专栏名称: 品牌几何
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  品牌几何


品牌几何  · 公众号  · 营销  · 2017-11-02 15:20



今天给大家发个福利,就是这张 brand building concept map 。这是一张综合了对品牌实证主义研究和一系列品牌策略方法的汇总信息图,旨在帮大家更详尽的理解最新的branding理论/方法。资料收集和制图来自于美国乐必扬策略总监David J Carr。



A Map of Modern Brand Building

In a connected world where new forces and technologies promise to “change everything” at least twice daily, our oldest concept remains the most important: the brand.

在各种新概念、新技术每天都要“改变世界”2次的当下,我们最古老的话题仍然是那个最重要的词 —— 品牌。

Are brands still relevant when anyone can become one? Are they just totems or fetishes we cling to, exhibiting what Tainter called “diminishing returns”, as large groups of people craft that perfect positioning statement?


I’d argue that brands are more important than ever. But what actually makes a brand? How do they create value for businesses?


Battles are being fought about this in books, research papers, blogs and keynotes. When you listen in on the arguments between the “geeks of big data”, the “cultists of digital engagement” and the “recidivists of the big (TV) idea”, it often seems that they are saying the same thing with different words (and different agendas).

关于品牌究竟怎么创造价值的争论,每天都充斥在书籍、调研论文、博客和PPT中。当你看到那些“大数据科学家”、“digital先驱”和“坚持big idea的老创意”们的争论时,你会感觉他们似乎只是在用不同的语言说同样的话而已。

Perhaps George Box can have the last word on this?

也许我们可以用George Box的话来形容这种情况:

“All models are wrong but some are useful” — George E. P. Box



In the spirit of Box, and after a few chats with some colleagues at DigitasLBi and others (accompained by my scribbling of flows and diagrams), I thought I’d try to bring some of this debate — and more importantly evidence — together in a concept map.

本着“Box”的精神,在和一些同事在DigitasLBi和一些其他人交流之后,我想我应该试着把一些争论,以及更重要的一些证据,一起汇总在一个concept map中。

It’s a complex map of a simple truth: Distinctive, emotionally-powerful work that cuts-through with more buyers than your competition, consistently and in the long -term, builds great brands and revenue.

这是张关于简单事实的复杂概念图: 那些能比竞争对手吸引更多购买者的,更显著的、富有情感力的品牌内容,能够持久的在很长的时间里(为企业)创造伟大品牌和红利。

The gut feelings of the classic creative directors and planners — the Trotts and AdContrarians — were right. They were also wrong.

擅长运用直觉的4A创意总监和策略人员们 —— 特劳特们和广告反对者们 —— 他们是对的,但他们也是错的。

We shouldn’t hide from complexity but embrace it and make it work. Simple in its most ideal form, is the product of a concerted process that begins with embracing complexity.


Hunting for a single guaranteed formula for success is a fool’s errand. Rosenzweig wrote in The Halo Effect: “Anyone who claims to have found laws of business physics either understands little about business, little about physics or little about both.”

寻找万能成功公式的行为是徒劳的。Rosenzweig在《光环效应》中写道:任何声称找到商业、物理学规律的人,要么对商业知之甚少,要么对物理学知之甚少,要么对两者都知之甚少。 (business physics 是什么?欢迎补充)

The new data and empirical evidence we have for brand building can help us with clients and their boards (see Sharp, Field & others) beyond “trust me” and a couple of “selectively edited” case studies. The recent research and analysis that has gone on into effectiveness has also helped us better understand “HOW” the work works. But we must remember that we are complex people and businesses are complex systems that are forever evolving.


To paraphrase some great strategists: “Your brand doesn’t survive contact with the (consumer) enemy” or “everyone has a brand until you get punched in the face”.


Going forward brand data should be an inspiration and a support, but also we must be mindful that all data is contaminated and biased (even/especially IPA datasets drawn from Effectiveness Papers). Until the AIs take over next tuesday we need to be able to use our judgement and the evidence to our advantage and “support the irrational, risky, outlandish decisions that our heart is telling us to make”. This way we can build the brands and brand experiences with positive impact that will be relevant in the future.

往下走,品牌的大数据会更有启发性更有辅助作用,不过我们也要注意所有的数据依然都是带有偏见和污染的(既是/甚至是IPA英国广告协会的数据库)。除非等到AI开始接手我们的工作,我们营销人仍然需要用我们的判断结合数据来“ 支持那些非理性的、冒险的、拍脑袋的决策 ”。 这样做我们可以更好的建设品牌和品牌体验,带去更积极的未来影响。

This concept map is only a quick survey of some of the great thinking that is going on in our industry. It is not exhaustive. You could explode any one of the nodes and go deeper. You could wire some of it differently. It’s not right. It’s not (all) wrong.



The “Map of Modern Brand Building” concept map is split in two: the bottom is “How Brands shift demand and contribute to profit”, the top is about “Designing and managing a brand”.

这份《现代品牌地图》可以分成上下两部分。底部是具体去讲品牌怎样shift demand和最终提升企业利润(即how brands grow);顶部内容是说怎样设计和管理品牌。

回复 MAP 获取下载链接,通过转发这篇文字来更好理解作者初衷。




1.理解中心语句: A brand is a set of  associations that combine with heuristics in the mind of consumers to shift demand.

我的翻译供大家参考吧: 品牌是一系列联想的集合,与受众心智中的启发法共同作用,为企业创造利润。

OK,这里有个关键词, 启发法heuristics 是什么?简单来说启发法是人类进行决策的快捷方法。人们通过对大脑中经验/记忆的搜索,快速得出结论,从而避免进行研究、对比等大量的脑力活动。


对品牌的意义就在于,你知道人的任何决策都是来自于其记忆结构(memory structure),与你品牌相关的记忆结构越显著就越可能影响消费者的决策。

2.下半区基本是是我一直推崇的《HOW BRANDS GROW》的思维导图。



