Both sides lodged appeals against the ruling. PubPeer objects to revealing the identity of the last commenter. MrRoumel wants to know the identities of them all.
Two goliaths of information technology, Google and Twitter, lodged a brief in support of PubPeer in January 2016. So did two giants of science: Harold Varmus, a Nobel prize-winning cancer researcher, and Bruce Alberts, a former president of the National Academy of Sciences. They argued that the First Amendment protects “unfettered scientific discourse”.
2016年1月,两大信息技术巨头Google和Twitter发表简要声明表示支持PubPeer网站。诺贝尔奖获得者、癌症研究员Harold Varmus,美国国家科学院前院长Bruce Alberts两位科学大家也表示支持,他们认为第一修正案保护“不受约束的科学言论”。
On October 19th the Scientist, a magazine, published some findings of a misconduct investigation carried out by Wayne State University in 2015. The report of this investigation, which the magazine obtained under America’s Freedom of Information Act, states that Dr Sarkar “engaged in and permitted (and tacitly encouraged) intentional and knowing
fabrication, falsification
, and/or
of data”. Furthermore, 18 papers from Dr Sarkar’s laboratory have been retracted from five different journals.