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人大经济论坛  · 公众号  · 财经  · 2017-03-20 09:44


编者按:小编无意中得一长文,不敢独赏,拿来与大家安静地分享,只供学习研究,还望某些网站不要偷偷下载了然后拿去收读者的钱。现将摘要和目录贴上来,感兴趣的,请点击“阅读原文”下载。 作者 汉族 ,1953 6 月生 陕西富平人 ,1969 1 月参加工作 , 1974 1 月加入中国共产党 清华大学化工系基本有机化工专业毕业 大学本 科学历。著文时任中共第十五届中央候补委员 中共福建省委副书记、福建省省长。 1975 年至 1979 在清华大学化工系基本有机化工专业学习。 1998 3 月至今 在清华大学人文社会科学学院经济学研究所攻读在职博士研究生。主要学术成就见后详情。


农村市场化是随着对农村市场经济的认识和实践探索不断深化而提出的一 个新的理论问题。改革开放以来,农村市场经济体制的初步确立,极大地解放和 发展了农村生产力,促进了农村经济的持续、快速、全面发展,但同时也出现了 一些值得重视的突出问题,“货往哪里卖,钱从哪里来,人到哪里去”,已成为当 前困扰农村经济发展的三大现实难题。

论文通过对农村三大现实难题产生原因的深入分析,认为都与市场问题紧 密相关:在市场经济条件下,农产品只能通过市场才能卖得出去,农业和农村发 展所需要的钱只能从市场中来,农村剩余劳动力只能靠市场进行合理配置来实 现有序转移。特别是当前农村正在大力进行的农业产业结构调整和着力解决的 增加农民收入问题,也必须以市场为基础。论文由此揭示了研究和解决农村市场 化问题的重大理论和实践意义:农村市场化是建立和发展农村社会主义市场经 济的必然取向,是突破农村改革和发展瓶颈制约、开创农村改革和发展新局面 的重大举措,是实现农业现代化不可缺少的重要前提。

论文以农村市场经济发展中存在的探索先行、发展滞后这一关键问题为切 入点,通过回顾和分析改革开放以来农村市场化建设的成绩、问题、困难及其原 因,深入研究、认识发展社会主义市场经济及社会主义初级阶段基本国情对农村 市场化建设的深刻影响和提出的客观要求;通过总结、借鉴西方发达国家发展 农业市场化的经验、成功做法,并通过对中外基本国情及其发展市场化主客观条 件的比较,深刻把握中国农村市场化建设的内在规律和工业化、城市化与农村市 场化之间的关系,正确选择在社会主义市场经济条件下加快农村市场化建设的 基本思路和途径;紧紧围绕发展社会主义市场经济的要求,对农村市场体系和机 制、提高农产品国际市场竞争力、提高农村市场主体进入和占领市场的能力、 加强政府对农村市场化建设的宏观调控等农村市场化建设中的重要问题进行深 入研究,提出有价值的理论依据和实践策略。

论文注意将马克思主义政治经济学特别是社会主义市场经济理论与西方市 场经济理论、发展经济学、农业经济学等经济学的相关学科结合起来,运用唯物 辩证法系统分析方法和比较分析方法,将定性研究与实证分析相结合,努力使农 村市场化研究在理论上趋于系统化、科学化,在实践上具有针对性和指导性。



Rural Marketization in China is a new theoretical issue arising with the deepening of people's theoretical understanding and improvement of rural market economy practices. In the process of reform and opening over the years, the primary rural market economy system has been constructed, witch has largely liberated and developed the rural productive forces and promoted sustainable, rapid and comprehensive development of rural economy. However, in the meanwhile, some new critical problems have also appeared which may well deserve our attention. In brief, “where will the goods be sold, where will the money come from, and where will the labors go?” have now contributed as the three major issues in the present rural economic development.

Through detailed analysis of the causes of the three major issues, the author believes that all of them are closely related to the market. In a market economy, agricultural products are sold in the market, the money that agriculture and rural development need comes from the market, the rural surplus labor migrates orderly through the rational allocation function of the market. In particular, market should be relied on to solve the problems in the structural adjustment of agricultural industry and the increase of the farmers' income, which is the current focus in many rural areas. Thus, the paper disposes the important theoretical and practical significance of studying and solving rural marketization problems, with the understanding that rural marketization is the inevitable orientation in building and developing rural socialist market economy. Rural marketization is an important measure to break the baffles that constraint the rural reform and development. It also accounts for a necessary and significant premise for agricultural modernization in China.

At first, the paper discusses the critical problem of why theoretical studies should precede actual practices in the development of rural socialist market economy. It also reviews and analyzes the achievements, problems, difficulties and causes of the construction of rural marketization since reform and opening. Then, it studies how the basic situation of a socialism-initial-stage country affects rural market building and the objective requirements to develop socialist market economy. And it analyzes and uses for reference the successful experiences of agricultural marketization in developed countries and opens out the immanent law of China's rural area market building and the relationships among industrialization, urbanization and rural marketization in China. In addition, it brings forward basic thoughts and approaches to accelerate rural market building in socialist market economy. The author researches on the following important issues encircling the requirement of developing rural socialist market economy, such as how to achieve the system and mechanism of rural market, how to enhance the competitiveness of the agricultural products in the world markets, how to improve the ability to enter and occupy the markets, how to strengthen the government's macroeconomic regulation on the construction of rural marketization, etc. Finally, the paper puts forward valuable theoretical thoughts and policy suggestions.

The paper combines the theory of Marxist political economics, especially its socialist market economy theory with western market economy theory, and with the related disciplines of economics such as development economics, agricultural economics, etc. By using systemic analytic methods of materials dialectics and the comparative methods of correlated disciplines, the paper integrates normative analysis with positive analysis, with an attempt to make the research of rural marketization more systemic, more scientific in the theory and more pertinent, more directive in practice.

Key words: China’s rurality,rural market economy,rural marketization

