专栏名称: 华人抗体
华人抗体协会 (Chinese Antibody Society). 使命和愿景 两个一:第一个“一”是中国抗体药走向世界的桥梁; 第二个“一”是中美乃至全球抗体领域华人交流合作的平台。两个侧重:侧重于治疗性抗体药; 侧重于中国。
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华人抗体协会Poster Presentation 墙报展示入选名单

华人抗体  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-06 22:00


通 知

面对未知领域新型抗体药物的快速发展,机遇与挑战并存,华人抗体协会2024年年会,将于2024年5月11日(周六)在美国马萨 诸塞州剑桥市(Cambridge, MA)召开,年会主题为:Beyond Borders: Advancements in Antibody-Based Therapeutics in Uncharted Territories。详情参见:详细Agenda: 欢迎参加华人抗体协会2024年年会

华人抗体协会自去年成功举办Poster Session后,今年年会我们继续收到众多摘要投稿。经过评审委员会的审稿后,我们最终确定了 入选 Poster Presentation 墙报展示奖项的20篇来稿。详细名单如下(排名不分先后):

同时,我们非常荣幸地宣布本次摘要投稿中 入选 oral presentation 的为以下三篇:


Nanobody technologies against the evolving COVID-19 pandemic 。第一作者是来自 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Yufei Xiang。


Epitope-specific fully-human antibody de novo design through generative AI-based platform Click.mAb. 。第一作者是来自 Clickmab Biotechnology Tianyuan Wang


Novel antibody against P. gingivalis outer membrane proteins for the treatment of refractory infections and adverse pregnancies (New drug discovery) 。第一作者是来自 Yangtze Green Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Xiaoju Shi


The society successfully launched the first Poster Session last year and received many praises from industry peers. This year we also received more than fifty abstract submissions, covering innovative technologies emerging in antibody drug discovery, development, and production, as well as significant advancements in research and clinical aspects. The review committee for this year remains chaired by two of our society’s Board of Directors, Dr. Daotian Fu and Professor Mitchell Ho. Prof. Ho also served as the Editor-in-Chief of Antibody Therapeutics journal. There will be three abstracts selected for oral presentations , which will be presented live at the annual meeting.


Nanobody technologies against the evolving COVID-19 pandemic. The first author is Yufei Xiang from Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai .


Epitope-specific fully-human an tibody de novo design through generative AI-based platform Click.mAb. The first author is Tianyuan Wang from Clickmab Biotechnology .


Novel antibody against P. gingivalis outer membrane proteins for the treatment of refractory infections and adverse pregnancies (New drug discovery). The first author is Xiaoju Shi from Yangtze Green Biotechnology Co., Ltd .

Additionally, 20 abstracts were selected for poster presentations , and attendees are welcome to observe and engage in discussions at the annual meeting.

We appreciate the support of all authors who submitted their work and congratulate all selected abstract participants. Let's look forward to the live interactions at this year's annual meeting!

面对未知领域新型抗体药物的快速发展,机遇与挑战并存,华人抗体协会2024年年会,将于2024年5月11日(周六)在美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市(Cambridge, MA)召开,年会主题为:Beyond Borders: Advancements in Antibody-Based Therapeutics in Uncharted Territories。


目前已经确定将出席本次年会的演讲嘉宾包括: Dr. Gordon Freeman (Professor of Medicine, Dana-farber cancer institute, Harvard medical school) Dr. Mitchell Ho/何苗壮 (Senior Investigator, National Cancer Institute,华人抗体协会董事和顾问委员会主席,华人抗体协会旗下期刊Antibody therapeutics创刊主编)、 Dr. Zhiqiang An (Vice-president of drug discovery, UThealth Houston) Dr. Cheng Liu (Founder, President and CEO, Eureka Therapeutics) Dr. Janice Reichert (COO, The Antibody Society, Inc.)、 Dr. Yu Qiu (Head of AI Innovation - Antibody, Digital Biologics Platform (DBxP)/Large Molecule Research, Sanofi)、 Dr. Man-hee Suh (CTO, Kactus Biosystems) Dr. Marie Zhu (CTO, WuXi XDC)以及三位年会墙报获奖者(2024年会墙报投稿见 距离投稿截止还剩2周 | 2024年华人抗体协会年会Poster Presentation ),以及新增加的演讲嘉宾 Dr. Yang Liu (Founder, Chairman and CEO),他们将带来创新抗体和CMC生产技术方面的技术报告,将聚焦于前沿领域的热点话题进行讨论,更多重量级演讲嘉宾仍在邀请确认中。



Boston Cambridge Marriott Hotel

50 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02142

华人抗体协会2024年年会 注册

自即日起,华人抗体协会2024年会 启动 On-line注册,相关注册方式如下,请访问:https://chineseantibody.org/meetings/meeting-2024-annual-conference-2657/,或扫描以下二维码,或点击文末左下角原文链接。

学生(students, post-docs, research associates, etc.)会议 注册费 $15, 会员会议注册费 $30,非会员会议注册费 $50,;

学生晚宴注册费 $100, 会员晚宴注册费 $100, 非会员 晚宴注册费 $150;

华人抗体协会会员注册年会享受优惠,如需进行会员注册,请在https://chineseantibody.org/ 上注册登录,再购买会员。


