专栏名称: 实相之境
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实相之境  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2017-02-13 09:36


Why do so many people criticize to Trump's immigration policy? Dozens of CEOs and many countries and Hillary. It begins to seem that its Trump immigration policy is not so simple at first sight! We already know about the plans of Merkel to use migrants as slaves from previous ZetaTalk. It seems that the open-door policy is done on purpose, the Bush clique (destabilize the countries to impose martial law).  And they use the situation (with refugees). Of course it's clear that many factors implicated but maybe this is the main (or one of main).  And it looks like the situation with Mexico is not so simple.


After ISIS attacks in FranceDenmark, and Germany and gang rapes by immigrant men in Sweden and Germany, it is clear what an open border policy would mean for the US. ISIS has begun attacks in Turkey now too. Even after death, Soros funds continue to fund these attacks and riots such as Black Lives Matter within the US. Soros even attempted to inflame Muslims by funding a Mohammad cartoon contest. Have these threats gone away? Given her covert plans for a takeover of Europe with Erdogan, with the assist of ISIS soldiers, Merkel’s comments should be expected and ignored.  

Trump is moving aggressively on many campaign promises, so there has been little time for travelers and airports and federal agencies to adjust ahead of time. Suddenly, there are people retained at airports or blocked in the middle of their journey. Change is always traumatic to some swept up in the process. Employers find their anticipated cheap labor is missing, while American workers get employed. Families separated by miles may find a loved one unable to return, but families in the process of emigrating always have these issues. Why is there all this uproar now? In the main, it is the anti-Trump pro-Hillary sentiment. But it is also the lingering grip of the Soros agenda, trying to manipulate the world even after death.





