While this book might not seem like the best to recommend to others because of it’s subject matter, it makes the reader dwell on what it means to make decisions and have free will. The story centers around a violent young man, Alex, who is chosen to participate in an experimental rehabilitationprogram that messes with his ability to make his own decisions.
Yes, little Alex may be difficult to relate to at times because of his passion for a bit of the ol’ ultra-violence and some forced in-out in-out from time to time, but his transformation is compelling, if not a bit inspiring. Some also find the language of the book to be a bit off-putting because of the made up slang that is used–nadsat, a mix of Russian, English and other made up words.
Twenty-somethings are faced with tons of major decisions that must be made. At the very least, this book makes one think about what it means to really have the opportunity to make a choice. And unlike Stanley Kubrick’s film based on A Clockwork Orange, the ending of the book is rather inspiring. For me, the language is also hypnotic, and it’s not everyday that you read a book with such a charismatic madman as it’s central character.