困难后才能达到移民要求。
这里 jump through hoops 是个很有意思的词,它本义是马戏团里面的钻火圈表演,后面常常引申为“(为达到目的而)作出很大努力,经受磨难”,这也是一个在写作中可以灵活使用的短语,例如:
(1) Before the advent of modern communication technology, people had to
jump through hoops
to keep in touch with their friends and families in faraway places.
(2) Some Chinese companies, notably Huawei, have realised that to enter the US market, they have to
jump through a lot of hoops