专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-26 10:28


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,由于全球冠状病毒大流行继续肆虐,土耳其多家钢厂宣布停产,跟随欧盟和其它地区钢厂的步伐。

Various Turkish steel mills have announcedproduction halts following their counterparts in the EU and other regions asthe global coronavirus pandemic continues to rage, Kallanish notes.

电弧炉长材生产商 Ekinciler 决定从本周起无限期停产。

Electric arc furnace-based long steel producerEkinciler has decided to stop production indefinitely as of this week.

另一家电弧炉长材生产商 Siddik Karde ş ler 3 19 日停产,让员工无限期带薪休假。

Another EAF-based long steel producer,Siddik Kardeşler, stopped production on 19 March and has given its employeesindefinite paid vacation.

Cebitas 2019 12 月初就已停产,让剩下的 108 名员工休假 3 个月。

Cebitas, which had already stoppedproduction at the beginning of December 2019, has given its remaining 108employees vacation for three months.

电弧炉长材生产商 Ege Celik 3 25 日对轧机进行停产检修,为期 14 天。该公司表示,库存中有足够的材料,将继续向客户发货。

EAF-based long steel producer Ege Celikstopped its rolling mill on 25 March for 14 days for maintenance works. Thecompany says it has enough material in stocks and deliveries to customers willcontinue.


Almost all other Turkish steel producersare seen to have reduced shifts and decreased their capacity utilisation rates.


Turkish mills' production cuts anddecreasing capacity utilisation rates are expected to reduce long steel outputin Turkey and therefore also Turkey's scrap purchases.



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22 Apr 2020, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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