专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-20 09:40


市场人士告诉 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询),尽管过去一周需求方面没有问题,但独联体板坯价格跟随板材价格持续下跌。

CIS slab prices are following the flatsteel price dynamic and continuing to weaken, despite there being no issuewith demand in the past week, market sources tell Kallanish .

土耳其钢厂上次从一家俄罗斯供应商采购的价格约为 410 美元 / cfr ,补充库存后退出市场,被美洲和南欧所取代。尽管意大利因新冠肺炎疫情采取封锁措施,但仍以约 405 美元 / cfr 达成正常数量的板坯交易,相当于 380-385 美元 / fob ,而北美买家采购的俄罗斯产品价格为 380 美元 / fob 黑海,过去两周他们一直在关注市场。

After Turkish mills replenished theirstocks with the last purchase at around $410/tonne cfr, from a Russian supplier, Turkey departed the market, replaced by the Americas and southern Europe. Despite the lockdown imposed by the spread of Covid-19 in Italy,regular slab volumes were sold at around $405/t cfr, netting back to $380-385/tfob, while North American buyers secured Russian volumes at $380/t fobBlack Sea, having been observing the market for the past two weeks.

亚洲方面,只有来自中国的需求,价格约为 400-410 美元 / cfr ,如果卖家愿意在价格方面让步,还盘意向几乎足以横扫剩余的独联体供应。多数市场人士认为,中国需求是独联体半成品材出口市场上的唯一亮点。一位市场人士说,“目前需求是市场上唯一重要的因素。有或者没有,考虑到不确定性,卖家几乎会接受他们收到的任何还盘。”

In Asia, demand is only coming fromChina, and at around $400-410/t cfr, its bid indications are almost high enoughto sweep up the rest of CIS availability, provided sellers are prepared to makeprice consessions. Most market sources see Chinese demand as a saving grace tothe CIS semis export market, by the virtue of its presence - "demand isthe only factor in the market today that is making difference. It is eitherthere or not - sellers are almost at the point of selling at any prices theyare offered, considering the uncertainty," one market source explains.

至少一家俄罗斯钢厂的 4 月产品已经售罄,但供应充足,因为市场上出现一些来自非传统供应商的板坯。贸易商称,随着独联体板材出口市场持续走弱,两家俄罗斯板材生产商表示准备出售板坯。

April casting allocations are closedfor at least one Russian mill, but availability can be ample, as some slabfrom non-traditional suppliers has been noticed in the market too. Asthe CIS flat products export market continues to soften, two Russian flat steel producers are indicating readiness to sell slab, traders say.


Slab prices are likely to continuefollowing flat products' price trajectory, at least until the market returns toits more traditional state of interplay between supply and demand, sourcesnote.



Asia Steel Markets 2020 (已延期)

22 Apr 2020, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
