专栏名称: 盘古智库
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盘古智库  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-07-03 19:11






6月13日,法国国际关系研究院亚洲研究中心主任弗朗索瓦兹•尼古拉斯(Francoise NICOLAS)率领的法国国际关系研究院代表团到访盘古智库。

6月14日,美国前国务卿办公室高级顾问、兰德公司客座学者、布鲁金斯学会外交政策高级研究员、乔治梅森大学沙尔政策与政府学院教授彼得•曼德维尔(Peter Mandaville)受邀到访盘古智库,做“中东局势的历史进程”的主题讲座。

6月15日,哈佛大学肯尼迪学院贝尔佛中心国际安全项目主任、国际顶级期刊《国际安全》(International Security)杂志主编史蒂夫•米勒(Steven E. Miller)到访盘古智库,并与盘古智库学者进行了探讨与交流。

6月17日,美国亚洲协会中美关系研究中心副主任、韩国延世大学副教授鲁乐汉(John Delury)到访盘古智库,并出席盘古智库“中美关系与朝鲜局势”主题圆桌会谈。

6月20-6月22日,盘古智库联合北京大学国际关系学院、尼扎米•甘伽维(Nizami Ganjavi International  Center)国际中心共同主办的“中国在国际关系中的作用:‘一带一路’倡议”论坛在北京举办。来自中东欧、西欧、中东、亚洲地区的多国前政要出席。

6月22日,美国对外关系委员会主席理查德•哈斯(Richard Haass)到访盘古智库,带来盘古智库系列讲座深度解读世界秩序面临的新局势。

6月25日,美国宾夕法尼亚大学智库研究项目负责人詹姆斯•麦甘(James McGann)博士到访盘古智库。



Pangoal Events in June 2017

From June 1st to 2nd 2017, the 12th Jeju Forum was held at Jeju International Conference Center. On the invitation of the sponsor Jeju Peace Institute and East Asia Consortium, the Chairman Yi Peng of Pangoal Institution attended the Forum as the head of Pangoal delegation of 11 political, academic and business experts.

On June 12th, Pangoal institution and CRI Online held a salon with the theme of “Trump and Hamiltonists in China-US Relations”.

On June 13th, a delegation from French Institute for International Relations, headed by the director of its Center for Asian Studies Francoise NICOLAS, visited Pangoal Institution.

On June 14th, Peter Mandaville, senior advisor in the former Secretary of State’s Office, adjunct scholar at the RAND Corporation, senior fellow on foreign policies at the Brookings Institution and professor of the School of Policy, Government & International Affairs in George Mason University, was invited for a visit to Pangoal Institution and a lecture themed “The Historic Process of Middle East Situations”.

On June 15th, Steven E. Miller, director of Belfer Center at Harvard Kennedy School and editor-in-chief of the top international journal International Security, visited Pangoal Institution and had discussions with Pangoal scholars.

On June 17th, John Delury, vice director of Center on U.S.-China Relations in Asia Society and associate professor in Yonsei University, visited Pangoal Institution and attended the theme roundtable meeting themed “China-US Relations and Situation in North Korea”.

From June 20th to 22nd, the Forum themed “China’s Role in International Relations: the Belt and Road Initiative”, sponsored by Pangoal Institution with School of International Studies of Peking University and Nizami Ganjavi International Center, was held in Beijing.

On June 22nd, the President of US Council on Foreign Relations Richard Haass visited Pangoal Institution and presented an in-depth interpretation of the new situation facing the world order as part of Pangoal lecture series.

On June 25th, Dr. James McGann, responsible person of the think tank research program in University of Pennsylvania, visited Pangoal Institution.

From June 26th to 27th, the Chairman Yi Peng of Pangoal Institution went to Tianjin and Qingdao for investigations on innovation-driven development.

On June 28th, the Chairman Yi Peng of Pangoal Institution visited the Laoshan Campus of Ocean University of China for a meeting with professor Wang Zhigang and head of Social Science Administration Office Jin Tianyu.

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