专栏名称: 高分子能源
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高分子能源  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-12-19 09:59


德国于利希研究中心IBI3所招收2024CSC博士 (具体如下)
研究方向: 电化学生物传感,有机电化学晶体管
导师:Dr. Dirk Mayer ( [email protected] )
注册学校:亚琛工业大学(RWTH Aachen)
感兴趣的同学直接邮件联系: [email protected]
老板人非常nice, 对中国学生很友好,组里每年都有CSC学生

Running for CSC 2024 Fellowship
Research Department:        Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH – www.fz-juelich.de
Institute: Institute of Biological Information Processing, Bioelectronic (IBI-3),
Supervising scientist: Dr. Dirk Mayer
University for registration or for a future degree: University of Aachen (RWTH)
Research Field: Biomedical research / Bioelectronics / Biomaterials

Title of the research: Organic electrochemical transistor for the detection of chemical and electrophysiological cell signals

Recording of chemical and electrophysiological cell signals from nervous systems is crucial not only to study and understand the information processing in the brain but also to diagnose neuron related diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. The early detection of these illnesses is decisive for the success of the treatment. Recently, new therapeutics have been developed to treat these deadly disorders, however the success critically depends on the disease’s progression when the treatment starts. The aim of this project is to develop novel aptamer biosensors that are able to record biochemical signals from real patient blood samples. We intend to detect biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease which directly report on the disease status in an early stage before symptoms have evolved. Therefore, affordable but versatile sensors are required that allow a community-wide preventive, routine testing of elder people. We have demonstrated that biosensors made from organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) possess the capability to detect trace amounts of biomarkers in complex samples. In the scope of this project, OECTs will be first fabricated in our cleanroom and later be used for the detection of minute amounts of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) biomarkers in patient samples. To achieve a selective detection of these biomarkers, novel aptamer receptors will be used. Aptamers are synthetic receptors, which are also considered as chemical antibodies with high affinities and robustness. Here, we will select several aptamer receptors for various novel AD biomarkers by a SELEX process. We intent to apply these aptamers to multichannel OECT devices, which can detect several critical biomarkers at the same time to facilitate an early but correct diagnosis. Our aptasensors will allow to screen many individuals for an onset of AD biomarker development, to distinguish between different stages of the disease, to monitor the progression of AD, and also to evaluate the success of patient treatments.
