专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-12-18 09:28


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,美国商务部决定对越南产耐腐蚀钢材和冷轧薄板征收高达 456.23% 的反规避税。

The US Department of Commerce has hit Vietnamese-origin corrosion-resistant steel and cold-rolled sheet with circumvention duties as high as 456.23%, Kallanish learns from adepartment release.


The department found evidence of duty circumvention in five separate cases involving Vietnamese-origin material that used South Korean and Taiwanese flat-rolled as substrate.

2012 9 月到 2015 12 月美国对韩国和台湾基材征收关税期间,美国只从越南进口了 2,200 万美元的耐腐蚀钢材。随后,在接下来的 40 个月内,从越南进口的产品飙升至 9.33 亿美元,于 2019 4 月达到顶峰。

The US imported just $22 million incorrosion-resistant steel from Vietnam from September 2012 to the imposition of duties on South Korean and Taiwanese substrate in December 2015. Subsequently,imports from Vietnam shot up to $933m in the next 40-month period culminatingin April 2019.

2013 1 月到 2016 2 月开始征收关税的 38 个月内,冷轧钢板进口额为 4,900 万美元,在随后的 38 个月内增至 4.98 亿美元。

Cold-rolled imports likewise rose from $49min the 38 months between January 2013 and new duties in February 2016 to $498min the subsequent 38-month period.

本案申请方是 AK Steel ArcelorMittal USA Nucor Steel Dynamics Inc US Steel

The petitioners in the case were AK Steel,ArcelorMittal USA, Nucor, Steel Dynamics Inc, and US Steel.



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