主講人:濱下武志教授 (東京大學東洋文庫)等
主持人:劉翠溶教授(中央研究院台灣史研究所) 等
時間:2019年10月24日(四)上午9:00 至 2019年10月27日(日)下午 5:40
Thursday, October 24
Opening and Keynote Speech
Opening Ceremony
Oct. 24 09:00-09:30
Chair: Shi-yung Liu (President of AEAEH)
Welcome Address: Jia-Sheng Ueng (Department of History, National Cheng Kung University)
Keynote Speech
Oct. 24 09:30-10:30
To Be Determined
Takeshi Hamashita
(Toyo Bunko, Tokyo)
Ts'ui-jung Liu
(Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica)
Parallel Session 1
Parallel Session 1.1
Oct. 24 11:00-12:40
Agriculture and Environmental Sustainability
Charlotte von Verschuer
École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE)
Environment and Agricultural Practices: A Comparative Approach Japan/Laos
Charlotte von Verschuer
École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE)
New Land Use Policy (NLUP) and Environmental Sustainability in Mizoram (North-east India)
Jagdish Lal Dawar
Retired from Mizoram University
Environment of Quake Areas and Agricultural Production after Haiyuan Earthquake in 1920
Fengxian Bu
Northwest Institute of Historical Environment and Socio-Economic Development, Shaanxi Normal University
Parallel Session 1.2
Oct. 24 11:00-12:40
Anima Philosophica: Nature, Disaster, and Animism in Japan
Tatsushi Fujihara
Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
A Philosophy of 'Decomposition': Between Ecological and Social Systems
Tatsushi Fujihara
Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
Floating Spirits and Wandering Ghosts: The Mourning Environment in Modern Japan
Miho Ishii
Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
The Fate of the World: Implications of Nishida's Philosophy for Modernized Space in Japan
Masatake Shinohara
The Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS), Kyoto University
Mythology of the Future: Depicting Realities in Fukushima through Fictive Stories
Takashi Arai
Visual Artist / Filmmaker / Visiting Researcher at Tono Culture Research Center
Parallel Session 1.3
Oct. 24 11:00-12:40
Sustainable Urbanization
Yifei Li
New York University Shanghai
(Un?)Charted Waters: Hydraulic Infrastructures in Zaanheh and Shanghai
Yifei Li
New York University Shanghai
Remodeling the Urban Environment of Kunming in Ming Dynasty
Yuanhui Liang
Institute of Southwest Environmental History, Yunnan University
How Pollution Senses Sustainable Future in South Korea: A Case Study on Industrial
Ecopolis Ulsan
Dongjin Kim
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Parallel Session 1.4
Oct. 24 11:00-12:40
Local People and Natural Relationship in Eastern Asia: Border and Adaptation to Natural and Social Change
Yoko Yasuda
International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University
A History of Fresh Water Fishery in Ob' River System from the Viewpoint of Khanty
Yuka Oishi
National Museum of Ethnology, Japan
The Movement of Local Fishery Order Influenced by Natural and Social Environment from Early Modern to Modern Japan
Shingo Nakamura
University of Toyama
"Border" and Disasters in the Mongolian Pastoral Nomadic Society during the Qing Dynasty
Kaori Horiuchi
Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University
Reasons for Living on Water
Tsutomu Inazawa
Shokei Gakuin University
Parallel Session 2
Parallel Session 2.1
Oct. 24 14:00-15:40
Land-use Patterns and Environmental Sustainability
Adam Tompkins
Lakeland University Japan
Land Use Changes and Traditional Development in the Chongming Island during the Ming and Qing Dynasties
Junlin Bao
Center for Historical Geographical Studies, Fudan University
Wildland Survey and the Source of National Wildland Statistics in the Republic of China (1912-1949)
Li Zhang
Center for Historical Geographical Studies, Fudan University
Sustainability in Mitigation Efforts during the 17th Century Cold Period in Jiāngnán
Erling Agoey
Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo
Growing Cities and Shrinking Bases: A Comparison of Urban Environmental Issues and Militarized Landscapes in the Kanto, Chubu, and Kansai Regions of Japan
Adam Tompkins
Lakeland University Japan
Parallel Session 2.2
Oct. 24 14:00-15:40
Transnational Technology, Market, and Environment in East Asia (1850s to 1940s)
Yubin Shen
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Ruisheng Zhang
Department of History, Purdue University
The Reconstruction of the Forestry Space: Commercial Logging, Lumbermen and the Yalu River Development (1870-1929)
Xiang Chi
Department of History, UCLA
Beyond Violence: Commodity, Nature and the Expansion of a Global Market in Pre-Modern South-Eastern Mongolia
Siping Shan
Department of History, SOAS, University of London
Implements and the Attempts to Transform Rural China: The Cooperation between the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the International Harvester Company (1945-1948)
Ruisheng Zhang
Department of History, Purdue University
Redefining and Managing Sandalwood: The Interaction between the Science of the Species and Asia-Europe Sandalwood Trade during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century
Lingjing Wu
Department of History, Tsinghua University
Parallel Session 2.3
Oct. 24 14:00-15:40
Nature and Urbanization
Freddie Stephenson
University of Nottingham
The Uses of Coastal Cultural Heritage in Sustainable Urbanization: Case Studies of South China and Kaohsiung
Zhen Yang
Trinity College Dublin
Nature and the City: Remaking of the Han River in Seoul in the 1980s
Yeonsil Kang
Catholic University of Korea
Thinking inside the Box: Popular and Governmental Responses to Overcrowding in Colonial Hong Kong
Freddie Stephenson
University of Nottingham
Parallel Session 2.4
Oct. 24 14:00-15:40
Water Resource Utilization and Conservation
Hurng-Jyuhn Wang
National Dong Hwa University
Making of the Postcolonial Water Infrastructure in Korea: Going beyond a Center-Periphery Analysis
Seohyun Park
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
The Appearance of Water Companies in Modern China
Shinobu Iguro
Otani University
Parallel Session 3
Parallel Session 3.1
Oct. 24 16:00-17:40
Crops and Landscape
Donald Worster
University of Kansas/
Renmin University of China
On "Crop Invasion"--Expansion of Introduced Crops and Changes in the Landscape in Western China's Mountainous Regions since the Ming (1368-1644) Dynasties
Bo Xu
Kunming Science Development Research Institute of Kunming University
Women in Coffee Plantations: A Bioregional Study of the Environmental History of Kodagu, India
Subarna De
Department of History (SFS), Madras Christian College
Empire of Insect Flower: Pyrethrum Cropscapes in East Asia, 1880s-1940s
Yubin Shen
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Parallel Session 3.2
Oct. 24 16:00-17:40
Pollution and Environmental Protection
Shi-yung Liu
University of Pennsylvania /
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Geography of Infant Mortality and Mining Pollution in Modern Japan: From Town and Village Statistics of 1930s
Keisuke Moriya (1)
Kenichi Tomobe (1)
Emiko Higami (2)
(1) Hitotsubashi University
(2) Independent Scholar
Producing Engineers for Cleaner Korea: Public Health and Environmental Engineering Education in Korean Higher Education from 1979 to 1999
Jongmin Lee
University of Science and Technology, Korea
Parallel Session 3.3
Oct. 24 16:00-17:40
Animals in Technological Environments
Tatsushi Fujihara
Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
Akihisa Setoguchi
Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
Underground Animals: Humans, Canaries, and Machines in Mines and Cities
Akihisa Setoguchi
Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
Aquacultural Ecology, Pearl Crisis, and the Politics of Density in Ago Bay, 1950-1970
Kjell Ericson
Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University
Pest and Pest Control in Postwar Taiwan, 1945-1970s
Shao-li Lu
Department of History, National Taiwan University
Friday, October 25
Mid-conference Field Trip
Saturday, October 26
Round Table
Round Table
Oct. 26 09:00-10:00
J. Donald Hughes Memorial Roundtable
Chair: Michael Shi-yung Liu
Introducers: Ts'ui-jung Liu (Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica)
Satoshi Murayama (Kagawa University)
Micah Muscolino (University of Califonia, San Diego)
Parallel Session 4
Parallel Session 4.1
Oct. 26 10:20-12:00
Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability
Peter Lavelle
Temple University
Study on the Transformation of Plant Resources and Its Influencing Factors in Heihe River Basin, Northwest China in Historical Period
Zhilin Shi (1)
Fengwen Liu (1)
Yishi Yang (2)
(1) College of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University
(2) Gansu Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
Resources in Crisis: Plowing Pastures and Mining Mountains in 1850s Xinjiang
Peter Lavelle
Temple University
Parallel Session 4.2
Oct. 26 10:20-12:00
Sustainable Perspective of Water and Forest Resource Utilization in China and Taiwan
Ts'ui-jung Liu
Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica
A Sustainable Development Plan under the Qing Dynasty
Makoto Ueda
Research Institute for Asian Studies, Rikkyo University
The Tea Trade in Sichuan and Tibet and
's Local Economy during the Qing Dynasty
Hui-min Lai
Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
Water Resource Utilization in Major Cities in Taiwan: A Comparative Perspective
Ts'ui-jung Liu
Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica
Parallel Session 4.3
Oct. 26 10:20-12:00
Human-Animal Relationship
Jianxiong Ma
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Mules and Animal Husbandry, Agriculture and Long Distance Caravan Trade between Yunnan, Burma and Margins of the Tibetan Plateau
Jianxiong Ma
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Gibbon of the Qin Shihuang: A Study Centered on the Qin Bamboo Slips Unearthed at Liye
Mian Li (1)
Fangjie Yu (2)
(1) School of History and Society, Chongqing Normal University
(2) Sichuan Fine Arts Institute
Urbanizing Camel: Peking Camels, 1900-1950
Lei Zhang
Department of History, Lingnan University
Parallel Session 5
Parallel Session 5.1
Oct. 26 14:00-15:40
New Horizons and Potentials in East Asian Medical History: A Survey of Chinese Maritime Customs' Medical Reports
Takeshi Hamashita
Toyo Bunko, Tokyo
Role of Medical Reports in the Chinese Maritime Customs' Records: 1870-1910
Takeshi Hamashita
Toyo Bunko, Tokyo
The Medical Network in East Asia at the Late Nineteenth Century from the Medical Reports, Chinese Maritime Customs
Wataru Iijima
Department of History, Aoyama Gakuin University
Endemic Diseases in Modern East Asia Described in Medical Reports
Hiroki Inoue
Aoyama Gakuin University
A Study of Disease Control by Chinese Maritime Customs in Fujian Province
Keisuke Tatara
Nihon University
Parallel Session 5.2
Oct. 26 14:00-15:40
Production of Scientific Knowledge and the Japanese Empire Forestry
Koji Nakashima
Kanazawa University
Hurng-Jyuhn Wang
National Dong HwaUniversity
Japanese Scientific Forestry and Treeless Islands in Colonial Taiwan: Controversy on the Environmental History of the Penghu Islands
Taisaku Komeie
Department of Geography, Kyoto University
The Exploration of Yushan Mountain and the Discovery of Alishan Forest in Colonial Taiwan in the Late 19th Century
Taro Takemoto
Department of Ecoregion Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Research Activity and Specimen Collection of Ryozo Kanehira: Based on the Material Evidences and His Personal History
Misako Mishima
Kyushu University Museum
Experimental Activities of SCES (Karafuto-chō Chūō-Shikenjo) and Private Companies: Including Comparison with Taiwan and Hokkaido under the Japanese Empire
Taisho Nakayama
Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University
Parallel Session 5.3
Oct. 26 14:00-15:40
Environmental Policy History 2.0-Nature Conservation on Private Lands
Hiroki Oikawa
Yokohama National University
Respect for Property Rights? Democratization and Japanese Nature Protection Laws
Rie Uchida
Yokohama National University
Debates on Endangered Species and Property Rights in the Japanese Diet: From Conflict towards Collaboration
Kazuki Kikuchi
Research Bureau, The House of Representatives, Japan
A Contractual Approach to Private Land Conservation: History of Collaboration between the Queen Elizabeth II National Trust and Landowners in New Zealand
Keiji Akutsu
Development Bank of Japan Inc., Tokyo
Parallel Session 6
Parallel Session 6.1
Oct. 26 16:00-17:40
Disease and Medicine
Shi-yung Liu
University of Pennsylvania /
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Racism in Pollen Allergy
Kaihei Koshio
Tokyo University of Agriculture
Tropical Stupor? Patients Affected by 1935 Earthquake and Tropical Weather in Colonial Taiwan
Harry Yi-Jui Wu
Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit, The University of Hong Kong
Digging up the History of the Caterpillar Fungus and Earlier Intersections between Medicine and the Environment
E. Elena Songster
Saint Mary's College of California
Parallel Session 6.2
Oct. 26 16:00-17:40
Knowledge and Practices in British Colonial and Postcolonial Forestry
Shoko Mizuno
Department of Economics, Komazawa University
Gregory A. Barton
Western Sydney University
Hybrid Forest Practice in British Colonial and Postcolonial Forestry Networks
Shoko Mizuno
Department of Economics, Komazawa University
Local Knowledge Blended into Forestry Development Projects of Burma / Myanmar
Yukako Tani
Faculty of Economics, Tohoku Gakuin University
How Have Forestry Knowledge and Practices Been Developed on an Invasive Species of
Lantana camara
in India?
Masahiko Ota
Institute of Liberal Arts, Kyushu Institute of Technology
The Decline and Abeyance of the Forest-Climate Link in the British Empire
Brett M Bennett
Department of History, University of Johannesburg
Parallel Session 6.3
Oct. 26 16:00-17:40
Disaster and Response
Li Zhang
Shaanxi Normal University
Plague, Climate and Politics: Locust Plague and the Government Response in Turpan and Its Surrounding Areas in 1877-1880
Li Zhang (1)
Yujun Lu (1)
Yikai Li (2)
(1) Shaanxi Normal University
(2) Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University
Impact of Historical Flood Events and Disaster Response Strategies on Settlements and Land Use: A Case Study of the Huayuankou Flood in the Lower Yellow River in 1938
Pi-ling Pai
Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica
All for One: Hong Kong for the 1991 East China Flood
Stephen Chung-On Ng
Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit, University of Hong Kong
Sunday, October 27
Parallel Session 7
Parallel Session 7.1
Oct. 27 09:00-10:40
Ecology and Environmental Sciences
Yubin Shen
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Sacred Groves: A Vital Tool of Biodiversity Conservation in West Bengal
Kakoli Sinha Ray
Department of History, Lady Brabourne College, Kolkata
A Correlation among the Microclimate Forest to the Diversity of Orchids at Climax of the Lowland Dipterocarp Forest in Malinau Regency
Akas Pinaringan Sujalu,
Ismail, Jumani,
Maya Preva Biantary, and Heni Emawati
Faculty of Agriculture, The University of 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda
South Korean Biologists' Appropriation of Japanese Colonial Experience
Manyong Moon
Chonbuk National University