Aging and Disease
是老年医学领域全球最具影响力的医学期刊之一,于2010年由美国International Society on Aging and Disease正式创刊。2014年获得首个影响因子3.07,并逐年上升,2018年6月26日JCR公布期刊最新影响因子为
Aging and Disease在所有的老年医学类期刊中,排名第二;在病理和法医类期刊中,排名第六;在临床神经病学类期刊中排名14
(数据来自。Aging and Disease是一本开放阅读的期刊,所有的文章,都可以直接
Aging and Disease最新2019年2月出版Short Communications文章一览,供大家参考!
Short Communications
Reduction in IGF1 mRNA in the Human Subependymal Zone During Agingy
The cell proliferation marker, Ki67 and the immature neuron marker, doublecortin are both expressed in the major human neurogenic niche, the subependymal zone (SEZ), but expression progressively decreases across the adult lifespan (PMID: 27932973). In contrast, transcript levels of several mitogens (transforming growth factor α, epidermal growth factor and fibroblast growth factor 2) do not decline with age in the human SEZ, suggesting that other growth factors may contribute to the reduced neurogenic potential. While insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF1) regulates neurogenesis throughout aging in the mouse brain, the extent to which IGF1 and IGF family members change with age and relate to adult neurogenesis markers in the human SEZ has not yet been determined. We used quantitative polymerase chain reaction to examine gene expression of seven IGF family members [IGF1, IGF1 receptor, insulin receptor and high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs) 2, 3, 4 and 5] in the human SEZ across the adult lifespan (n=50, 21-103 years). We found that only IGF1 expression significantly decreased with increasing age. IGFBP2 and IGFBP4 expression positively correlated with Ki67 mRNA. IGF1 expression positively correlated with doublecortin mRNA, whereas IGFBP2 expression negatively correlated with doublecortin mRNA. Our results suggest IGF family members are local regulators of neurogenesis and indicate that the age-related reduction in IGF1 mRNA may limit new neuron production by restricting neuronal differentiation in the human SEZ.
Figure 1. Gene expression of IGF family members and their relationships to neurogenesis markers in the human SEZ from
young adulthood into aging.
Aging and Disease
是老年医学领域全球最具影响力的医学期刊之一,于2010年由美国International Society on Aging and Disease正式创刊。2014年获得首个影响因子3.07,并逐年上升,2018年6月26日JCR公布期刊最新影响因子为
Aging and Disease在所有的老年医学类期刊中,排名第二;在病理和法医类期刊中,排名第六;在临床神经病学类期刊中排名14
Aging and Disease是一本开放阅读的期刊,所有的文章,都可以直接
Aging and Disease为综合性双月刊,发文主题涵盖 (但不限于):老化、衰老以及老年相关的疾病等方面。主要包括 (但不限于):衰老、老化、神经疾病系统疾病 (中风, 阿尔茨海默病, 帕金森病, 癫痫, 痴呆, 抑郁症)、心血管疾病、癌症、关节炎、骨质疏松症、糖尿病、高血压、代谢、再生医学与干细胞、呼吸系统疾病、胃肠疾病、泌尿与肾脏疾病、精神疾病、皮肤疾病、血液疾病、放射影像与核医学、生物工程与生物材料、基因治疗和流行病学等多个领域。详见期刊介绍:
截止目前,Aging and Disease已经出版9卷,49期。期刊编委来自美国、法国、澳大利亚、中国、英国、西班牙、印度等国家各领域专家。