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唧唧堂:JESP 实验社会心理学杂志2023年11月刊论文摘要14篇

唧唧堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-03-02 21:51


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解析作者 | 心理学导读库写作小组:
审校 | 心理学导读库写作小组: endless
编辑 | 小巴


多元文化经历——例如在国外生活、旅行或工作——可以带来很多心理上的益处,其中就包括减少群体间偏见。 然而,与群体间接触的文献不同,有关多元文化经历的研究还未检测这些经历的效价是否会调节这种结果。 所以,多元文化经历其实可能提高群体间偏见吗? 五项研究显示,当多元文化经历是负面的(而不是正面的)时,其会增加(而不是减少)群体间偏见。 研究采用了多种方法(回忆启动、虚拟现实模拟),经历涵盖多个国家,均显示负面多元文化经历可以增加群体间偏见(刻板印象、偏见)——不论是与特定多元文化经历有关联的群体还是无关联的污名化群体。 这种偏见增加的现象并不延伸到内群体成员或非人目标上。 群体间意识形态/世界观(特别是受到社会支配倾向)的变化可以中介负面多元文化经历对提高偏见的影响。 本文结果表明,在我们日益全球化的世界中,多元文化经历可以是一把双刃剑。

Multicultural experiences – such as living, traveling, or working abroad – can have many psychological benefits, including decreasing intergroup bias. However, unlike the intergroup contact literature, research on multicultural experiences has yet to examine whether the valence of these experiences may moderate such outcomes. So, could multicultural experiences actually increase intergroup bias? Five studies reveal that multicultural experiences increase (rather than decrease) intergroup bias when those experiences are negative (rather than positive). Across multiple methods (recall priming; virtual reality simulation), and experiences across multiple countries, negative multicultural experiences increased intergroup bias (stereotyping; prejudice) – both to groups associated, and stigmatized groups not associated, with the specific multicultural experience. This increased bias did not extend to ingroup members or non-human targets. The impact of negative multicultural experiences on increased bias was mediated by changes in intergroup ideologies/worldviews – specifically social dominance orientation. These findings reveal how multicultural experiences can be a double-edged sword in our increasingly globalized world.

论文原文: Affinito, S. J., Antoine, G. E., Gray, K., & Maddux, W. W. (2023). Negative multicultural experiences can increase intergroup bias. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 109, 104498.


使用统计方法检验中介效应很常见,但这并不是默认范式:研究者们也会通过实验方法进行中介分析,例如两随机试验设计、实验因果链设计、机制调节设计、平行设计,上述所有实验设计在流程与要求上有很大不同。哪些要求确有必要,哪些没必要?本文对比了这些研究设计在检测中介效应时的效力。确定了支持中介假设的三个基本要求:(A)自变量(X)与受到实验处理的中介变量(M)在因变量(Y)上有显著交互作用;(B)X对控制组中未经处理自然呈现的M有显著影响;(C)实验处理对M有显著影响。依据这些标准,现有实验设计都存在缺陷,因此本文提出了一个能满足上述三种要求的作为调节变量的中介处理设计(manipulation-of-mediation-as-a-moderator ,MMM)。MMM能为推断M → Y的因果关系给出有力证据,在很多情况下能避免虚报,还能为X与M的关系、实验处理后的M与直接测量的M的关系提供直接证据。本文为感兴趣的实践者提供了MMM的分步骤示例。讨论了X引起的M、实验处理的M和直接测量的M间的关系,以及中介与调节的差异。本文丰富了心理学对中介本质的理解。

Statistical mediation analysis is commonly used to examine mediation, but it is not the default paradigm; researchers also test for mediation through experimental mediation analysis, such as the two randomized experiments design, the experimental-causal-chain design, the moderation-of-process design, and the parallel design, all of which differ considerably in terms of procedures and requirements. Which requirements are genuinely necessary, and which are not? This paper compares the effectiveness of these research designs in examining mediation. Three constitutive requirements for supporting a mediational hypothesis were identified: (A) a significant interaction effect of the independent variable (X) and the manipulation of the proposed mediating process (M) on the dependent variable (Y); (B) a significant effect of X on the measured M within the control group whose M is not manipulated and can function naturally; and (C) a significant effect of the manipulation on the measured M. Using these criteria, existing designs all have drawbacks, so this paper proposes a manipulation-of-mediation-as-a-moderator (MMM) design to fulfill all three requirements. MMM provides strong evidence for the causal inference M → Y, avoids false alarms in many cases, and provides direct evidence for the relationships between X and M and between manipulated M and measured M. The paper presents a step-by-step example of MMM for interested practitioners. In its discussion of the relationships among X-caused M, manipulated M, and measured M and the distinction between mediation and moderation, this paper enriches the understanding of the nature of mediation analyses in psychology.

论文原文: Ge, X. (2023). Experimentally manipulating mediating processes: Why and how to examine mediation using statistical moderation analyses. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 109, 104507.


决策者使用候选人在社交媒体上的信息来做职业选择(例如,谁获得资源或得到工作)已成为越来越流行的做法。 本研究调查了是否存在性别双重标准,使得不同性别候选人在社交媒体上的“性感”照片对职业选择决策有不同影响。 尽管性别双重标准的现存证据薄弱且不一致,但我们在性感社交媒体照片影响职业决策上找到了有力且稳定的证据。 四项研究(N = 813)中,被试要评估候选人能否获得奖学金或工作,同时他们可以访问可能来自候选人社交媒体的照片。 向被试展示候选人自我性化或半职业化的照片。 这些照片由独立样本评价,认为其在性感程度和诱惑水平上有所不同,但在吸引力和喜爱程度上相似。 被试在看到自我性化照片时,明显更不愿意选择女性候选人(研究1a)。 在中国样本(研究1b)和有过雇佣经验的个体(研究2-3)中重现了性别双重标准的结果。 对女性候选人的惩罚只针对性感照片,在与工作无关的非性照片中则没有(研究2),该种效应甚至在具有很强胜任资质的候选人身上仍然存在。 社交媒体上的性感照片对女性候选人的职业结果造成了不成比例的惩罚效果,且不论选择哪组照片刺激,也不论被试的性别、种族及其自我报告是否支持性别双重标准,该种效应都存在。 我们的研究可以启发寻求职业晋升的个体和寻求促进公平、多样与包容的组织。

It has become an increasingly popular practice for decision makers to use information available on candidates' social media accounts to make professional selection decisions (e.g., who is given resources or job offer). The present work examines whether there is a sexual double standard in how candidates' “sexy” social media photos shape professional selection decisions. Although extant evidence for sexual double standards is weak or inconsistent, we obtain strong and robust evidence of a sexual double standard in how sexy social media photos bias professional selection decisions. Across four studies (N = 813), participants evaluated candidates for a desirable scholarship or job position and had access to photographs presumably available on candidates' social media accounts. Participants were presented with either self-sexualized or semi-professional photos of candidates, which had been judged by independent samples as differing on sexiness and seductiveness, but comparable in attractiveness and likability. When participants saw self-sexualized photos (vs. semi-professional photos) of the candidates, they were significantly less likely to choose the female candidate (Study 1a). This sexual double standard was replicated in a Chinese sample (Study 1b), and among individuals with hiring experience (Studies 2–3). The penalty against female candidates occurred specifically for sexy photos, but not for other non-sexual photos unrelated to work (Study 2), and even for candidates with unequivocally strong qualifications (Study 3). The effect of sexy social media photos to disproportionately penalize female candidates' professional outcomes was generalizable across participants of different genders, races, and self-reported endorsement of sexual double standards, as well as across different sets of photo stimuli. Our work has implications for individuals seeking professional advancement and organizations seeking to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion.

论文原文: Ni, M., & Zayas, V. (2023). Sexy social media photos disproportionately penalize female candidates' professional outcomes: Evidence of a sexual double standard. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 109, 104504.


从规范视角分析群体间歧视的研究显示,最小群体范式(minimal group paradigm ,MGP)中的被试之所以歧视,是因为他们认为这符合内群体期望(Iacoviello & Spears, 2018, 2021)。 本文中我们进行了一系列研究,考察了这种规范动态是只针对“内群体偏爱”,还是也能应用于“外群体仇恨”(Brewer, 1979)。 我们进行了三项研究(Ns = 405, 210, 307),首先探讨了感知到的规范,发现: 1)被试感觉内群体成员对外群体仇恨的谴责程度比外部实体(即社会科学家)要低; 2)被试感觉内群体成员鼓励内群体偏爱,但外部实体则谴责内群体偏爱。 研究3进一步表明,内群体偏爱和外群体仇恨行为都受到想象中的观众的影响,与想象存在外部实体相比,被试想象存在内群体成员时,上述两种行为会增加。 最后,研究4 (N = 410)表明,当内群体规范支持(而不是反对)歧视时,内群体偏爱和外群体仇恨都会增加。 主要讨论了规范视角在解释最小群体范式中内群体偏爱与外群体仇恨上的意义。

Research based on the normative perspective on intergroup discrimination showed that participants in the minimal group paradigm (MGP) discriminate because they perceive it to be in line with the ingroup's expectations (Iacoviello & Spears, 2018, 2021). The present set of studies examined whether these normative dynamics are peculiar to ‘ingroup love’, or whether they also apply to ‘outgroup hate’ (Brewer, 1979). Three studies (Ns = 405, 210, 307) first examined norm perceptions and showed that 1) participants perceived outgroup hate to be proscribed by ingroup members less than by an external body (i.e., social scientists), and 2) they perceived ingroup love to be promoted by ingroup members, but proscribed by the external body. Study 3 further showed that both ingroup love and outgroup hate behaviors were dependent on the imagined audience, increasing when participants imagined the presence of the ingroup vs. an external body. Finally, Study 4 (N = 410) showed that both ingroup love and outgroup hate increased when the ingroup norm was pro-discriminatory (vs. anti-discriminatory). The discussion focuses on the relevance of the normative perspective to explain both ingroup love and outgroup hate in the MGP.

论文原文: Iacoviello, V., Kulich, C., & Spears, R. (2023). A normative perspective of discrimination in the minimal group paradigm: Does it apply to both Ingroup love and outgroup hate?. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 109, 104514.


智能手机会降低人们从社交互动中获得的幸福感,但近90%的智能机用户报告称他们在最近的社交互动中使用过手机。 如果在社交互动中转向手机会让人们更不快乐,为什么人们还是很容易这样做呢? 为调查这一问题,我们要求被试与2-3位不认识的同龄人一起在一间临时娱乐室里共度20分钟。 随机将被试分进能拿到手机的组别或要把手机存起来的组别。 在20分钟期间,每5分钟评价一次被试的享受程度。 我们预测,最初手机能提供一些好处,但随着时间流逝,手机会逐渐破坏人们在与他人联系中获得的乐趣。 与我们的假设相反,手机没带来任何好处。 相反,与拿不到手机的被试相比,能使用手机的被试报告整体上主观体验更糟,社交显著更少(自我报告和客观测量都更少)。 本预注册的研究结果使人怀疑人们明智(尽管只证明了对短期利益的影响)做出使用手机选择的可能性,说明人们在社交场合使用手机时可能会违背自己的最大利益。

Smartphones can undermine the well-being people derive from social interactions, and yet nearly 90% of smartphone owners report having used their phones in their most recent social interaction. Why do people so readily turn to their devices, if doing so makes them less happy? To investigate this question, we asked participants to spend 20 min with 2–3 unacquainted peers in a makeshift recreation room. We randomly assigned groups to either have their phones accessible or to leave them stored away, and we assessed enjoyment for each 5-min phase of the 20-min period. We predicted that phones would provide some initial benefits; but, over time they would increasingly undermine the enjoyment people would derive otherwise by connecting with others. Contrary to our hypothesis, phones failed to confer any detectable benefits. Instead, participants who had access to their phones reported worse overall subjective experience and socialized significantly less (on both self-report and objective measures) compared to those who did not have access to their phones. The findings from this registered report cast doubt on the possibility that people are making sensible—albeit myopic—choices to use their phones, suggesting that people may be acting against their own best interest when they use phones in social situations.

论文原文: Dwyer, R. J., Zhuo, A. X., & Dunn, E. W. (2023). Why do people turn to smartphones during social interactions?. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 109, 104506.


针对面部感知的研究表明,在威胁性情境中,人们对人脸的感知不太可信。 此外,近期研究显示,这种面孔-情境结合效应受到与面孔和情境相关的因素调节: 威胁情境下,呈现面孔为犯罪者还是受害者会影响对其感知的可信度。 本文中,我们探讨了能否从微妙的面部线索中提取关系资格。 通过两项预注册过的研究(N = 225),我们检测了对于面部情绪而言,是否也存在面孔-情境结合效应。 实验1在威胁情境或无情境中呈现快乐或恐惧的表情。 面部情绪调节了面孔-情境结合效应: 与恐惧表情相比,情境威胁对归因可信度的消极影响在快乐表情中更强。 实验2中,被试从可信度和机敏度两个层面评价情绪刺激。 评价可信度时,情绪对面孔-情境结合效应有影响,但评价机敏度时则没有。 此外,在威胁情境下,被试将快乐面孔评价为更不可信的倾向,与他们对目标面孔在该场景中属于罪犯的信念有关。 讨论了考虑相关编码在研究人类感知时的重要性。

Research on face perception has established that faces surrounded by threatening contexts are perceived as less trustworthy. Moreover, recent studies revealed that such a face-context integration effect is moderated by the nature of the relational qualifier connecting the face and the context: presenting a face as belonging to either the perpetrator or the victim of the threatening context changes its perceived trustworthiness. Here, we asked whether relational qualifiers can also be extracted from subtle facial cues. In two preregistered studies (N = 225), we tested whether face-context integration is qualified by facial emotions. In Experiment 1, faces appeared with either happy or fearful emotional expressions in threatening contexts (vs. no context). Facial emotions moderated face-context integration: The negative impact of contextual threat on attributed trustworthiness showed stronger for happy than fearful faces. In Experiment 2, participants judged the emotional stimuli on both trustworthiness and smartness. Emotions altered face-context integration when judging trustworthiness but did not alter smartness judgments. Moreover, participants' tendency to judge happy faces in threatening contexts as less trustworthy correlated with their belief that the target face belonged to the criminal on the scene. The importance of considering relational encoding when studying person perception is discussed.

论文原文: Mattavelli, S., Fiamberti, G. C., Masi, M., & Brambilla, M. (2023). The “Happy Face Killer” in the eyes of the beholder: Relational encoding of facial emotions in context influences trustworthiness attributions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 109, 104517.


虽然已有研究探讨了对单一对象存在矛盾态度的后果,但我们还不清楚人们是如何感知有矛盾和不矛盾情绪的个体的。 我们通过6个实验检测了人们是如何感知并心理表征情感上矛盾和不矛盾的他人的,以及人们对与情感上矛盾和不矛盾目标的互动有何预期。 实验1表明,与矛盾目标相比,人们预期不矛盾的目标会分享的资源更少。 实验2表明,人们对有矛盾感情的目标和无矛盾感情的目标有着不同的心理表征,在一系列评估结果中有不同表现。 实验3表明,被试可以将对矛盾态度的描述与带有矛盾和不矛盾情感的面孔表征联系起来。 实验4表明,不矛盾的目标被评价为对他人最不公平。 实验5表明,对有矛盾情感和不矛盾情感的目标的表征会影响对目标价值、帮助他人意愿和照顾生病亲属适宜性的感知。 实验6使用对目标矛盾心理的口头描述复制了实验5的结果。 这些实验说明,热情和能力中介了矛盾情感对结果的影响。 综上,人们会以不同方式感知有矛盾和不矛盾情感的目标,人们对目标矛盾情感的推测会影响对他们的评估。

While research has studied the consequences of being ambivalent about a single attitude object, we know little about how dispositionally ambivalent and non-ambivalent targets are perceived. Across six experiments we examined how people perceive and mentally represent dispositionally ambivalent and non-ambivalent others, and how people expect to interact with dispositionally ambivalent and non-ambivalent targets. Experiment 1 demonstrated that a non-ambivalent target was expected to share fewer resources relative to ambivalent targets. Using a reverse correlation paradigm, Experiment 2 demonstrated that people have different mental representations of dispositionally ambivalent and non-ambivalent targets, who were evaluated differently on a range of outcomes. Experiment 3 demonstrated that participants could link descriptions of attitudinal ambivalence to representations of dispositionally ambivalent and non-ambivalent faces. Experiment 4 demonstrated that a non-ambivalent target was perceived as most likely to be unfair to others. Experiment 5 demonstrated that representations of dispositionally ambivalent and non-ambivalent targets influenced perceptions of the targets' values, willingness to help others, and suitability for looking after a sick relative. Experiment 6 replicated Experiment 5, using verbal descriptions of targets' ambivalence. Across experiments, warmth and competence mediated effects of dispositional ambivalence on outcomes. Overall, dispositionally ambivalent and non-ambivalent targets are perceived differently, and a target's inferred dispositional ambivalence influences how they are evaluated.

论文原文: Han, R., Proulx, T., van Harreveld, F., & Haddock, G. (2023). How people perceive dispositionally (non-) ambivalent others and why it matters. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 109, 104518.


人们常常要对他们想进行抽样、了解更多的刺激做一定程度的选择。 这些抽样决策可以在评估学习中起到重要作用。 近期研究显示,更频繁地抽取某一刺激可能导致对其评价有积极转变(Hütter, Niese, & Ihmels, 2022)。 本研究表明,抽样不仅对评价有直接的积极影响,而且会改变人们对自己抽样行为意义的解释。 本研究进行了五项实验,被试在一系列试次中抽取面孔与之互动。 每个试次中,被抽取的面孔与积极或消极图像配对,操纵被试的抽样目标。 分至抽取积极样本目标的被试对他们更频繁抽到的面孔有更积极的评价,无论其是与积极图像匹配还是消极图像匹配。 目标是抽到积极与消极平衡样本的被试在评价转变上有相似但较弱的效应。 而在消极目标的被试中这种效应消失(或逆转)。 在被试选择不抽的面孔中也出现了该种互补的转变。 因此,这些结果强调了人们对抽样行为的解释的作用: 抽样行为不必然预测喜好的情况下(即,当目标是抽取消极样本时),(与更少相比,)更常抽到某一刺激往往不会带来积极评价转变。

People often have some degree of choice over the stimuli they sample and learn more about. These sampling decisions can play an important role in evaluative learning, with recent work showing that sampling a stimulus more frequently predicts a positive shift in its evaluation (Hütter, Niese, & Ihmels, 2022). The current work suggests sampling does not merely have a direct effect of positivity on evaluations, but instead is malleable to people's interpretations of their sampling behavior's meaning. Across five experiments, participants sampled faces to interact with across a series of trials. On each trial, the sampled face was paired with a positive or negative image, and we manipulated participants' sampling goals. Participants given a goal to sample for positivity showed a positive evaluative shift toward the faces they sampled more frequently, regardless of whether it was consistently paired with positive or negative images. Participants given a goal to sample in a balanced way tended to show a similar but weaker effect on evaluative shift. Finally, this effect was eliminated (or reversed) among participants given a goal to sample for negativity. Complementary shifts in evaluation were also observed for faces participants chose not to sample. Thus, these results highlight the role of people's interpretations of what their sampling behavior denotes: in contexts in which sampling should not necessarily predict liking (i.e., when one's goal is to sample for negativity), sampling a stimulus more (vs. less) often does not create positive evaluative shifts.

论文原文: Niese, Z. A., & Hütter, M. (2023). The malleability of sampling's impact on evaluation: Sampling goals moderate the evaluative impact of sampling a stimulus. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 109, 104516.



The current work tested whether perceivers believe that women, relative to men, are likely to exaggerate versus downplay pain, an effect we refer to as the gender-pain exaggeration bias. The gender-pain exaggeration bias was operationalized as the extent to which perceivers believe women, relative to men, claim more pain than they feel. Across four experiments, we found that women were expected to exaggerate pain more than men and men were expected to downplay pain more than women (Studies 1–4). Further, judgments that women were more emotionally dramatizing than men contributed to this gender-pain exaggeration bias (Studies 2 and 4). We also assessed whether perceiver-level differences in endorsement of gendered emotional dramatization stereotypes (Studies 3–4) moderated this gender-pain exaggeration bias and found that endorsement of gendered emotional dramatization stereotypes moderated this bias. In sum, we document a relative gender-pain exaggeration bias wherein perceivers believe women, relative to men, to be emotionally dramatizing and therefore more likely to exaggerate versus downplay their pain. This bias may lead perceivers to interpret women's, relative to men's, pain reports as overstatements, inauthentic, or dramatized. Thus, the current work may have implications for well-documented biases in perceptions of (i.e., underestimating) and responses to (i.e., undertreating) women's pain.

论文原文:Paganini, G. A., Summers, K. M., ten Brinke, L., & Lloyd, E. P. (2023). Women exaggerate, men downplay: Gendered endorsement of emotional dramatization stereotypes contributes to gender bias in pain expectations. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 109, 104520.


为建立和维持有意义的社交联系,人们需要准确理解和预测他人情绪。 然而,当人们遇到新社交伙伴时,往往没有足够的信息来做出准确推断。 人们常常转而采用自我中心的启发式,用自我认识替代对他人的了解,从而预测目标。 这种自我中心的启发式是认知偏差还是真实世界社交预测的理性策略? 如果自我中心能为自然情境下有挑战性的社交预测任务提供理性且有效的解决办法,那么我们应该可以预期: a)自我中心预测更准确; b)自我认识可以是良好替代时,人们会在更大程度上依赖自我认识。 我们通过情绪预测任务和性格测试评估了一年级大学生和其新认识的室友之间的相似性和预测准确度。 结果表明,当人们需要预测不熟悉的新目标的情绪时,自我认识往往可以有效模拟对他人的认识,并进而支持人们做出准确的预测。 此外,该样本中,有代表性的被试(自我认识能更好地模拟目标信息的被试),在预测中更依赖自我认识,并因此能得到更高准确率。 该研究发现说明,人们会根据自我中心能否取得成效来理性地调整对该种策略的使用。 综上,上述发现证明,在自然决策情境下,通常被视为认知陷阱的自我中心投射现象有着理性的一面。

People need to accurately understand and predict others' emotions in order to build and maintain meaningful social connections. However, when they encounter new social partners, people often do not have enough information about them to make accurate inferences. Rather, they often resort to an egocentric heuristic, and make predictions about a target by using their own self-knowledge as a proxy. Is this egocentric heuristic a form of cognitive bias, or is it a rational strategy for real-world social prediction? If egocentrism provides a rational and effective solution to the challenging task of social prediction in naturalistic contexts, we should expect that a) egocentric predictions tend to be more accurate, and b) people rely on self-knowledge to a greater extent when it's more likely to be a good proxy. Using an emotion prediction task and personality measures, we assessed similarity and predictive accuracy between first-year college students and their new acquaintance roommate. Results demonstrated that, when people need to predict an unfamiliar target's emotions, self-knowledge can often effectively approximate knowledge about others, and thus support accurate predictions. Moreover, participants that were typical of the sample, whose self-knowledge can better approximate information about the target, relied more on self-knowledge in their predictions, and thus achieved higher accuracy. These findings suggest that people rationally tune their use of egocentrism based on whether it is likely to pay off. Overall, these findings demonstrate a rational side to a cognitive phenomenon usually framed as a cognitive pitfall, namely egocentric projection, when its natural decision context is taken into consideration.

论文原文:Zhao, Z., Sened, H., & Tamir, D. I. (2023). Egocentric projection is a rational strategy for accurate emotion prediction. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 109, 104521.


面对飓风等极端天气事件的潜在威胁时,人们必须做出重要决策,决定他们对要为事件做多少准备。很多因素都可能影响人们做准备或不做准备的决策——其中就包括社会因素。我们针对主要由富有的白人女性组成的样本做了三项在线调查(总计 N = 784),检测了社会因素——特别是对他人的印象和对印象管理的担忧——能否预测被试为两个真实飓风和一个虚构飓风做准备的倾向。我们使用整合数据分析(Integrative Data Analysis, IDA)合并检验了三样研究的结果,显示有两组重要结果。第一,人们在飓风期间的准备(或不准备)行为受到被试印象的影响。例如,被试对准备中的错误(即过度准备或准备不足)态度更消极,准备不足会面对最高水平的审查。第二,印象(特别是对他人准备不足或过度准备的印象)可以预测实际准备意图和准备行为。本文结果对更好地理解决策的社会性质和潜在干预手段有重要意义。

When faced with the potential threat of an extreme weather event, such as a hurricane, people must make important decisions about how much, if it all, they will prepare for that event. Many factors may influence people's decisions to prepare or not prepare – including social factors. In three studies among predominately White, female, and affluent online samples (total N = 784), we tested whether social factors—in particular, impressions of others and impression management concerns—predicted participant's intentions to prepare for two real hurricanes and one hypothetical hurricane. We use Integrative Data Analysis (IDA) to examine pooled results from the three studies. Results revealed two important sets of findings. First, the actions people take to prepare (or not prepare) during a hurricane influenced participants impressions. For example, participants tended to view making errors in preparation (i.e., over- or under-preparing) more negatively, with under-preparing facing the highest level of scrutiny. Second, impressions (particularly impressions of others under- or over-preparing) predicted actual preparation intentions and behavior. Results have important implications for the better understanding the social nature of decision-making and for potential intervention.

论文原文:Lipsey, N. P., & Losee, J. E. (2023). Impressions of preparing and intentions to prepare for a hurricane in the United States. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 109, 104523.



People seem to have stronger disapproving reactions when they have unfairly suffered from bias than when they have unfairly benefited from it (i.e., they seem less concerned when they have experienced positive bias). Is this because people do not care about the consequences of bias if it has positively affected them, or is it because they fail to notice positive bias? We argue that it is the latter, and that increasing awareness of a victim who has been harmed can “remove the blinders” of the beneficiary of bias. Across seven pre-registered studies of American participants, we tested the effect of a salient victim on people who have experienced positive bias. Our results show that when a victim has been made salient, beneficiaries of bias are more likely to recognize and condemn the positive bias, and they are also more likely to act to correct it. We found this salient victim effect when people reflected on their own positive treatment in society, when they benefited from favoritism in interpersonal interactions, and when they imagined benefiting from nepotism. The effect emerged with both direct and indirect manipulations of the victim. Moreover, the presence of a salient victim spurred more action in those who experienced positive bias even when there was a personal cost. We discuss the contributions of our research to the fairness, morality, and bias literatures.

论文原文:Zitek, E. M., Giurge, L. M., & Smith, I. H. (2023). Recognizing and correcting positive bias: The salient victim effect. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 109, 104522.



A growing body of evidence suggests that there is a close link between power and self. The sense of power could significantly affect the perceptions and judgments of self/others. For example, when in a powerful state, the individuals would overestimate their height and underestimate the other's height. It means that power affects the judgment and perception of self/others' physical height. The present study further examines whether the sense of power affects the spatial representation of self/other in three experiments using different paradigms. The results showed that participants in a powerful state responded faster to the self-related words at the top of the screen than at the bottom (Exp1), with an upward direction than with a downward direction (Exp2), and were more likely to choose an upward response after naming the self-related words than after naming the other-related words (Exp3), while these patterns were consistently reversed in a powerless state. This finding supports that the self/other is associated with the upper/lower space in the powerful state, and the self/other is associated with the lower/upper space in the powerless state. The present study enriches the literature on the psychological and behavioral effects of power, deepens the understanding of the mental representation of the self-concept from the perspective of power, and essentially provides new evidence for the flexibility of self-concept in humans.

论文原文:Hao, F., Jiang, Y., Huang, Z., Cheng, X., Fan, Z., & Ding, X. (2023). Self is up when you are powerful: Flexibility of self-concept. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 109, 104502.



Individuals often engage in brokering behaviors intended to influence other people's interactions and relationships. An open research question in the nascent literature on brokering as a social process concerns its situational antecedents. We introduce and test the novel hypothesis that employees' construal of the structure of work organizations as a hierarchy versus a network shapes the extent to which they judge different brokering behaviors as normative and useful for getting ahead at work. Converging evidence from three studies suggests that, relative to network construals, hierarchy construals inhibit intermediary and conciliatory brokering and facilitate divisive brokering. Our theory and findings identify a previously overlooked antecedent of brokering behavior and underscore the usefulness of social structure construals for explaining social relations in organizations.

论文原文:Moyal, A., Tan, J. C. Y., & Halevy, N. (2023). Brokering in hierarchies versus networks: How organizational structure shapes social relations. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 109, 104515.



















