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气象学家  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-10 17:10



气象学家 公众号 交流群



STOTEN于1972年创刊,刊载环境及与人类相关的研究成果。STOTEN的高质量得到了国内外科技界同行认可,发展至2023年收稿3.92万篇,年发表7764篇; 期刊目前 CiteScore为16.8,影响因子为9.8,位于JCR Q1区,中科院一区Top期刊 ;在谷歌学术指标期刊排名中,H5指数为273,位居全球期刊总榜第12位。

Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN, or Sci Total Environ) started in 1972. STOTEN is an international journal for the scientific research of environment and its relationship with humankind. It is well recognized by scientific researchers worldwide and published over 7764 articles from 39,200 submitted manuscripts in 2023. Its current CiteScore is 16.8 with the impact factor of 9.8, and it is in the JCR Q1. According to the Google Scholar Metrics ranking recently released, its H5-index is 273, ranking the 12th among all journals.

STOTEN最新投稿内容范围 | Aims and scope

STOTEN是多学科交叉的自然科学国际期刊,致力于发表 与大气圈、岩石圈、水圈、生物圈和人类圈 有关的观点新颖、科学假设驱动并具有重要影响力的研究。为了不断提高期刊质量,期刊的发表内容范围会不定期更新。期刊5月更新了投稿范围,请投稿前认真阅读网站的要求( https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/science-of-the-total-environment/about/aims-and-scope )和作者指南( Guide for authors )。

Science of the Total Environment is an international multi-disciplinary natural science journal for publishing novel, hypothesis-driven and high-impact research on the total environment, which interfaces the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere , and anthroposphere . To continuously improve the quality of STOTEN, its Aims & Scope are updated regularly to reflect advances in science and was recently updated in May. Please read the Aims and scope and Guide for authors on its website carefully before submission.

我们期待更多具有原创性、高质量和影响力的跨学科环境研究论文投稿, 重点接受能够推进基础认知发展和多圈交叉联系的研究工作 ;择优接受实地研究;对于实验室研究论文,必须与环境息息相关,且在方法或机制方面有重要突破; 不考虑创新程度有限的描述性、重复性、增量性或小区域尺度研究的投稿

We invite contributions of original and high-quality interdisciplinary environmental research papers with broad impacts. Studies significantly advancing both fundamental understanding and the interconnection of multiple spheres will be given primary consideration. Field studies have preference, while papers describing laboratory experiments must demonstrate significant advances in methodology or mechanistic understanding with a clear connection to the environment. Descriptive, repetitive, incremental or regional-scale studies with limited novelty will not be considered.



· 空气质量、大气条件及其在环境后果中作用的新见解
· 大气生物地球化学
· 生态系统服务及其人为影响评估
· 生态毒理学和风险评估
· 环境科学背景下的生态水文学
· 野生动物和污染物
· 气候变化、农业、林业和土地使用的环境影响
· 废物或废水处理对环境的影响
· 饮用水污染物和环境影响
· 土壤和地下水的环境修复
· 全球变化引发的极端事件及其环境影响
· 地下水污染和水文地球化学
· 纳米材料、微塑料和其他新兴污染物的环境影响
· 新型污染物(生物)监测和风险评估方法
· 遥感和大数据在环境科学中的应用
· 海洋、淡水和陆地生态系统的胁迫生态学
· 生物地球化学循环中的痕量金属和有机物
· 环境对水质和安全的影响

Subjects may include, but are not limited to:
•Air quality, atmospheric conditions, and new understanding of their role in environmental outcomes
• Atmospheric biogeochemistry
Ecosystem services and assessment of anthropogenic effects on those services
•Ecotoxicology and risk assessment
Eco-hydrology in the context of environmental science
•Wildlife and contaminants
•Environmental impacts of climate change, agriculture, forestry, and land use
•Environmental impacts of waste or wastewater treatment
Drinking water contaminants and environmental implications
•Environmental remediation of soil and groundwater
•Global change-induced extreme events and their environmental impacts
Groundwater contamination and hydrogeochemistry
Environmental impacts of nanomaterials, microplastics, and other emerging contaminant s
•Novel contaminant (bio)monitoring and risk assessment approaches
Remote sensing and big data applications in environmental science
•Stress ecology in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems
•Trace metals and organics in biogeochemical cycles
Environmental effects on water quality and security


· 未对该研究领域贡献重要的新知识的论文
· 无直接环境影响或效益的处理/技术/工程研究
· 关于经济、社会学、心理学、政治学、政策、规划和/或管理的社会科学论文
· 与环境科学无关的学科研究
· 缺乏国际相关性的本地或区域尺度案例研究
· 无环境影响的土壤、农业、水产养殖或植物科学研究
· 缺乏应用部分的实验室批量实验,例如,批量吸附实验、基于污染物去除的吸附剂或催化剂的制备和评估,或未使用环境相关浓度的受控实验室实验
· 无实质性假设、主要为数据报告的稿件,例如常见污染物的监测
· 没有校准和数据验证的建模研究
· 小规模试验中测试单一化学物质的毒理学和生态毒理学研究
· 涵盖职业环境中的暴露、健康影响和控制措施的文稿
· 常见污染物分析方法探究的稿件
· 基于文献计量分析的论文
· 未提供对已收集数据所在系统的新科学见解,例如描述包括机器学习在内的数据分析方法的论文
· 不直接影响环境系统的可再生能源(例如风能、太阳能)开发和/或应用

Types of submission not to be considered:
•Papers not contributing significant new knowledge to the field of study
•Treatment/technology/engineering studies that do not demonstrate direct environmental effects or benefits
Papers of social science in nature on economics, sociology, psychology, political science, policy, planning and/or management
Disciplinary studies not related to environmental science
•Local or regional scale case studies lacking international relevance
Soil, agricultural, aquacultural or plant science studies without environmental implications
•Laboratory batch experiments without an application component, e.g., batch sorption experiments, preparation, and evaluation of sorbents or catalysts for contaminant removal, or controlled laboratory experiments not using environmentally relevant concentrations
•Manuscripts that are primarily data reports without a substantial hypothesis, e.g., monitoring of common contaminants
•Modelling studies without calibration and data validation
•Toxicology and ecotoxicology studies testing single chemicals in bench-scale assays
•Papers covering exposures, health effects, and control measures in occupational settings
A nalytical method papers on common contaminants
•Bibliometric analysis-based papers
•Papers that describe data analysis methods including machine learning that do not provide new scientific insights into the system from which the data were collected
Development and/or implementation of renewable energy (e.g., wind, solar) that do not directly affect an environmental system

注意在提交稿件之前 不需征求主编的同意 。请检查投稿指南,如果确定您的稿件属于该期刊的投稿范畴的范围内, 可以直接提交

Please DO NOT ask the Editors-in-Chief for permission before submitting your manuscript. Kindly check the guidelines to determine whether the manuscript is within the scope of the journal; if yes, please go ahead and submit it.


声明: 欢迎转载、转发。气象学家公众号转载信息旨在传播交流,其内容由作者负责,不代表本号观点。文中部分图片来源于网络,如涉及内容、版权和其他问题,请联系小编 (微信:qxxjgzh) 处理。

