专栏名称: 狗厂
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狗厂  · 掘金  ·  · 2018-07-06 08:55


Most often developer needs to consume JSON data from other service and query over them. Querying JSON document is little time-consuming. For the last few days, I was working on a package for Golang to query JSON data easily. The idea and inspiration come from PHP-JSONQ by Nahid Bin Azhar.

Let's take a sample JSON data to start with:

   "description":"List of computer products",
      "name":"Star Trek",
      "email":"[email protected]",
         {"id":1, "name":"MacBook Pro 13 inch retina","price":1350},
         {"id":2, "name":"MacBook Pro 15 inch retina", "price":1700},
         {"id":3, "name":"Sony VAIO", "price":1200},
         {"id":4, "name":"Fujitsu", "price":850},
         {"id":5, "name":"HP core i5", "price":850, "key": 2300},
         {"id":6, "name":"HP core i7", "price":950},
         {"id":null, "name":"HP core i3 SSD", "price":850}

Let's find a deeply nested property and handle error properly, in this case, we'll try to access name from the second element of items array, note: items is a property of vendor object. See the example below:

package main

import (


func main() {
    jq := gojsonq.New().File("./sample-data.json")
    res := jq.Find("vendor.items.[1].name")

    if jq.Error() != nil {


Yahooooo! Very simple right? It looks like working with ORM of JSON data. Let's see some more example to query over the sample data.

Example 1

Query: select * from vendor.items where price > 1200 or id null

Using gojsonq we can do the query like:

package main

import (


func main() {
    jq := gojsonq.New().File("./sample-data.json")
    res := jq.From("vendor.items").Where("price", ">", 1200).OrWhere("id", "=", nil).Get()
    // output: [map[price:1350 id:1 name:MacBook Pro 13 inch retina] map[id:2 name:MacBook Pro 15 inch retina price:1700] map[id:<nil> name:HP core i3 SSD price:850]]

Example 2

Query: select name, price from vendor.items where price > 1200 or id null

Using gojsonq we can do the query like:

package main

import (


func main() {
    jq := gojsonq.New().File("./sample-data.json")
    res := jq.From("vendor.items").Where("price", ">", 1200).OrWhere("id", "=", nil).Only("name", "price")
    // output: [map[name:MacBook Pro 13 inch retina price:1350] map[name:MacBook Pro 15 inch retina price:1700] map[name:HP core i3 SSD price:850]]

Example 3

Query: select sum(price) from vendor.items where price > 1200 or id null

Using gojsonq we can do the query like:

package main

import (


func main() {
    jq := gojsonq.New().File("./sample-data.json")
    res := jq.From("vendor.items").Where("price", ">", 1200).OrWhere("id", "=", nil).Sum("price")
    // output: 3900

Example 4

Query: select price from vendor.items where price > 1200
