专栏名称: 考研英语时事阅读
据统计,考研英语文章90%来自国外的《The Economist》,《Times》,《Science》等杂志。本地持续更新。。。
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英文早点丨1031 - 鱼死网破!美国弹劾大战再次升级

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2019-10-31 07:01



近日,美国民主党举行了一场针对特朗普弹劾调查的闭门听证会。在门外聚集的除了美国新闻媒体,还有20多名共和党议员。他们冲进众议院听证室并且拒绝离开,以抗议民主党对特朗普的弹劾调查。会议后的同日,据CNN报道,美国驻乌克兰最高外交官比尔·泰勒(Bill Taylor)在一份非同寻常的证词中表示,特朗普敦促乌克兰公开宣布调查,包括对前副总统乔拜登(Joe Biden)及其儿子的调查,以此作为乌克兰寻求反击俄罗斯军事侵略援助的砝码。对此,据Fox报道,参议院司法委员会主席林赛·格雷厄姆(Lindsey Graham)在周四的新闻发布会上直言不讳地说:“如果我们像(民主党)这么做,你们会把我们打得屁滚尿流。”他指责民主党选择性地泄露部分证词,并在闭门听证会上公开声明,而不给共和党传唤或公开盘问证人的机会。他继续说道“我们不会告诉众议院他们不能弹劾总统。我们要告诉众议院的是,有正确的方法,也有错误的方法。”

BGM:Miracles - Audio Adrenaline


Do not for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect. —-Shakespeare


The president has shown how he and his allies intend to fight impeachment: with a blitzkrieg aimed at deflecting, distracting and discrediting. What he lacks in coherent strategy, he makes up for in shock and awe. It appears that most Republicans are still willing to march behind him, not by defending what many see as indefensible – the president’s offer of a quid pro quo to Ukraine – but by throwing sand into the gears of the impeachment process.

With the help of Fox News, they are set to intensify attacks on the legitimacy of the inquiry itself, demonising its leaders and sowing doubt wherever possible. The great unknown is whether the approach will prove as effective as their efforts to undermine the special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, potentially boosting Trump in the 2020 election, or the case against him will be so compelling that he will be removed from office or defeated at the polls.

Trump is using the same approach he did to subvert the Mueller report: undermining the legitimacy of the messenger, assigning political motives to those who testify and relying on the Fox News firewall to serve up propaganda to his base.

选自 :The Economist(经济学人)
版块 :Britain
原文标题 :'Disorder and chaos': Trump and Republicans mount furious impeachment fight
原文发布时间 :27 Oct. 2019



英 [maʊnt] 美 [maʊnt]

  • v. 准备;安排;组织开展;逐步增加;登上;爬上;攀登

  • n. 山;山峰;坐骑;衬纸板;载片;裱褙


英 [dɪˈflekt]      美 [dɪˈflekt]

  • v. (尤指击中某物后)偏斜,转向,使偏斜,使转向;转移;引开;阻止(某人做已决定做的事)


英 [dɪˈstrækt]        美 [dɪˈstrækt]

  • v. 转移(注意力);分散(思想);使分心


英 [ɪnˈtensɪfaɪ]        美 [ɪnˈtensɪfaɪ]

  • v. (使)加强,增强,加剧



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