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Karoly Szalai|中小企业为什么要投资工业物联网?

产业智能官  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-03-13 06:50




Karoly Szalai











在我们进行进一步讨论之前,我们需要定义 工业物联网 这个术语的实际涵义。

当今流行的流行词汇 物联网 是一个互联网概念,描述的是日常物理对象连接到互联网并能够通过其他设备识别自己。


那么工业物联网呢? 工业物联网 就是在制造业中使用物联网技术。工业物联网有时也被称为工业互联网。
















1. 它支持决策者非常迅速地洞察真实的机器性能;

2. 它可以帮助评估昂贵的工业物联网项目的投资回报率,比如采用MES(制造执行)系统。
















Hi! This is Karoly Szalai from SINNEOSmart Technologies. Today I would like to present some food for thought forChinese Small and Middle Size Enterprises: why should they invest in IndustrialIoT? IoT and Industry 4.0 are not futuristic concepts anymore, in 2019 theseare considered more and more mainstream. Not only large corporations, but alsoSMEs need to adapt and take initiatives to transform their manufacturing.

However, the successful implementation ofdigital transformation and IIoT call for different approaches in case oflarge manufacturers or SMEs. In this video I would like to highlight theimportance of IIoTimplementation in manufacturing, and the typical barriers and fears thatChinese SMEs face in this process. I am also going to demonstrate a case studyabout using data acquisition to estimate the Return On Investment of an IIoTproject.

But before we go into any furtherdiscussions, we need to define what the term Industrial IoT actually means.

The popular buzzword of our days,Internet of Things, is a computing concept that describes the idea of everydayphysical objects being connected to the Internet and being able to identifythemselves to other devices. In the past we usually connected to the Internetwith our desktop PCs, laptops or smartphones. Simply put, IoT enables toconnect literally any everyday objects to the Internet, just like toasters,toothbrushes, or even production assets.

How about Industrial IoT? Industrial IoT(or shortly IIoT) issimply the use of IoT technologies in manufacturing. IIoT issometimes also referred to as the Industrial Internet.

OK, so IIoT sounds like a lot of hassle, then whyshould SMEs care at all? The issue is rooted in 2 factors.

First, Chinese manufacturing value-add isnot keeping pace with laborcosts. Practically it means, that the salaries increase faster than theproductivity of manufacturers. This growing gap between value-add and laborcosts causes foreign SMEs to take their production out of China, and ChineseSMEs to lose their competitiveness.

The second factor is the macroeconomicenvironment. Issues like the slowing GDP growth or the China-US trade tensionsput an ever growing pressure on the Chinese manufacturing industry. Largeenterprises apply higher profit margins so they are less affected, but ChineseSME manufacturers usually operate with very narrow margins, so economicturbulences seriously bite into their profitability.

Then what is the way out? Actually it isobvious: increase productivity, reduce costs and eliminate waste. Innovationand technology can help exactly with that: leverage the data generated in yourworkshop, in order to gain insights and a holistic overview of the currentstate of your production.

If it gets measured, it can be improved.As simple as that.

Introducing new technologies andprocesses in your accustomed manufacturing life can be very challenging though.Based on the World Economic Forum Industrial Internet Survey from 2016, theseare the main barriers manufacturers face when trying to adopt IIoTtechnologies.

Let’s take a closer look at the redcolour bars, as those represent the answers of the survey respondents fromChina.  It shows that the number oneconcern for Chinese companies is the uncertain ROI of IIoTadoption. It seems Chinese businesses are much more worried about it than theirEuropean or North American counterparts.

Well, this is a valid concern, nobodylikes throwing out money through the window. And it is far from trivial todetermine the ROI of an IIoTproject, if you had never applied such technologies before.

Here, there might be 3 differentapproaches. You might compare your project with a similar business case thatyou found in technical literature or other sources. Or, if you are able toaccess relevant historical production data from your shopfloor,then you might be able to do some rough estimation. For example, if you canreduce the total downtime of a production machine by 10%, how much can you savewithin 1 year?

Furthermore, there is also a not sowell-known approach: you can actually estimate the ROI of IIoTimplementation with onsite measurement.

Exactly for this purpose have wedeveloped at SINNEO a service concept called Mobile OEE, that serves 2 goals:

1.itsupports decision makers to gain insights very quickly into the real machineperformance; 2.itprovides help to estimate the ROI of costly IIoT projects, like the adoption of aManufacturing Execution System.

Let’s see a case study how it works. Afastener manufacturer is facing issues with their thread rolling system.According to the machine datasheets and the calculated cycle time, theproduction throughput is supposed to be much higher, than it actually is. So inevery work shift the production quantity stays far below the targets.

The system consists of 3 machines: thethread rolling machine, an automated screw feeder, and a handling robot thattransfers the fasteners between the stations.

The factory is facing pressure toundertake some kind of investment to increase the production throughput, butthey are clueless where to start… Should they buy a complete copy-system tooperate in parallel? Or just replace the robot with a faster one?

It would be too costly and time consumingto adopt an installed OEE monitoring system for this task, so the factorydecided to try another approach. They turned to the Mobile OEE solution, whichis a rental service, for any chosen time period. The system includes ameasurement device, which is installed near the thread rolling system, andconnected to the equipment via a few simple I/O signals. During manufacturingoperation, the device records time-series OEE data from each connectedmachines, and also records manual data input from the operators. For example,reasons for downtime or eventually product IDs. Meanwhile the engineers canmonitor the OEE values in real-time via their web browser.

At the end of the rental period, thefactory has real production data on hand to identify process bottlenecks andsupport critical IIoTinvestment decisions.
