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译言  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2017-02-22 11:38




10 Books to Read in Your 20s|gentwenty.com


Your twenties are a transformative decade where what we read can have a profound impact on the way we way think into our second decade. Here are 10 books to read in your 20s:


1.The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini


As a Middle Eastern and North African Studies student, I have a predilectionfor books that take place in this area with any ounce of accuracy. I first read this book in my sophomore year of high school and really enjoyed it, but after re-reading and dissecting it in a class I took a little while back, I realized that I enjoyed it not only because of its accurate language and colloquialisms, but also because of Hosseini’s use of symbolism and recurring themes throughout the novel. I’m not one for summarizing the plot line of a book because I can’t do it without exposing how it ends, so I’ll leave that to the Internet, but if any of you are slightly interested in reading this and haven’t yet, I highly recommend it.


2.Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah


Not only is this a book that I recommend that everyone read in their twenties, but it is my all time favorite book.  I first read Firefly Lane years ago and it has made a lasting impression on me. It is a story filled with friendship, love, loss and life lessons. The story spans over three decades and covers the lives of two best friends, Tully and Kate, from childhood to adulthood. I learned so much about friendship, life and the importance of the choices we make while trying to find ourselves. The lessons these women learned as they grew up made me reflect on my own life as I’ve entered my twenties. Kristin Hannah released a sequel to this novel titled Fly Away early this June that I’m sure is just as amazing as the first book.  So, go out now and read Firefly Lane! You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and then you’ll share this book to your best friend.

我不仅推荐大家在二十多岁的时候去读这本书,同时这也是我最钟爱的一本书。多年前,我第一次阅读《萤火虫小巷》,它给我留下了难以磨灭的影响。这本书涉及了友谊、爱情、失去和生活哲理。故事情节跨度长达三十年,讲述了两个好朋友塔利和凯特从孩提时代到成年的故事。在这本书中,我学到了很多,关于友谊,关于生活,以及在漫漫长河的时间中,为了发掘真实的自我,那些选择对我们有多么重要。在成长的过程中,塔利和凯特所学到的东西,不禁使我想到自己,那时我也刚步入二十岁的行列。今年六月,克莉斯汀-汉娜又出了一本名为《Fly Away》的小说,作为《萤火虫小巷》的续本,我相信内容将会同样精彩。所以,立刻行动去读一下《萤火虫小巷》吧,在这本书中,你会大笑,你会痛苦,然后你将会跟最好的朋友一起分享。

3.Halfthe Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwideby Nicholas Kristof & Sheryl WuDun


For any person of any age or any gender, Half the Sky by husband and wife duo Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn is a must-read.  Through compelling anecdotes that uncover the struggles that women and girls face in the developing world, including sex trafficking in Cambodia and poor maternal health in Ethiopia, the authors uncover one of the most pressing human rights issues of our time: the pervasive oppression of women and girls.  The authors put the reader into their shoes, helping us to understand the social and economic constraints that often limit their ability to change their own lives for the better.  However, they also include inspirational stories of women who beat the odds and went on to found organizations that work to improve the lives of other women.

Rather than leaving the reader to feel helpless to do anything in the face these looming issues, the authors show how the lives of women and girls abroad can be transformed through support to these aid groups, leading to more opportunities for women and girls to get an education, spurring economic growth and improving the society for future generations of women and girls.



4.The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath


Although the author of this book has her own legend floating around her, The Bell Jar is a great coming into your 20s story about a young woman who finds that, even if you have opportunities handed to you, it’s hard to stay motivatedif your heart’s not in it. Esther goes through all the motions of depression and total listlessness, while battling the life choices set before her。

In a time where a woman was only expected to continue her education and pursuit of a career as long as she wasn’t married, Esther fights off the decision whether or not to lead the domestic life until it’s too late.

I read this book at the end of my second semester of college, a pivotal point in my life, as it is with everyone. We all wonder, at the end of that first year (or even where I am now–with only one semester left), whether we should keep going or fall into a spiral that ends with eating cereal on our parents’ couch for the rest of our lives, and the emotional toll either would take, especially if you suffer from depression or anxiety.I highly recommend this book if you are at a crossroadsin your life. Esther is a relatable character who is forced to choose between totally different lives.




5.A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess


While this book might not seem like the best to recommend to others because of it’s subject matter, it makes the reader dwell on what it means to make decisions and have free will.  The story centers around a violent young man, Alex, who is chosen to participate in an experimental rehabilitationprogram that messes with his ability to make his own decisions.

Yes, little Alex may be difficult to relate to at times because of his passion for a bit of the ol’ ultra-violence and some forced in-out in-out from time to time, but his transformation is compelling, if not a bit inspiring.  Some also find the language of the book to be a bit off-putting because of the made up slang that is used–nadsat, a mix of Russian, English and other made up words.

Twenty-somethings are faced with tons of major decisions that must be made.  At the very least, this book makes one think about what it means to really have the opportunity to make a choice.  And unlike Stanley Kubrick’s film based on A Clockwork Orange, the ending of the book is rather inspiring.  For me, the language is also hypnotic, and it’s not everyday that you read a book with such a charismatic madman as it’s central character.




6.The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz


Once I picked this book up, I could not put it down. It was given to me by an intern at work when she heard me say I wasn’t sure if I believed in love anymore. Upon reading it, I thought it would teach me about relationships and loving others, but it ultimately reminded me of the most important lesson about love; what love is, how to love and that all of the love that I ever hope to possibly receive in this world comes from myself first.
