专栏名称: 北京市竞天公诚律师事务所
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Insights from judicial interpretation of labour disputes Part I

北京市竞天公诚律师事务所  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-03-27 17:42


This article( Original title: Insights from judicial interpretation of labour disputes Part I was first published on China Business Law Journal column "Labor Law", authorised reprint.

Even though it is still at the draft stage, the recently issued Supreme People’s Court Interpretation II on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Labour Dispute Cases has significant ramifications for corporate compliance and HR management.

In the first of a two-part response to the 12 December 2023 draft, we provide recommendations for compliance by corporations based on a thorough analysis of the document. Comments on the draft may be submitted through the SPC administrative portal, chinacourt.org, and the People’s Court Daily.

Equity incentive disputes

Article 1 of the draft says: “Disputes arising from the employer’s payment of remuneration to workers by way of equity incentives based on the labour relationship, and the workers’ request for payment of equity incentives or compensation for the loss of equity incentives are labour disputes, except for those concerning the exercise of the equity rights.”

The article unifies the legal characterisation of equity incentive disputes, clarifying a longstanding confusion over whether they are to be considered labour or contractual disputes. For future compliance management, companies should note that to constitute as labour disputes, three conditions must be met: the dispute is based on a labour relationship, not a personal investment; the employer, based on the labour contract and the actual labour provided, pays the worker in the form of equity incentives; and that it occurs after the labourer requests the employer to pay the equity incentives, or compensate for losses from equity incentives, unless it concerns the exercise of equity rights.

In practice, many companies have designed their equity incentive structures as follows: the employee signs a labour contract with the domestic employer, as opposed to an equity incentive grant agreement, which is in turn entered into with an overseas incentive-granting entity, instead. In other words, there is an employer, and then there is a different incentive granter.

Under the circumstances, should the overseas incentive granter be excluded from the labour dispute? This has yet to be answered by the draft, so it is advisable to keep an eye on any subsequent legislative moves.

Untaken annual leave

Article 5 of the draft says that, “Where the labourer claims that the arbitration statute of limitations on payment of wages for untaken annual leave applies to article 27.4 of the Labour Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Law, the people’s court should support such a claim.” We believe this is significant.

The arbitration statute of limitations for annual leave is a special case, as annual leave may be arranged consecutively, in segments or across multiple years. In Beijing, for instance, the practical consensus is that, where the worker asks the employer to pay statutory compensation (200% bonus) for wages for untaken annual leave, the arbitration statute of limitations should follow article 27.1 of the law, which provides that arbitration of labour disputes should be applied within a year. The period is calculated from the date on which the party becomes aware or should become aware of its rights being infringed. Considering the special arrangement for annual leave mentioned above, the period for a labourer to receive pay for each year’s untaken annual leave should be calculated from 31 December of the following year.

For instance, if a worker initiates labour arbitration in December 2023, his or her annual leave entitlement will be the untaken leave for the years from 2021 to 2023.

If pay for unused annual leave is understood to be three times the full daily wage, comprising the wage itself and 200% statutory compensation, as provided by article 5 of the Regulations on Paid Annual Leave for Employees, it would materially change the statute of limitations for arbitration of untaken annual leave. All untaken annual leave pay and compensation may be claimed within one year after a worker leaves the company, and is no longer subject to the original limitation.

This would have a significant impact on both compliance and HR costs. If employees can claim for all untaken annual leave pay and compensation for their period of employment, it could impose a heavy economic burden on the company, especially with senior employees with long years of service and whose claims may be substantial. For companies going through operating difficulties, this may well lead to losses and even bankruptcy.

However, if annual leave pay only denotes the 100% wage, not the 200% statutory compensation, the pressure on HR costs would be considerably less.

If the 100% wage was not paid, the special statute of limitations would apply that allows employees to claim their rights within one year after departure. But if the employee was to claim for the 200% bonus, the original statute of limitations would prevail. This, to our understanding, is closer to the current practice, as well as how the concepts of untaken annual leave pay and statutory compensation are commonly interpretated.

No matter which way the final SPC interpretation leans, companies must expect a change in the manner of calculating unpaid annual leave pay and compensation. Therefore, it is imperative to stay tuned to legislative developments and, after the new law is promulgated, adjust payment and cost calculations accordingly.


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  2. 境外用工合规系列专题(二):美国加州篇

  3. 境外用工合规系列专题(一):新加坡篇

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  15. Terminating labour contracts on grounds of detention

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  26. 用人单位应对新《妇女权益保障法》之合规建议

  27. 解雇违纪高管行动方案的设计与执行

  28. Effecting strategic dismissals of senior management

  29. 股权激励的设计与风险防控

  30. 企业员工舞弊风险的应对

  31. 试用期使用的一些探讨

  32. 广东省新就业形态劳动者及劳动保障权益新规

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  34. 员工舞弊案件中调查访谈的规范操作

  35. Normative Investigative Interviews in Employee Fraud Cases

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  40. 中国企业ESG劳动用工合规问题探讨

  41. Labour-related ESG compliance in China

  42. 浅谈互联网企业裁员的风险与合规

  43. Risk and compliance in layoffs at internet companies

  44. 用人单位在虚假报销劳动争议中的举证和应对

  45. Employer’s burden of proof in false reimbursement disputes

  46. 《深圳市员工工资支付条例》修订重点条款解读

  47. 用人单位在反职场性骚扰中的合规治理

  48. Employer compliance governance in workplace

  49. 员工舞弊处理中的停职调查要点

  50. 従業員による不正行為の処理対応における停職調査のポイント

  51. Pitfalls in suspending employees amid fraud investigations

  52. Personal information protection in internal corporate probes

  53. 《个人信息保护法》对企业用工管理的影响与合规建议

  54. Impact of personal information protection law on enterprise

  55. 居家办公涉及的常见用工法律问题与解答

  56. 员工造成经济损失,企业如何主张赔偿

  57. Holding employees liable for damages in court

  58. Remedial Measures for Non-Renewal of a Fixed-Term Labor Contract

  59. 用人单位如何应对职场中的性骚扰

  60. 未及时续签劳动合同的补救措施

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  64. How startups enforce non-competition of departing co-founders

  65. 京沪两地退休年龄问题

  66. Retirement ages in Beijing and Shanghai

  67. 舞弊员工处理的合规要点分析

  68. 不正従業員の処遇に関するコンプライアンス上のポイントに関する分析

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  73. Does Civil Code affect the labour contract ?

  74. 客观情况发生重大变化下的劳动合同解除

  75. Termination of Employment under Changes of Circumstances

  76. 简析金融机构“风险金”制度

  77. Analysis of ‘risk fund’ system of financial institutions

  78. 类案检索制度影响下的单方待岗的合规注意事项

  79. Typical cases guide compliance on unilateral furloughing

  80. “协商变更”劳动合同常见误区

  81. Misconception with changing employment contract by consultation

  82. 劳动争议案件中的证据选择和准备

  83. Selection, preparation of evidence in labour dispute cases

  84. “社保入税”的新阶段与影响

  85. 试用期的深度解析(下)

  86. 试用期的深度解析(上)

  87. Non-compete Restriction

  88. 竞业限制调查取证的“新方法”

  89. 类案检索新规对企业劳动风险管理的重要影响

  90. The New Regulations on the Similar Cases Retrieval

  91. 公司提前解散关键法律问题解答

  92. 疫情影响下企业的灵活用工和员工安置

  93. 语音课堂丨劳动法第二期:停工停产

  94. 语音课堂丨劳动法第一期:疫情影响下企业的灵活用工安排

  95. Key Employment Issues amid COVID-19

  96. 疫情防控下的企业用工合规问题解答

  97. 疫病予防制御期間における使用者のコンプライアンス上の問題に関する回答

  98. 2019年劳动法领域重点立法与政策变化回顾

  99. Review of Key Updates to Employment Laws and Policies in 2019

  100. 关于“三期”员工的问与答——从上海地区的规定和实践出发

  101. 关于“三期员工”的问与答 Q&A About “Employee Undergoing Three Periods”

  102. 全球员工股权激励指引(中国篇)

  103. Employment Issues in China M&A Deals 中国并购交易中的劳动法问题

  104. 收集和使用员工个人信息合规问题分析(上篇)

  105. 收集和使用员工个人信息合规问题分析(下篇)

  106. Compliance Issues on Employees' Personal Information

  107. 离职员工递延奖金发放的法律风险分析

  108. 从劳动法视角看“996工作制”

  109. 董事与高级管理人员的法定竞业限制义务——用人单位救济障碍与应对策略分析

  110. Directors and Senior Management's Non-Compete Obligations

  111. 用人单位是否需要为非全日制员工缴存住房公积金

  112. 防止被收购企业股东另起炉灶,竞业禁止条款如何巧妙设置?

  113. 谈谈企业规章制度民主程序的“是与非” ——以《劳动合同法》第四条第二款的司法实践解读为视角




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  1. 《劳动法》下国有企业如何合规实施员工跟投制度?
