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香港努力吸引游客回流-Hong Kong tries to lure back tourists

Robin经济学人双语精读  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-02-22 16:45


The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.



Hong Kong tries to lure back tourists

The 52nd Hong Kong Arts Festival begins this week. Over the next month, the bash will feature 45 shows with works by 1,400 artists and over 350 educational events. Performers include the Bavarian State Opera, the Royal Lyceum Theatre Edinburgh and Angélique Kidjo, a Grammy-winning singer.

Hong Kong promotes itself as "Asia's world city". Last year some 34m visitors came-but that is just 57% of pre-pandemic numbers. The government has chipped in HK$19m ($2.4m) to the festival's budget of HK$150m in the hope that it might lure back the crowds.

But so far the city's efforts have undermined, rather than underscored, its international credentials. An exhibition football match on February 4th ignited a nationalist firestorm after Lionel Messi, an Argentine superstar, said he was too injured to play. Officials called it a "deliberate and calculated snub"by unnamed foreign plotters. The furore made Hong Kong look worryingly like the mainland. It is doubtful whether the Arts Festival can reverse the damage.



Hong Kong tries to lure back tourists

The 52nd Hong Kong Arts Festival begins this week.

  • lure 吸引(48%),诱惑(32%),饵(14%),吸引力(6%)
    The campaign is designed to lure tourists back to the province. 该宣传活动旨在把游客吸引回该省来。


Hong Kong tries to lure back tourists 


The 52nd Hong Kong Arts Festival begins this week. 

第 52 届香港艺术节本周开幕。

Over the next month, the bash will feature 45 shows with works by 1,400 artists and over 350 educational events.

  • bash 【在这里的意思是:盛大的聚会;盛典 ■alarge party or celebration 】狂欢(36%),重击(31%),怒殴(17%),猛烈的一击(11%),猛烈抨击(5%)
    a new year's bash 新年狂欢

  • feature 【以…为特色;给…以显著的地位 ■to include someone or something as an important part特征(62%),特色(15%),特写(7%),故事片(7%),起重要作用(4%),容貌(4%),以 ... 为特色(1%)
    The exhibition features paintings by Picasso. 这次展览重点展出毕加索的画作。


Over the next month, the bash will feature 45 shows with works by 1,400 artists and over 350 educational events. 

在接下来的一个月里,该活动将举办 45 场展览,展出 1 400 名艺术家的作品,并举办 350 多场教育活动。

Performers include the Bavarian State Opera, the Royal Lyceum Theatre Edinburgh and Angélique Kidjo, a Grammy-winning singer.

  • performer 表演者(76%),执行者(24%)


Performers include the Bavarian State Opera, the Royal Lyceum Theatre Edinburgh and Angélique Kidjo, a Grammy-winning singer. 

表演者来自巴伐利亚国家歌剧院、爱丁堡皇家莱西姆剧院以及格莱美获奖歌手 Angélique Kidjo。

Hong Kong promotes itself as "Asia's world city".

Last year some 34m visitors came-but that is just 57% of pre-pandemic numbers.

  • promote 促进(85%),提升(12%),发起(2%),升迁(1%)
    The area is being promoted as a tourist destination. 这个地区正被推广为旅游点


Hong Kong promotes itself as "Asia's world city". 

香港自诩为 "亚洲国际都会"/将自己作为亚洲国际都会进行宣传推广。

Last year some 34m visitors came-but that is just 57% of pre-pandemic numbers. 

去年,约有 3400 万游客前来参观,但这只是疫情前游客人数的 57%。

The government has chipped in HK$19m ($2.4m) to the festival's budget of HK$150m in the hope that it might lure back the crowds.

  • chip in (在合作项目中)出力; 出钱 ■contribute something as one's share of a joint activity, cost, etc.
    The council will chip in a further £30,000 a year. 市政会将每年追加投入30,000英镑。

  • budget 预算(97%),廉价的(1%),节省开支(1%),预算(1%)

  • in the hope that 怀着…的希望
    I am writing to you in the hope that you can help me obtain some information. 我写这封信是希望您能帮我打听一些事情。

    He asked her againin the vain hope that he could persuade her to come (= it was impossible). 他又问了一次,指望能说服她来,但这只是徒劳。


The government has chipped in HK$19m ($2.4m) to the festival's budget of HK$150m in the hope that it might lure back the crowds. 

政府已为艺术节 1.5 亿港元的预算出资 1900 万港元(240 万美元),希望能吸引更多的观众。

But so far the city's efforts have undermined, rather than underscored, its international credentials.

  • undermine 逐渐削弱(53%),从根基处损害(19%),暗中损害(19%),在...下挖(9%)
    Many severe colds undermined the old man's health. 多次严重的感冒损害了老人的健康。

  • rather than 宁愿,更喜欢;而不是 ■in preference to; instead of
    The problem was psychological rather than physiological. 问题是心理方面的而不是生理方面的。

  • underscore 强调(88%),下划线(9%),影片伴奏乐(1%),划线于(1%),提供伴奏乐(1%)
    underscore sb.'s diplomatic abilities 强调显示某人的外交才能


But so far the city's efforts have undermined, rather than underscored, its international credentials. 但迄今为止,该市的努力非但没有彰显其国际声誉,反而削弱了它的实力。

An exhibition football match on February 4th ignited a nationalist firestorm after Lionel Messi, an Argentine superstar, said he was too injured to play.

  • nationalist 国家主义的;民族主义的 ■wanting political independence for your country

  • 【经济学人这老小子不憋好屁】nationalist用法有时含有贬义-民族主义者;怀有本民族优越感者 英文解释是:(sometimes disapproving)a person who loves their country very much and is very proud of it; a person who feels that their country is better than any other

  • firestorm 【〔抗议、不满或争论的〕大爆发 ■a lot of protests, complaints, or arguments that happen suddenly and all at once风暴性大火(48%),大爆发(41%),核心爆炸引起的爆炸风暴(11%)
    The speech has resulted in a firestorm of controversy. 这一讲话已引发了激烈的争议。


An exhibition football match on February 4th ignited a nationalist firestorm after Lionel Messi, an Argentine superstar, said he was too injured to play. 

2 月 4 日的一场足球表演赛在阿根廷巨星梅西(Lionel Messi)表示因伤无法上场后引发了一场民族主义风暴。

Officials called it a "deliberate and calculated snub"by unnamed foreign plotters.

  • deliberate 深思熟虑的(40%),故意的(32%),仔细考虑(15%),从容不迫的(8%),研讨(5%)
    a deliberate attempt to humiliate her 故意要羞辱她的企图

  • calculated 有计划的(47%),可能的(23%),经计算的(15%)
    a calculated attempt to deceive the American public 蓄意欺骗美国民众的企图

  • snub 冷落(59%),怠慢(31%),斥责(8%),止住(2%)
    Eisenhower saw the action as a deliberate snub. 艾森豪威尔认为这种行为就是故意怠慢。

  • plotter 阴谋者(60%),计划者(40%)
    a coup plotter 策动政变的人


Officials called it a "deliberate and calculated snub"by unnamed foreign plotters. 

官员们称这是未具名的外国阴谋家的 "蓄意和精心策划的怠慢"。

The furore made Hong Kong look worryingly like the mainland.

  • furore 轰动(77%),狂怒(23%)
    The security leaks have caused a widespread furore. 安全漏洞激起了广泛的公愤。

  • worryingly adv.焦虑地,烦恼地
    Worryingly, the plan contains few details on how spending will be cut. 令人担忧的是,这项计划中有关如何削减开支的细则很少。


The furore made Hong Kong look worryingly like the mainland. 



It is doubtful whether the Arts Festival can reverse the damage.

  • reverse 逆转(32%),相反(25%),相反的(11%),改变(9%),倒退(7%),背面(6%),反面的(3%),颠倒的(3%),失败(2%),倒档(1%),互换(1%)
    The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company's fortunes. 新经理希望能够扭转公司江河日下的状况。

  • damage 损害(59%),损失(30%),毁坏(11%)
    Recent discoveries about corruption have done serious damage to the company's reputation. 近来曝光的一些腐败行为使那间公司的声誉受到严重损害。


It is doubtful whether the Arts Festival can reverse the damage




Hong Kong tries to 【1】 back tourists

The 52nd Hong Kong Arts Festival begins this week. Over the next month, the bash will 【2】 45 shows with works by 1,400 artists and over 350 educational events. Performers include the Bavarian State Opera, the Royal Lyceum Theatre Edinburgh and Angélique Kidjo, a Grammy-winning singer.

Hong Kong 【3】 itself as "Asia's world city". Last year some 34m visitors came-but that is just 57% of pre-pandemic numbers. The government has 【4】 HK$19m  ($2.4m) to the festival's budget of HK$150m in the hope that it might lure back the crowds.

But so far the city's efforts have 【5】, rather than 【6】, its international credentials. An exhibition football match on February 4th ignited a nationalist firestorm after Lionel Messi, an Argentine superstar, said he was too injured to play. Officials called it a "deliberate and calculated snub"by unnamed foreign plotters. The furore made Hong Kong look 【7】 like the mainland. It is doubtful whether the Arts Festival can 【8】 the damage.