专栏名称: 国关国政外交学人
打造国际关系学,国际政治学,外交学公益平台,推送精品与碎念。构建学术与公众之间的交流互动。投稿荐稿请联系邮箱:[email protected]
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  国关国政外交学人


国关国政外交学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-15 17:32



The Standing Committee of China’s National People’s Congress adopted an Exit-Entry Administration Law on 30 June 2012, which came into force on 1 July 2013. This domestic law includes a provision (Article 46) regarding the treatment of refugees, which foresees, inter alia, the possibility for refugees and asylum seekers to legally reside in China on the basis of a temporary identification to be issued by the authorities. UNHCR has been advocating for implementing regulations concerning Article 46 as well as working on building the capacity of the Government of China to implement its obligations under the 1951 Geneva Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol.

UNHCR will continue to work with all stakeholders in China to ensure refugees and asylum seekers receive adequate protection and assistance as well as to seek durable solutions for refugees.Through the internship with the Office, the intern will gain professional experience in a multi-cultural international organization, which is related to and supplements studies or interests in international relations, public international law or other related areas.

The intern will be based in the UNHCR office in Beijing and will work under the guidance and supervision of the Protection Associate to support the daily work of the protection team.

  • Assist in scheduling interviews with refugees and asylum seekers;

  • Assist in facilitating the resettlement application of refugees, including by communicating with refugees to collect, update and confirm their personal data and to collect pertinent documents, as well as by providing updates on case progress;

  • Assist in monitoring and responding to queries from refugees and asylum seekers;

  • Assist in facilitating telephone counselling for refugees and asylum seekers;

  • Assist in the implementation of the Cash-based Intervention Programme;

  • Assist the Protection team in preparing home visits and focus group discussions with refugees across the country;

  • Assist in undertaking Country-of-Origin information research;

  • Assist in conducting registration interviews of asylum-seekers;

  • Perform other duties as assigned by the supervisor.

  • Be either a recent graduate (having completed their studies within two years of applying) or a current student in a graduate/undergraduate school programme from a university or higher education facility accredited by IAU/UNESCO;

  • Completed at least two years of undergraduate studies in international relations, law, sociology, behavioural science, anthropology, health, education or other related areas;

  • Fluent in English, proficiency in other languages i.e., French or Arabic is a plus;

  • Firm commitment to a full-time internship of six months in Beijing.

小编: Jl

本资讯 代表国关国政外交学人平台观点。

