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“真的和小狗一模一样! 额头和
近日, 一座位于湖北省宜昌市的奇特山脉在网络迅速走红, 山脉外形好似一只小狗趴在江边, 因此为网友称为“小狗山”和“狗狗山”。背景信息参考《青春湖北》报道:
千万人刷屏的湖北“小狗山”, 真不是P的!
🔘 关键词条:
a dog's snout/muzzle
The Associated Press《美联社》February 25, 2025版面刊载报道:
A mountain in China’s Hubei Province has gone viral after a tourist posted it on social media, captioning it “puppy mountain”. The mountain,
which resembles a dog resting its head on the ground
, is located on the bank of the Yangtze river, and has now become a draw for tourists.
中国湖北省的一座山脉在社交媒体上迅速走红, 游客上传照片并配文“狗狗山”。该山形状酷似一只伏地休息的小狗, 坐落在长江沿岸, 现已成为游客打卡的热门景点。
👆 图片来源《青春湖北》公众号
也可参考英国Sky News《天空新闻》对事件的概述摘录:
Shanghai-based designer Guo Qingshan posted a vacation photo on Valentine's Day, after noticing the mountain resembled a dog's head resting on the ground next to the Yangtze River,
with its
perched in the water
一位上海设计师在情人节发布了一张度假照片, 照片中的山看起来像一只趴在地上的小狗, 小狗的嘴筒子探入长江水中。
想要表达热门留言中的“嘴筒子”, 就可参考“
, 这个单词就是“(一些动物突出的) 口鼻部”的意思。
, 示例: The dog is white with a black muzzle and ears.
“muzzle”也用来表示“枪口, 炮口”
, 示例: Always point the muzzle in a safe direction.
Euronews Travel《欧洲新闻台》旅游频道刊文“‘
So magical and cute’: Why an oddly-shaped Puppy Mountain in China is drawing crowds
”(“真是神奇又可爱”: 为什么中国一座形状奇特的“小狗山”吸引大量游客), 作者点明了“小狗山”背后的心理学原理: