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三思行研  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-29 14:51



会议探讨了中国在大宗商品市场中的重要性, 并分析了三个主要趋势如何影响全球大宗商品需求增长。

Yeah, thanks everyone for joining. So I'll cover three main views. The number one, view two is that we think that 3S China trends will push commodity markets from an era characterized by beta, by commodity moves, commodity prices and quantity and moving together to an era with significant divergences across, you know, commodities in terms of demand trends. Second, and related to the first node, I'll pitch why goal is our favorite commodity. And third, I will argue that weakness in China demand is risk, is skewing the risk to our own price outlook to the downside. Let's move to page UH7, which summarizes our 3 s nodes. So the basic idea is that there are basically three trends that are going to create pretty significant divergences in terms of the demand growth environment across commodities, very different from the 2 beta supercycle when all commodities were moving together.
So the first trend is shown in column 1, which is basically Beijing's focus on security of commodity supply. On the one hand, you have the long run goal to reduce the dependence on imports, which is weighing on imports of both oil and a natural gas, but is supporting demand of domestically produced commodities, including a coal and green power. On the other hand, you have this short run trends where policymakers want to fill up their strategic reserves through strategic reserve purchases of critical minerals, oil and also gold. From deck. Chinese central bank. Moving to the second trend, the supply side decarbonization strategy basically consists of aggressively supporting domestic production of low carbon technology such as Evs, batteries and power equipment. This surge of green supply obviously boosts demand for green metals such as Copper Alley and the battery metals. But he's also weighing on the mangrove of oil because we're seeing pretty rapid displacements of oil fueled cars by EDS.

The third trend, I think, is potentially the most important one. It's the slowdown in GDP growth that our China economics team expects from roughly 7% in the five years to depend before the pandemic to 3% by 2034. This slowdown will weigh on commodity growth across the complex, with particularly large effects for aluminum and steel and even keeping the level of China GDP growth constant, we have a major shift here away from the property sector as the source, key source of growth to the manufacturing sector. We do think that the shift away from the property sector is very negative for ferrous metals, and this shift to exports is not necessarily positive to global commodity demand, if the gains in Chinese manufacturing activity are really largely driven by gains in market share, which is basically what we're seeing.
The last column sort of adds it all up. The bottom line is that the effects of the 3S trends, global commodity demand growth should be negatives for the ferrous metals such as iron and steel, mostly negative for oil and mostly positive for gold and copper, which I think is a good segue to the second view I'd like to pitch. If we skip, I think, you know, several pages ahead to page nine.
Page 9, perfect. So our favorite long commodity right now is gold, not only because the structural increases in demand both from central banks such as the Chinese central bank, but also Chinese households as they look for alternative to invest with limited confidence in the property price outlook. Why are we bullish goals in the base case you rally another 6,7% by early 2025 to 27 dollars portrayons, both for structural and cyclical reasons. In the, on the structural side, we do think that the tripling in central bank purchases since Russia invaded Ukraine that you see on the left panel here is really here to stay is structural em central banks.
I think I've Learned that their reserves in dollars are not necessarily safe because of the possibility of US sanctions. And there are therefore aggressively piling up on gold. The cyclical reason to expect higher gold prices is that the Fed is very likely to cut. We'll get an update from Chair Powell in a few hours. But as rates come down, the opportunity cost of building hold comes down and we expect western investors to reenter the goal market.
So a pretty bullish base case, but I think the major appeal of the gold investment thesis here is that you should perform pretty well in alternative scenarios. The recession, for instance, or geopolitical scenarios, whether it's tariffs imposed by the US on China, whether would be pressure on the next lecture, potential escalation of the wars in the Middle East or Russia. I think in all these situations, the goal is likely to perform well with some simulation suggesting an additional 15% upside on top of our base case if you were to see an imposition of sanctions by the US or if the bond market were to worry about US debts trajectory in the context of elections, what about the downside? And how does that tie back to China? We think the downside is somewhat limited because China demand for gold is highly priced elastic. If you were to see a meaningful drop in prices, our model suggests that Chinese households would rebuy gold pretty aggressively because they tend to be very price elastic and sort of provide a floor under gold prices.
All right, third and final view, let's turn to the oil outlook and the role of China in the indoor outlook. We can go to page 11, which shows a remarkable weakness in Chinese oil demands, which we think slow down on a year over year basis to just 200 kbd in the first half. And it's actually down on a year over year basis at this summer.
And so the question is, why is Chinese all demands so weak in the next page gives the answer. Chinese oil demands on next stage has slowed down from 600 kbd on average before the pandemic to now just 200 kbd in the first half, primarily because of fuel switching with cars switching from oil, gasoline to root to power and trucks switching away from diesel to LNG. The second reason is that we're seeing a sharp slowdown in demand for oil based feedstocks that are basically allowing plants in China to produce goods such as plastics. And this petrochemical normalization follows a period of stereorapid capacity additions, which has led to very low petrochemical margins and therefore a sharp drop in advance. We think the long run new trend for Chinese old demand growth is probably closer to the recent 200,250 growth rate, then the very rapid 600 kbd growth base before the pandemic.

To wrap it all up, what does this mean for oil prices? Final slide No. 12 or base case still is brands in a 75 to 90 range with brands in the low 80s next year. But as this page shows, the risks are two sided, but on net skewed to the downside. With, for instance, a scenario where Chinese old demand stays flat at its current low level, taking off about $13 per barrel from our forecast, which would send brand to the high 60s. Also quite a lot of downside risk from potential tariffs imposed on their second potential Trump term. And last but not least, if we simulate a moderate recession, you know, price in demand models, brands would fall to roughly $50 per barrel.
Is there some upside? Yes, there definitely is. Geopolitical supply disruptions are still possible and a very plausible upside price scenario would be a sharp drop in Iran supply early next year, which could cause a temporary deficit, although you could expect that countries such as Saudi Arabia, I would try to fill in the shortfall and resolve the death. So bottom line, downside risk to the range, especially from the weakness in the, in China demand that we're seeing.
Thank you. You can hear me okay? Yes, we can. Yeah, right. So I'm gonna show actually a few slides as well, you know, on the China side in terms of the broader commodity demand and some of the supply response, you know, given the pricing, you know, getting very depressed.
Now this chart basically shows you kind of the high frequency trend in terms of what construction demand, which represented by construction steel, cement, aluminum on the top where, and also the manufacturer, which is within the bottom, which is flat steel, copper fabrication, aluminum fabrication. So the red color is basically this year versus the blue color last year. So broadly speaking, construction demand is somewhere around 10% to over 20% decline year on year. And this includes some of the later stage of the property construction, which is represented here by construction sections. And I think on the manufacturer side, it's generally less social, less depressed.
However, I think this year, you know, given we've s, we're basically seeing minus 2-3, this type of numbers that's continue to, that's, that is still a disappointment, I think, versus the expectation. I think the trend recently is that you are actually seeing further deterioration on young year basis in aluminum. But there has been some mild improvement, I think, in terms of positive, on the positive side for copper. And this is our August Waterbook survey. So even if you don't know, we speak with over 70 producers, both downstream and all down the commodity side or midstream every month. So it's not a, so for August, it's not particularly, I think, a strong nor very weak month. I would say it's relative, you know, unchanged, which actually means demand remained overall at a very depressed level.
But I would wanna to highlight, aside from all the weakness, we continue to see, there has been some interesting improvement in State Grid, which is reflected in copper supply. The supplier on the copper side for state grid and ultra high voltage and even energy storage, which actually you could send some of that and get some of the feedback from the Lucian part, Lucian side now. And so as a result, we're seeing some month on month trend improvement in copper. This is combined with some of the mild, also the recovery from the destructive demanding early part of the year. So that's kind of what you're seeing in the near term. And the other thing is, we've been talking about is actually in the first, since the end of second quarter, we are actually seeing higher than normal finished goods inventory. And I mean, that is a result of certainly production is still higher than the demand in the second quarter. So third quarter is likely to be, you know, destocking quarter. And I think given the current supply demand environment, this remains to be at 20 to 40% higher. In terms of the responses, respondent that seeing the abnormal inventory, but there has not been really meaningful destocking taking place.
Now what's really interesting here, probably we need to mention there are some near term production cut cycle that coming through. So specifically, if you look at a steel, which is on the top part, you're seeing cash margin, you know, continue trending down on a very negative side. We actually on the right side is a peak IM production in red. You're starting to see the changes towards end of July or early August. I think going into the next one month in September, we're also expecting us the the quite a lot of meals to actually cut their production versus July by about 10%, which means the peak in production will continue to trend down and that probably will lead to, you know, some stabilization in terms of the margin given the demand environment. But it's also a reflection or what Mills actually can see in the coming September that probably is not very promising. And it has certainly has a lot of negative implication on Iron War as well as Dan just commented. In terms of the negative implication, I think that just a continued a structural trend going forward. We're also seeing some production cut in cement. Again, it basically helps the producer to survive, but it doesn't, it's never enough to change the trend. And it's probably a good point just to highlight this report on China capacity. And so beyond the commodity side, what the manufacturers are doing, manufacture profitability remains to be very poor. So in this report, we were basically discussing the potential inflection for the manufacturer side. But the starting point is the first cash margin. If you see a lot of red on these solar modules, electric vehicles, power semis, steel, that basically means half or more than half the industry is at zero cash margin and gray I is at negative cash margin and gray is zero. So this is as bad as a lot of the downstream, upstream sector. And we're also seeing supply response here too. And in terms of capex revision. So the producers are responding by taking capacity. The pace of capacity expansion slower in some of the sector that being, seeing probably very trauma dramatic negative margins such as lithium battery and solar module.
I think that cycle in terms of the supply demand cycle probably will be a lot longer than what we just discussed in steals in versus say, production cut cycle. If you cut in projects and that can actually drive a cyclical improvement. But this is, you know, very much, you know, why we're expecting with current trend that some of these manufacture sector in the coming years, we should see improving utilization in, you know, in solar module and Lisa and battery, but 0 obviously not this quarter. This is more of a trend we're watching and trend is emerging, developing on the ground as well.
