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湘油泵: 電子油泵系重要新趨勢,公司深度佈局核心客戶

天风国际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-06 18:16


Hunan Oil Pump

(603319 CH)


HOP’s potential growth leverages tech leadership, strong key customer ties and rising market demand

TP:RMB28.52 BUY (maintain)

投資要點/Investment Thesis

投资要点/Investment Thesis


公司是國內發動機潤滑冷卻泵領域的龍頭企業之一,擁有電子油泵、電子水泵、可變排量泵等國內領先、國際先進的核心技術,實現汽車泵類產品全產業鏈覆蓋。據公司23年業績快報披露的數據,2023年公司實現營業收入 194,090.09 萬元,同比增長 19.48%;歸屬於上市公司股東的淨利潤 22,574.52 萬元,同比增長 33.11%。公司近六年持續加大研發投入,積極拓寬新能源市場,新能源業務增長亮眼。

Chinese engine lubrication and cooling pump leader adds NEV coverage

Hunan Oil Pump (HOP) is a Chinese market leader in engine lubrication and cooling pumps. The company covers the full supply chain in automotive pump products and advanced core technology holds the edge in the domestic and global electronic oil and water pump markets, as well as variable displacement pumps. It posted revenue of RMB1.94bn in 2023, up 19.48%; with net profit up 33.11% to RMB225.75m. HOP has increased R&D investments over the past six years to grow its new energy business, which has resulted in strong growth.



Hybrid EV leader BYD partnership drives variable displacement pump business

Global tech leader: HOP’s variable displacement pump products are core components in the hybrid EV power system and its technology has energy-saving and engine efficiency advantages. Its advanced variable displacement pump technology leads the Chinese and international markets, and won over many customers around the world.

BYD: HOP’s collaboration with BYD, the hybrid EV leader, could drive up its variable displacement pump product sales. BYD’s DM-i super hybrid technology is behind its sales of more than 3.02m new energy vehicles (NEV) in 2023, the highest in the world. We anticipate HOP’s variable displacement pump technology will bring value-added growth, catalyzed by the blue ocean market potential of hybrid EVs, and spur the company’s long-term growth.



Rapid demand rise for electronic oil pumps drives HOP’s long-term growth

Amid a growing market for three-system electric drives, electronic oil pumps have become the mainstream thermal management option for pure EVs. Their advantages include energy efficiency, and integration and cost performance. HOP’s proprietary electronic oil pumps, including pre-oil supply pumps and reducer pumps, have achieved mass production and its well-known Chinese customers include Avatr Technology (backed by Changan Auto, CATL and Huawei), Dongfeng, FAW and SAIC. HOP’s advantages include proprietary key components, dual-function integration of cooling and lubrication, and high efficiency. The company started a production expansion project to help increase market share. We expect the three-system electric drive market will push up demand for electronic oil pumps and become a new profit growth driver for HOP.

投資建議/Investment Ideas


公司在新能源領域業務快速擴張+估值從較低的傳統燃油車切換至更強的新能源領域的雙重邏輯下有望迎來戴維斯雙擊。公司與比亞迪等龍頭車企的合作也有望爲公司打開混動市場空間,與阿維塔等純電車品牌綁定將進一步打開公司電子泵業務增長新曲線。我們預測23/24/25年公司歸母淨利潤分別爲2.26/2.57/3.10億元,給予湘油泵2024年23X PE,目標價格28.52元,維持“買入”評級。

Valuation and risks

Summary: we believe the Davis double-growth effect will drive dual catalysts of a rapid NEV business expansion and the valuation premium of switching from the ICE cars to NEVs. Meanwhile, HOP’s partnerships with auto leaders like BYD expand its hybrid EV business potential, while ties with pure EV brands such as Avatr support further growth of its electronic pump business.

Valuation: we forecast net profit of RMB226m/257m/310m in 2023/24/25E. We assign to HOP a 23x PE in 2024E, with our target price at RMB28.52. We maintain our BUY rating on the stock.

風險提示: 技術應用進度不及預期;市場競爭加劇;新能源汽車行業復甦不及預期;原輔材料價格波動風險;可轉債募集項目建設不及預期;23年業績快報是初步測算結果,具體財務數據以公司披露年報爲準。

Risks include: slower-than-expected tech application progress; intensifying competition; slower-than-expected recovery of the NEV market; price fluctuations in raw and auxiliary materials; and weaker-than-expected fundraising of the convertible bond project. Note: the 2023 performance report details preliminary estimates and is subject to actual data in the company’s release of its final 2023 results report.

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