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与海有思 | 威海「W.A.Y未海岸」青年共建之旅暨“精致六公里  海岸微改造”设计竞赛作品展示

一筑一事  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-17 13:16


2024年12月11日,在 威海「W.A.Y未海岸」青年共建之旅暨“精致六公里  海岸微改造”设计竞赛终审会 现场,5组青年设计师团队对自己的的竞赛方案做出了精彩的汇报,与共建人们一起畅想了海岸空间的场景营造与运营期待,整场评审中,共有21组方案。

On December 11th, 2024, at the final evaluation meeting of Weihai “W.A.Y Coast” Youth Co-building Journey and “Exquisite Six Kilometers Coastal Micro-renovation” Design Competition, five groups of young designers made a wonderful report on their proposals, and together with the co-constructors, they thought about the scenario of the coastal space and the operation expectations. In the whole review, there were 21 groups of proposals.

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Project Context

点位总览图 General view of the nodes

W.A.Y 未海岸总长度约6公里,沿线拥有诸多具备发展潜力的空间节点,包括废弃的鱼塘、房屋、工业设施等。威海经开区响应“精致城市”理念,以 “微改造、精提升、强品牌、长运营” 为整体思路,将展开对经开区海岸线的小型空间节点进行提升改造,盘活沉默资产,纳入新文旅业态,以点带面激活岸线空间,打造“精致六公里”。

W.A.Y未海岸寻求青年设计师参与改造 五处节点 ,以创新思维和前瞻视角,为年轻人创造新文旅经济岸线。

With a total length of about 6 kilometers, W.A.Y Coast having a number of space nodes with development potential, including unused fishponds, residential houses, industrial facilities, etc. Responding to the concept of “refined city”, Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone, with the overall idea of “micro-remodeling, fine enhancement, strong branding, and long-term operation”, W.A.Y. will start upgrading and remodeling the small spatial nodes of the coastline to revitalize the silent assets and incorporate the new cultural and tourism industries. Activate the shoreline space by point to point, and create “refined six kilometers”.

W.A.Y Coast seeks young designers to participate in the transformation of five nodes to create a new cultural tourism economic shoreline for young people with innovative thinking and a forward-looking perspective.



Presentation of Works


Presentation of programs

by each of the five nodes


The arrival of the stranded vessel “Hong Kuo 2” has added a touch of drama to the site, which has become a popular destination. The bay will become a water sports hub in the future, a youth-friendly sports bay. People sailing out to sea on windsurfing paddleboards is a contemporary version of the “passing of a thousand sails by the side of a boat” scene.

场地面积 Site Area 9.5 h㎡

建筑面积 Building Floor Area 121 0㎡

*排序不分先后 no particular order

01 席得设计  SEED Architects

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" 这个赛段每片场地的环境都很独特,我们希望用类似于自然中拟态的特别方式以建筑或构筑物为媒介模拟并且放大场地和景观的联系,把最动人的体验以更有效,更容易被感知的方式放大。 Each site within this track has a unique environment. We aim to simulate and magnify the connection between the site and landscape through architectural or structural mimicry that resembles natural forms, enhancing the most captivating experiences in a more effective and easily perceptible manner. "

点评语录 Judges' Comments:


"Parts of the design of this scheme are questionable, with the square shaped blocks in the Commercial Street section being slightly stilted, a space form that is more commercial and reminiscent of office buildings."

02 MAT 超级建筑事务所

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" 采用步道网络作为山林和海滩的连接动线,形成海上运动和山林配套的全域旅游海湾。山海连接的路径在高差大的地方,景观步道或加密成为空中栈道;或在悬崖礁石上悬挑出面对大海的观景台。几组景观建筑从网络路径和山体地形中孕育出来,几何形态顺应网络路径生成,犹如形态各异的礁石,在山海场地上建立互相对话的“人工自然”。 The trail network connects the mountain forest and beach, forming a coastal tourism bay that integrates marine sports and mountain activities. In areas with significant elevation changes, paths become aerial walkways or cantilevered viewing platforms. Landscape buildings, shaped by the trail network and terrain, resemble rocks and create an "artificial nature" in dialogue with the mountain and sea. "

03 合尘建筑 HCCH Studio *



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" 基于地块完好的森林资源及已部分建成的步道平台等景观设施,建筑师希望以最小化的设计介入场地之中,最大化利用环境资源,形成建筑与景观相融合的运营场景。风帆作为设计灵感构成了一组不断变化的设计语汇,将构成海上运动中心、观赛草坪咖啡厅、悬崖剧场、游客中心等多处服务建筑空间。 Based on the existing forest resources of the site and the partially completed landscape facilities such as the trail platforms, the architect aims to minimize design intervention into the site while maximizing the use of environmental resources. The goal is to create a seamless integration of architecture and landscape. The sail serves as the design inspiration, forming a set of design elements and giving rise to a series of architectural spaces, which will include a water sports center, a viewing lawn café, a cliff-side theater, a visitor center, and other service spaces. "

点评语录 Judges' Comments:



"The idea of taking the sail concept to architectural form is a clever one, but taking the five or six venues in this leg and treating them in exactly one way seems a bit too convergent."

"Starting with an image of a sail, I can't quite endorse this line of thinking. In a small-scale, micro-renewal project like this, is there a need to get uniformity in the image in this way?"

04 Mur Mur Lab 又目建筑

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" 下雪的时候,一家人空降了北方的海。虽然孤寂,但是雪蓬松的感觉是南方孩子没有见过的。这样的感受让人印象深刻。在千帆海海地块的五个建筑体量中,房子就像大地上留下的痕迹。在这里,我们想象一场大雪后安静的声音,能在院子里看到雪花,听到雪花片落到心里的声音。五个新增的建筑体量顺应地形在地块上形成不同的标高,三个水滴形,一个圆形,一个矩形向海延展开。人和房子的关系不同,房子和海的关系不同,最终体验雪景的方式也不一样。最终,它们就像藏在大地上的脚印,在房子和房子之间跳跃的时候,体验房子和大地的连接。 When it snowed, the family landed in the northern sea. Although lonely, the fluffy feeling of snow was something that children in the south had never seen. This feeling was impressive.Among the five building volumes in Plot 1, the houses are like traces left on the earth. Here, we imagine the quiet sound after a heavy snowfall, seeing snowflakes in the yard and hearing the sound of snowflakes falling into the heart. The five newly added building volumes follow the terrain to form different elevations on the plot, three water drop shapes, one circle, and one rectangle extending to the sea. The relationship between people and houses is different, the relationship between houses and the sea is different, and the way to experience the snow scene is also different in the end.In the end, they are like footprints hidden in the earth, experiencing the connection between houses and the earth when jumping between houses. "

05 成为建筑 tobe Architecture *

之外建筑 TheY Architects


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" 设计提取场地中重要的自然与人文元素,以场地中的海浪、礁石、松林、舟艇和天空为灵感,在场地中构建了一系列各具特色的建筑。设计从可持续性、融合、互动、激活和重塑五个层面探讨了建筑与环境的关系,回应场地特征与环境,使游客在山海自然之中沉浸式地运动、休憩、观景、活动,形成充满乐趣、活力的游览体验。 The design extracts important natural and cultural elements from the site, and takes the waves, rocks, pine forests, boats and sky as inspiration to build a series of distinctive buildings on the site. The design explores the relationship between architecture and environment from five aspects: sustainability, merge, interact, activate and reconstruct, responds to the characteristics and environment of the site, and allows tourists to immerse themselves in the mountains and seas to exercise, rest, view and participate in activities, forming a fun and dynamic tour experience. "


This is an extremely open coastal space, where huts and miniature Poseidon temples dotting the coastal reefs are the living memories of the inhabitants. The unused industrial oil tanks and the new “big picture frame” landscape are etched on the same site as the years of coastal development. In the future, the site will become a large-scale event space, hosting music festivals, film festivals, comic exhibitions and other performing arts events.

场地面积 Site Area 3 h㎡

建筑面积 Building Floor Area 8 00㎡

*排序不分先后 no particular order

01 席得设计  SEED Architects

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" 我们将赛段分为两种类型,A为南侧三组现状建筑,通过大地景观的方式柔化三个各自不同风格却又放置在一起的房子,并提升建筑连同场地一起在运营层面的机会与可能。B为北侧两组相对独立的小房子,以更轻的方式来优化场地、建筑与景观的关系。 We have divided the track into two types. Type A includes three groups of existing buildings on the south side. By softening the three distinct yet collocated houses through the landscape design, we aim to enhance the opportunities and possibilities for these three buildings and the site to operate together. Type B consists of two relatively independent small houses on the north side, optimizing the relationships between the site, buildings, and landscape in a lighter manner. "

点评语录 Judges' Comments:



"The strategy used for the little house on the beach was to recycle and rehab it and then create a meditative space. I personally agree with them on this strategy."

"This program does a better job of preserving that sense of solitude of the site. The way they intervene in the site is earthy artistic and experiential, and I personally think that this focus on the site is at a more appropriate level."

02 MAT 超级建筑事务所

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" 整个场地通过植入枝杈一样生长的结构形成“超级地景”,就像是撒向大海的一束烟花。从骑行道路延伸至大海的方向,形成一系列形态各异、丰富有趣的建筑原型,如演艺场、观景台、海神庙和礁石美术馆等,给每个通向大海的尽端赋予场景和内容。 The site forms a "mega landscape" with branching structures that stretch like fireworks toward the sea. Extending from the cycling path to the ocean, it creates a series of diverse and intriguing architectural forms, such as a performance venue, viewing platforms, a sea god temple, and an art museum on the reef, each offering unique scenes and content at the ocean's edge. "

点评语录 Judges' Comments:


"There is a good overall quality to the scheme and the design responds well to the festival economy and young lifestyles, with a good understanding of how the site will operate in the future. However, in terms of the architectural design itself, perhaps it could have been subtracted a little more; I sensed that each building was keen to express itself and ended up with a compressed, denser feel."

03 合尘建筑 HCCH Studio *



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" 海之象的场地非常广阔而空旷,因工厂拆迁而荒废的地面有很多高差使得岸线无法连续。设计试图突破任务书,梳理了岸线的高差并将地表轻微调节成一片起伏充满荒野植被的地景公园,结合原有工业遗产和观景构筑物,生成四种功能与氛围各异的聚场。 The site of the "To sea, to see" is vast and open. The ground, abandoned due to factory demolition, has uncontinous levels that prevent the coastline from being accessible. The design attempts to go beyond the brief by organizing the topography along the coastline and subtly manipulating the surface into a landscape park filled with undulating terrain and wild vegetation. This park combines the original industrial heritage and viewing structures to create four gathering spaces, each with distinct functions and atmospheres. "

点评语录 Judges' Comments:



"The proposal shows creativity and skill in the design, but I am afraid that the amount of work required by this design exceeds the expectations of the owner and investor's inputs, and is at variance with the starting point of this competition to empower the site with micro-remodeling. "

"In fact, this group of buildings is still very enthusiastic, I think. Of course we can all see that there may be a certain gap between him and the expectations of this project. Because the project may be micro-renewal, he this may be a very powerful kind of architectural means, this is worth taking out for discussion. "

04 Mur Mur Lab 又目建筑

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" 冬天的夜晚很黑,黑到让人觉得心中得有多少温度才能驱走这寒冷。地块上已有的建筑就像场地上的锚点。油罐、靠海的镜框构筑物,我们期待它们能更延展。以三条延绵的长廊将原本散点的建筑变得更凝聚。廊子代表散步,在黑夜中,建筑就像散步道上点亮的提示。除了油罐,三个靠海的既有景框在保留原有材质、形状的基础上,突出了它和大海看与被看的关系。当黑夜降临的时候,三个建筑体量就像和海对话的窗口。我们在夜色中低语,低声诉说,漫步在场地。 Winter nights are very dark, so dark that people wonder how much warmth is needed in the heart to drive away the cold.The existing buildings on the plot are like anchors on the site. We expect the oil tanks and the frame structures by the sea to be more extended. The three long corridors make the originally scattered buildings more cohesive. The corridor represents walking, and in the dark, the buildings are like lighted reminders on the walking path. In addition to the oil tanks, the three existing frames by the sea retain the original materials and shapes, highlighting the relationship between it and the sea. When the night falls, the three building volumes are like windows for dialogue with the sea.We whisper in the night, whisper, and stroll in the site. "

点评语录 Judges' Comments:


"The design of this landscaped promenade, artificially going in and deliberately defining this dynamic line, I personally feel is slightly too strong. If you're going to do that, then since this promenade is such a major element, the gallery itself should be made more distinctive."

05 成为建筑 tobe Architecture *

之外建筑 TheY Architects


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" 设计意图构建一组大海背景下的文化艺术群相,通过微改造的方式,将散落的点位联系起来,以海为背景提供多样的空间体验。设计在海崖上打造一系列不同尺度的室内外文化演出和活动的场地,并搭配有文化属性的配套服务,通过同时提供的丰富的活动内容选择,打造打造丰盛的文化生活盛宴。 The design aims to create a cultural and artistic cluster with the ocean as a backdrop. Through slight modifications, scattered points are connected to provide diverse spatial experiences against the sea. The design includes a series of indoor and outdoor cultural performance and event spaces of varying scales on the cliffs, complemented by culturally-oriented support services. By offering a rich selection of concurrent activities, it aims to create a vibrant cultural feast. "


Pines, “Peasy”. The lush pine forest in Dongpu Bay is a delight to the mind and body. In the future, this area will be built into a plant healing park, through the introduction of green plant aesthetic dining, healing lifestyle and sustainable lifestyle brand stores, together to create a collection of greenery, life, aesthetics of a comprehensive park.

场地面积 Site Area 30 h㎡

建筑面积 Building Floor Area 2 00㎡

*排序不分先后 no particular order

01 席得设计  SEED Architects

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" 这个赛段需要设计可复制叠加并灵活使用的模块化临时建筑。结合场地的松林(叠加)与海浪(泡沫),我们联想到多边形泡沫的连接以及12面体的单元。12面体仅两种五边形且角点角度完全一致的特性适用于现场快速拼装,它又可以像骰子一样用不同的面接触地面形成单体自身的多样性。 For this track, there is a need to design modular temporary buildings that are replicable, stackable, and flexible for versatile usage. Drawing inspiration from the pine forest (overlay) and sea waves (foam) on the site, we envision connecting polygonal foam structures and dodecahedron units. The dodecahedron, with its twelve faces composed of only two types of pentagons with identical corner angles, is ideal for rapid on-site assembly. Like a dice, it can interact with the ground using different faces, creating diversity within the unit itself. "

02 Mur Mur Lab 又目建筑

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" 和海隔着一片沙滩的距离是一片森林。我们在森林中和森林之间制造了一个休憩停留的空间。硬质铺地是原有的停车场,在雨棚的支撑下,是一片像海下的空间;延伸到森林里,我们希望有一些安静挤在森林中的空间,在这里休息、聊天、喝咖啡,听到远处海浪的声音,也听到树林和房子细细簌簌的声音。停车场上的雨棚结构也延续到森林中房子的上方,就像森林上的一片海。海在不远处,也在房子上方。 Here is a forest across a beach from the sea. We created a resting space in and between the forests.The hard paved ground is the original parking lot. With the support of the canopy, it is a space like under the sea; extending into the forest, we hope to have some quiet space in the forest, where we can rest, chat, drink coffee, hear the sound of the waves in the distance, and hear the rustling sounds of the woods and the house. The canopy structure on the parking lot also extends to the top of the house in the forest, like a sea above the forest.The sea is not far away, and also above the house. "

03 成为建筑 tobe Architecture *

之外建筑 TheY Architects


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" 设计以模块化可拼接的3x6米标准单元为载体,搭配模块化的家具组件,可以为当地创业青年提供快速启动项目试水的海边快闪店空间,打造一个松与海之间的内容孵化器。灵活而非固定的业态内容,可以有效的调节淡旺季业态,提供丰富的内容和持续的活力,以点带面的方式,吸引更多业态入驻海岸线。 The design features modular, interconnecting standard units of 3x6 meters, paired with modular furniture components. This setup provides local entrepreneurial youth with a space for quick-start projects in the form of pop-up shops by the sea, creating an incubator for content between the pines and the ocean. The flexible, non-fixed business formats can effectively adjust to seasonal fluctuations, offering a rich variety of content and sustained vitality. This approach can attract more businesses to settle along the coastline by leading with a point and expanding outward. "


A small building sits on the grass between a small beach and a heart-shaped lake. It is a storytelling scene, and we imagine that it could be created by the designer as a poetic ritual space that reflects the rhythms of nature and echoes the seasons of life.

场地面积 Site Area 3 h㎡

建筑面积 Building Floor Area 300㎡

*排序不分先后 no particular order

01 MAT 超级建筑事务所

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" 婚礼堂位于花海和心形湖边的草地上,由原闲置建筑改造而成。建筑轴线延伸,形成湖面步道与海侧观景台,增强轴线秩序与湖海的连通性。内部空间通过墙体的介入重新整理,形成十字形动线,连接仪式堂、咖啡厅与内院。屋顶材料汲取威海海草房特色,入口标志性的高墙顶部悬挂着婚礼钟。花田与草房交织,营造梦幻般的浪漫景象。 The Ceremony Hall is located on the grassy land beside the flower fields and heart-shaped lake, transformed from an unused building. The building's axis extends, creating a lakefront walkway and a seaside viewing platform, enhancing the axis' order and connectivity between the lake and the sea. The interior space is reorganized through the intervention of walls, forming a cross-shaped circulation that connects the ceremony hall, café, and courtyard. The roof materials draw inspiration from the local seaweed houses of Weihai, with a signature high wall at the entrance, topped by a wedding bell. The intertwining flower fields and grass houses create a dreamlike, romantic atmosphere. "

02 合尘建筑 HCCH Studio *



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" 心之象礼堂立于自然泠冽的大海和温柔人工的花海之间。由上部环形体量和下部半埋地的露天礼堂构成,提供建筑双重标高的入口。环形体量探出三个脑袋,望向树林、大海、天空。它融合了光明与阴翳、开放与幽闭。致敬着自然的崇高感和人类仪式的精神意义。 The "Hall of hearts" stands between the natural fierce sea and the gentle, cultivated sea of flowers. The design consists of an upper circular volume and a lower semi-underground open-air hall, providing dual-level entrances to the building. The circular volume extends three "heads," facing the forest, the sea, and the sky. The chapel presents duality scenarios, light and shadow, openness and enclosure, rough and refined, celebrating the sublime of nature and the spiritual significance of human rituals. "

03 成为建筑 tobe Architecture *

之外建筑 TheY Architects


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" 设计希望通过地标性造型,以仪式堂作为事件的引导,在局部利旧的基础上,创造阶梯看海,登高看湖的场地,提供有丰富场景和仪式感的礼堂空间。整个仪式堂作为一个奇点,为周边营地、渔村、草坪和沙滩提供浪漫主题,引入婚庆、旅拍等业态和活动,打造海岸线上的浪漫生活目的地。 The design aims to create a landmark shape, using the ceremonial hall to guide events. By incorporating elements of reuse, the space provides tiered viewing areas to see the sea and a high point for looking at the lake, offering a hall that is rich in scenes and a sense of ceremony. The entire ceremonial hall serves as a focal point, providing a romantic theme for the surrounding camp, fishing village, lawns, and beaches. It introduces business activities and events such as weddings and travel photography, creating a romantic lifestyle destination along the coastline. "


This is an unused coastal breeding pond with a difference in elevation from the coastline, with a wide water area and a pier extending towards the sea. In the future, it is planned to recruit the outdoor recreation business with “small objects sea fishing” as the core, taking into account the space for camping and waterfront recreation, combining with the scientific release project and the function of marine ecological science education to maximize the ecological and socio-economic benefits of the unused pond.

场地面积 Site Area 3.6 h㎡

建筑面积 Building Floor Area 3 00㎡

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01 席得设计  SEED Architects

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" 海边的钓场,独享整片大海与天空的观景台,像海螺一样卷缩在坡下一角的两个小房子便是我们对这片场地最美好的设想。 The fishing spot by the sea enjoys the exclusive viewing platform overlooking the vast sea and sky. The two small houses tucked away like seashells in the corner under the slope are our ideal concept for this site. "

02 MAT 超级建筑事务所

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" 设计在原有海塘的基础上,通过加强轴线关系,整理形成多边形网格,在网格场地中设置联系上下的坡道、高起的“船头”般的露天剧场和嵌入其中的配套空间。改造后的场地仿佛一艘停靠岸边的轮船,多边形的甲板上是海钓场地。在这个网格体系中,甲板、露天剧场、休息柱廊、松塔等空间有机融合,形成了富有层次和动感的整体布局。 The design builds upon the existing fishpond area, enhancing the axial relationship to form a polygonal grid. Within this grid, ramps connecting different levels, a raised "bow" style open-air theater, and integrated support spaces are arranged. The transformed site resembles a ship docked at the shore, with a fishing platform on its polygonal deck. Within this grid system, the deck, open-air theater, resting colonnades, and pine towers blend seamlessly, creating a dynamic and layered overall layout. "

03 合尘建筑 HCCH Studio *



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" 建筑师在走访场地时发现海岸线上坍塌的观景平台,提出将新建服务建筑与修复基础设施融合在一起的设计方案,将建筑体量嵌入崖壁之中,成为面向海岸、山坡、道路等不同方向景观多孔渗透的公共空间。此外海岸线上原有小建筑将被局部保留,并通过局部更新、新旧并置的方式,创造为垂钓游客提供观景、休憩、轻餐饮服务的场所。 During site visits, the architect discovered a collapsed viewing platform along the coastline and proposed a design that integrates the new service buildings with the restoration of the existing infrastructure. The building mass is embedded into the cliff, creating a porous, permeable public space that connects to different landscapes, such as the coastline, hillside, and roads. In addition, the existing small buildings along the coastline will be partially preserved and, through selective updates and a combination of old and new elements, transformed into spaces where fishing visitors can enjoy views, rest, and light refreshments. "

04 Mur Mur Lab 又目建筑

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" 海钓和付出真感情都是勇敢者的游戏。这个地块的建筑灵感来自小说《老人与海》,人的一生都是充满变化的,就像《老人与海》中的主人公从物质的、好胜的、对美好事物的平静追求。大海是包容的,在大海的面前,我们有更多对生命的联想,对自己命运的认知。它像一面镜子,但它并不真切告诉你答案,在把心敞开的时候,生命多了更多可能性。由瞬间到整个世界,我们在这个地块游走,穿梭,徘徊,投射,最终的端点以一个下雨的容器,提示在海边多变的气候。海是我们的朋友。我们最终抵达的,是虚构与真实的那片海岸。 Sea fishing and true love are both games for the brave.The architectural inspiration of this plot comes from the novel "The Old Man and the Sea". A person's life is full of changes, just like the protagonist in "The Old Man and the Sea" from material-competitive-to the calm pursuit of beautiful things. The sea is inclusive. In front of the sea, we have more associations with life and cognition of our own destiny. It is like a mirror, but it does not really tell you the answer. When you open your heart, life has more possibilities. From a moment to the whole world, we walk, shuttle, wander, and project in this plot. The final endpoint is a container of rain, which reminds us of the changing climate at the seaside.The sea is our friend. What we finally arrive at is the coast of fiction and reality. "

05 成为建筑 tobe Architecture *

之外建筑 TheY Architects


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" '钓个朋友 ' 以'朋友间的故事'为核心进行场景内容打造,以小物海钓为核心活动,营造轻松、休闲、充满年轻力的海滨社交场景。设计以微改造的方式对场地进行整体提升,在原有养殖海塘的基础上,增加海滨亲水平台及'钓个朋友'小钓钓环、'碰个朋友'碰碰圆桌和'交个朋友'登高装置,联动朋友故事线。 Micro-fishing Sea Park takes the 'stories between friends' as the main storyline, and takes micro-fishing as the main activity to create a relaxed, casual, and youthful seaside social scene. The design extends the water-friendly platforms to the fishing pool, and connect fish rings for 'fishing for a friend', floating bumper sofa tables for 'bumping for a friend', and a climbing stair for 'making a friend' together to be the 'story among friends'  experience on the site. "




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席得设计  SEED Architects

这次竞赛点位非常多,我们设计了其中4个点位, 其实每一个点位都很有特点,我们都特别喜欢。 因为要设计的内容很多,我们必须合理分配时间并制定应对策略,其中一个重大挑战是如何在众多点位中找到解决方案,同时保持对每个点位环境的独特性, 我们希望能够不辜负场地的状态和潜力。


There were a lot of spots in this competition, and we designed 4 of them, in fact, each one of them was very unique, and we particularly liked them all. Because there was so much to design, we had to allocate our time wisely and develop a strategy to deal with it. One of the major challenges was how to find a solution for each of the many spots while maintaining the uniqueness to the environment of each one, and we wanted to be able to live up to the state and potential of the site.

During the conceptualization phase of the program, we put a lot of energy into the project, so we feel a little bit sorry for many of the technical aspects of the project, including the fact that we were not able to make good use of the element of heavy snow in Weihai.

MAT 超级建筑事务所

我们一共设计了四个点位, “累并快乐着”,是我们在这段共建之旅中最切实的感受。 我曾听说世界上有两种事物最为浪漫,一种是海,另一种是雪,而威海恰好拥有这两种元素。 因此,我们带着这样的期待,在设计过程中融入了我们对胶东半岛旅行的体验,以及我们在这片土地上的实践。在传统建筑设计中无法实现的——关于自然的想象,关于景观、建筑与人的关系的想象和塑造,能够在这个场地中得以实现。 这就像是在梦中做了一场设计,令人非常愉快。
